The three of them came to the observation hall of the amusement park hunting center along the visiting passage, and spent 500 yuan to ask for a small private room on the third floor.

Here, you can not only see the main battlefield of the hunting center, but also keep an eye on the situation of each entrance and exit and each trading floor in real time.

At this time, the beautiful host of the hunting center, Hu Lijing, was announcing the rules of the competition through the sound system of the hunting center.

"Players, please note that the Rich Overnight Hunt Tournament starts from 9:30 a.m. to 3 p.m., and each player must sign up through a hunting agent and purchase items, all of which are gold hands.

The gold hand is divided into two kinds, one is the original gold hand, and the other is the second-hand gold hand, as the

name suggests, it is second-hand, also known as the circulation of the gold hand.

Once the 'Original Gold Hand'

is listed for circulation, it will automatically become the 'Circulating Gold Hand'.

Different brands of gold hands have different prices and different combat power.

Players can bid for the 'Original Gold Lot'

by lottery on the primary trading floor, or they can purchase the 'Circulating Gold Lot' at the market price on the secondary trading floor.

Hunting tournaments will be decided by the number of gold hands that cut the opponent.

In addition to the huge price difference, the players who won the various awards of the hunting competition also had the opportunity to share a huge demographic dividend, beauty and supreme glory.

It is inevitable that there will be players who have their hands, feet, and even heads cut off during the competition.

Therefore, I would like to remind everyone that there are no eyes for knives and guns, and you must pay attention to protecting yourself.

Life and death are fateful, and wealth is in the sky. Hunting is risky and should be invested with caution.

I announce that the Overnight Rich Hunt is now officially underway!".

"When. "

With the sound of a gong, Hu Lijing notified the first-level trading hall to open the gate and let people enter the market.

The auction information of the "original gold hand" of

4 brands was announced on the screen of the first-level trading floor, and the price of the "original gold hand" of each brand was different, the cheapest "bank gold hand" only cost 200 yuan per hand, and the most expensive "flickering gold hand" only cost 280,000 yuan each.

The number of "original gold hands" is fixed, and the more players rush to buy, the lower the winning rate. On the contrary, the winning rate is high.

As a result of the lottery, whoever has more money and who has more strength will have the opportunity to buy more "original gold hands".

The results of the

latest round of lottery were announced, and the senior players wearing protective armor and stepping on the hot wheels, including "cemetery chicken essence", "private chicken essence", "persuasion business", "tour capital", "insurance", "financial management" and "famous enterprises" won about 60% of the chips.

Some individual players with solid backgrounds also shook some "primordial golden hands".

After the lottery on the primary trading floor

, the playground began to play the "warm-up music" of the Overnight Rich Hunting Contest on the secondary trading floor.

Accompanied by the rhythmic "warm-up music", the powerful players who shook the "original golden hand" in the first-level trading hall entered the second-level trading hall one after another, occupied a favorable position, and waited for the start of the game.


Five minutes later, the glass curtain wall of the secondary trading hall suddenly disappeared, and the entire trading hall became a grand and boundless virtual hunting ground.

Three salutes rang out, and brand owners with booths on the first-level trading floor sent spokespersons, dressed in distinctive costumes and holding billboards, to act as bait to attract thousands of players inside and outside the playground to hunt.

Spokespersons holding billboards such as "Metaverse", "Carbon Neutrality", "Photovoltaic Power Generation" and "8G Technology" are particularly popular, attracting tens of millions of players to bid for them.

Players use thousands or trillions of "real money" to buy the "original gold hands" and "circulating gold hands" in the hands of brands and other players, waiting in front of the big screen showing the market, waiting for the price to sell.

As the transaction progressed, the "original gold hand" and "circulating gold hand" that the player bought at a premium were automatically grafted onto himself, and thousands of "Thousand Hands Guanyin" soon emerged in the hunting ground.

The "Thousand

Jin Guanyin" excitedly waved their "Thousand Hands" and shouted in unison, "I want the head nurse" and "I want three boards".

The spokesperson of the brand completed the task of "luring the enemy deep" and withdrew one after another. The "Thousand-Armed Guanyin" began a new round of trading.

"$57 a share. "

"58 yuan a share. "

"I'll pay 59 yuan a share. "


"Do you want a price limit?".

"Yes, I want, I want ......


With the rise of the stock price, the "Thousand Hands Guanyin" have sold the "circulating gold hands" to players with short or light positions to earn the difference.

Among the players who have earned the difference, some people will accept it when they see it and settle down for it, while others will continue to participate in the transaction.

Driven by buyers, the share prices of some of the "circulating gold hands" are getting higher and higher.

Just as the players were frantically pushing up the stock price and losing their minds, the situation in the sky above the hunting center suddenly changed, and countless black bears rushed out of the air and the ground to pounce on the "Thousand-armed Guanyin" with a "circulating golden hand".

Everywhere the black bear went, the "Thousand-Armed Guanyin" were invincible, dead and wounded, and the entire hunting center was plunged into a bloody storm and a howl of ghosts and wolves.

Blessings are incomparable, and disasters are not singular. The black bear is still poisoning the creatures, and the sound of gunfire and cries can be heard around the player's periphery.


Bang bang ......".



"Tutu Tutu Tu ......




The "Thousand-Armed Guanyin" trading on the floor panicked and sold their "circulating gold hands" one after another, trying to lighten the burden and flee lightly.

Gunshots and explosions came one after another, lightning and thunder thundered in the air, and then it rained heavily, and the "Thousand-Armed Guanyin" trampled on each other, and the corpses of the entire hunting ground were all over the field, and the blood flowed like a river, like the end of the world.


Gu Lisha trembled with fright, put down the binoculars, and grabbed Lu Fengxian's hand through Yang Xi.

"Hey, the sky is clear above the Jijia Building, why is the playground thunder and lightning, and the storm and rain?"

Lu Fengxian also noticed the difference in climate between inside and outside the playground, the hunting center encountered extreme weather, but the scene was different in the circular first-level trading hall and outside the playground.

The wind and sun are beautiful outside the first-level trading hall and amusement park, and the display screens are playing the glorious images of profitable players.


legend of the winners of the hunting tournament who became rich overnight inspired players outside the playground to line up to enter the hunting center.

Looking at the strange scene of the two heavens of ice and fire, Lu Fengxian suddenly realized and said: "I understand, the weather in the playground is artificially manipulated, and it is estimated that another group of players will be unlucky." "

"Well, I think so. Yang Xi echoed.


"Look. Gu Lisha pointed to the hillsides, hills, and high buildings in the hunting ground, and said, "It turned out that the sniper did it." "

Lu Fengxian, Gu Lisha, and Yang Xi picked up the binoculars on their seats to inspect the snipers hiding on the hillside and high in the building, and also found stealth planes flying around in the air.


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