She took her hometown of Texas in country A as an example, saying: "My grandfather, two uncles, and an aunt are all in rural Texas, and their wives and husbands are all around.

In the same rural area, do men here have to go out to work?".

Dani Rothschild asked Ge Siyi, "In the countryside, have men always gone out to work, and women have been in the countryside taking care of children and the elderly?"

Ge Siyi said: "No, a long time ago, life in the countryside was very peaceful, and the people were also prosperous, but the income and living standards could not keep up with the city. "

Namiri Collins' eyes lit up and she said, "Oh, that's a matter of the environment or people."

If rural people live the life

of rural people, and urban people live the life of urban people, and do not compare themselves with each other, there is no need for rural men to go out to work. "

Dani Rothschild said: "Also, I think that rural men have made sacrifices for the construction of developed areas and cities, and developed regions and cities should give help and compensation to the rural areas that export labor, and help the rural areas improve people's livelihood and increase income." "

Shi Jiahui was deeply inspired and said: "We came down to investigate this time to study and solve the problems of rural development and population reproduction.

The suggestion of Princess Dani and Miss Collins is very good, and I will record it and pass it on to Princess Zhao Weiyi, so that she can coordinate and solve the problem of 'rural men going out to work and wives can't bear to be lonely'. "


When Dani Rothschild, Namily Collins, Shi Jiahui, and Ge Siyi were discussing "rural men going out to work, and their wives couldn't bear to be lonely", the three detectives criticized and educated the three men and three women who played mahjong, and then persuaded them and the people who came to the hotel to make trouble to leave the Xiangkou Hotel.

After breakfast, Shi Jiahui got in touch with Hao Mengqi, the commissioner in charge of public welfare affairs at the Shishan Township Government Affairs Center.

Knowing that Shi Jiahui was from the capital and that there were foreign guests who came to investigate, Hao Mengqi did not dare to slack off, and hurriedly applied for a business car, and rushed to Xiangkou Hotel with the external propaganda commissioner of the Township Government Affairs Center.

In the restaurant on the first floor of Xiangkou Hotel, Shi Jiahui introduced the purpose of the trip:

The first is to accompany Ge Siyi to assist a poor girl;

The second is to investigate the current situation of population and marriage in Shishan Township, and solicit opinions and suggestions from grassroots population management departments on population, marriage and family.

Hao Mengqi also briefed Shi Jiahui, Dani Rothschild, Namili Collins and Ge Siyi on the basic situation of Shishan Township and Luoding Village.

Shishan Township is located in the northwest of Fuyun District, with 12 villages under its jurisdiction and a total registered population of more than 28,000 people, of which about 17,000 are aged 18 to 59.

Among the permanent population, only 9,000 are young and able-bodied workers aged 18 to 59, and the other 8,000 are migrant workers all year round.

Luoding Village is a poor village in Shishan Township, with a registered population of less than 700 people, a permanent population of only more than 400 people, and more than 80% of the elderly, weak, sick and disabled.

Luoding Village lacks resources, there are no special agricultural products, and the crops, fruits and vegetables grown on the ground cannot meet the basic needs of the whole village.


Dani Rothschild thought of country A's agricultural products exported to the world, and asked: "If the migrant workers stay in the countryside and develop characteristic agriculture, can they feed the whole village?"

Namiri Collins translates Dani Rothschild's question into Chinese in Country C.

Hao Mengqi responded: "I have read the local history of Shishan Township, many years ago, it was not backward.

The stone

mountain in Shishan Township was once famous as the high-quality stone for making stone tablets and palace building materials.

Several kinds of wild fruits on the rocky mountain are also very famous, and it is rumored that one of them was a tribute from the previous dynasty. "

"Oh, why don't you exploit such a good resource?" Dani Rothschild asked.

Shi Jiahui, Ge Siyi, and Namili Collins looked at Hao Mengqi quietly, expecting her answer.

Hao Mengqi smiled slightly and said: "I don't understand the economy, and I don't know why no one pays attention to the development of special resources in Shishan Township." "

Dani Rothschild said: "I am an investor, if the stone in Shishan Township is really different, and the wild fruits growing on Shishan are very distinctive, I can mobilize enterprises to invest."

With the landing of the enterprise, the man who went out can go home to reunite with his wife and children. "

"Really, great!".

Hao Mengqi has worked in Shishan Township for nearly 20 years, and it was the first time she received foreign guests, and she was pleasantly surprised, but also a little nervous.

If he can receive the VIPs and foreign guests from the capital and implement the investment of the foreign guests, Hao Mengqi will have considerable political achievements, and his future career will change accordingly.

She calmed down, observed her words, carefully studied the words and deeds of Shi Jiahui, Dani Rothschild, Namili Collins and Ge Siyi, and carefully responded to their questions.


After talking in the hotel for half an hour, Hao Mengqi rushed to settle the meal bill, arranged for everyone to go on the road, and went straight to Luoding Village.

About 20 minutes later, Hao Mengqi and Shi Jiahui drove the car into the Luoding Village Office and parked in the courtyard.

Luo Rongguang, the head of Luoding Village, was already waiting in the courtyard with three clerks.

Luo Rongguang took everyone to the humble conference room and brewed rattan tea grown by the villagers of Luoding Village.

Then, Luo Rongguang introduced the population, family and economic situation of Luoding Village.

"There are more than 260 young and strong laborers in Luoding Village who work in the provincial capital all the year round, and most of the people who stay in the village are old, weak, sick and disabled.

The village wanted to develop characteristic agriculture, and several bosses came to talk about investment plans, but due to the shortage of labor, they finally failed. "

"Is the salary too low to be attractive to the villagers who go out to work?" Dani Rothschild asked.

Luo Rongguang replied: "I asked several young people, and they were reluctant to come back, first, because they were worried that the foreign boss would not work long, and second, they were used to the lively life in the city and did not want to return to the village, especially girls. "

Hao Mengqi sighed: "Yes, the environment in the city is good, the material is rich, and there are many handsome guys.

When girls come to the city and

see the world, they all want to marry in the city, and no girl wants to marry back to the village. "

Shi Jiahui looked solemn and said: "If this is the case, it will be difficult for the countryside to retain young people, and it will be difficult to develop." "

Everyone sighed with emotion and cut to the chase.

Ge Siyi asked about the basic situation of the aid recipients, and Luo Dingcun said: "Luo Ruijuan's family has six people, father Luo Huijun, mother Chen Bilian, and grandfather and grandmother.

Luo Ruijuan is 10 years old this year, in the third grade, and has a 7-year-old brother below, and is immediately facing the problem of going to school.

Luo Ruijuan's father works in the provincial capital all the year round and comes back three or four times a year, and her mother Chen Bilian ran away from home half a year ago and went to the field with a contractor in a neighboring county.

After Chen Bilian ran away from home, Luo Ruijuan's siblings were taken care of by their grandparents.

The two old men were frail and sickly, and it was very difficult to take care of Luo Ruijuan's sister and brother. "

"How much money can Luo Ruijuan's father send back every month?" Shi Jiahui asked.

When Luo Ruijuan's mother was still there, her father would send 1,500 to 2,000 yuan home every month.

Since Chen Bilian ran away from home, Luo Huijun has only sent living expenses to Luo Ruijuan's grandmother twice. "


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