When shaking hands with Rogers Daniel and Jacob Pence, the two reacted quickly and were able to gather strong strength in an instant to deal with Lu Fengxian's sneak attack.

Gao Bensong, who came from the Honggang Special Economic Zone, was vulnerable, and Lu Fengxian only used one percent of his strength, and the other party could not bear it, with a painful expression on his face.

Lu Fengxian put his ear close to Gao Bensong's ear and apologized to him in a low voice, obtaining his understanding.

The guests and hosts rearranged their seats, Lu Fengxian and Tian Shaofen sat in the C position facing the gate, and Jin Lulu sat on the left.

Rogers Daniel, Jacob Pence, and Gao Bensong sat between Ji Fanxi, He Bingyu, Shen Mengqi, Fei Manjing, Wei Siqi, and You Yuzi respectively.

Lu Fengxian listened absentmindedly to Tian Shaofen's alumni, chatting about the topic of the south and the north, and thinking about how to deal with the three men who were guarding He Bingyu, Fei Manjing, and Wei Siqi.

"It's a rare opportunity, today I have to find a way to take down the seven top students, and then trick them back to China.

It is not

a big problem to take down Jin Lulu, Shen Mengqi, Ji Fanxi, and You Yuzi, but the three men of Rogers Daniel, Jacob Pence, and Gao Bensong are here, and it is not easy to attack He Bingyu, Fei Manjing, and Wei Siqi. "

"Looking at the situation at the moment, the best thing to do is to get the three men drunk. How do you get them to toast each other and get each other drunk with the Ecstasy Dafa?

To be sure, it's best to put them down within three cups!".


During his training at the Incense Society, Lu Fengxian learned to make a cocktail with Bacardi, rum, red wine, brandy, and fruity drinks. This cocktail, as long as you drink 50 ml, no matter how heavy the drinker, you have to drink it.

"Hmm. Buy the bartenders and waiters here, and come together inside and out. "

Lu Feng had an idea first, and when the waiter left the box, he pretended to go out to answer the phone.

In the hallway, he caught up with the waiter, pulled her into the empty box, locked the door, and took out $1,000 and shoved it into her hand.

The waiter smiled and said, "Sir, what can I do for you?".

Lu Fengxian held the waiter's Yang Liu's slender waist and said, "You help me find a bartender, make four cocktails according to my recipe, and divide them among the four of us men." The $1,000 is for the bartender, and I'll give you another $1,000 when it's done. "

The beautiful waitress shook her head again and again, and said, "Sir, I'm sorry, I can't help you." "

Lu Fengxian asked, "Why?"


waiter said: "The hotel has rules and cannot accept unreasonable requests from guests. If our waiters are free to mix wine for our guests, if something happens, what other female guest will dare to come to our hotel for dinner?".

Lu Fengxian took out another 2,000 US dollars, stuffed it into the waiter's hand, and said, "In this way, if the hotel embarrasses you, I will bear all the responsibility." "

The waiter said, "I'll tell you the truth, before you arrived, someone offered $2,000 for me to prepare a cocktail to get you drunk." I refused!".

"Oh. Is it?".

Lu Fengxian smiled awkwardly, feeling amused that both the enemy and the enemy used the same bad move.

The waiter glanced at Lu Fengxian, returned the $1,000 to him, and said, "Do you want to take back the $1,000?"

Lu Fengxian was so anxious that he had to resort to the Dafa of Ecstasy.

He stared into the waiter's eyes and said softly, "No, thank you!

Since the $1,000 can't be given to the bartender, I'll give it to you. "

The waiter looked at Lu Fengxian carefully, rolled his eyes, and said, "You don't look like a bad person." Actually, it's not entirely impossible, unless it's ......


Lu Fengxian excitedly surrounded the waiter and said, "Unless anything?

The waiter wrapped his left hand around Lu Fengxian, pinched his chin with his right hand, and said, "You promise to support me for a year, give me $10,000 a month, and I will help you." "

"Okay, no problem, I'll raise you!".

Lu Fengxian excitedly held the waiter's face and sealed her ......

Then, Lu Fengxian and the waiter added each other's contact information and gave her $10,000.

The waiter told Lu Fengxian that her name was Shamansa Rodriguez, 23 years old, and she came from an ordinary family in country A.

She promised to find the hotel's bartender and make four "drunk in one sip" cocktail according to the recipe provided by Lu Fengxian.


Back in the box, another waiter was serving food and snacks. Lu Fengxian took the initiative to chat with Jin Lulu, chatting from the macrocosm, microcosm, and supermicrocosm worlds to the inner self, outer self, and five-dimensional space.

Compared with the mainstream three views, there are obvious differences between the cosmology and world view that Lu Fengxian talked about, but the logic is cautious and interlocking, and no flaws can be found.

Jin Lulu was aroused by Lu Fengxian's unique vision and novel point of view, and pestered Lu Fengxian to get to the bottom of it.

Lu Feng avoided the important first, answered part of the answer, ignored part of it, and whetted her appetite.

The reason why Jin Lulu was able to realize her childhood dream was due to her hunger for new knowledge.

The problem that Lu Fengxian ignored, Jin Lulu naturally would not let go.

Jin Lulu asked for the answer, and Lu Fengxian fell into her ear and whispered.

Jin Lulu grabbed Lu Fengxing's hand under the table, pinched it lightly, and glanced at him.


On the opposite side of Lu Fengxian, to

the left of Jin Lulu, and to the right of Tian Shaofen, Rogers Daniel and Jacob Pence chatted with their companions while paying attention to Lu Fengxian's movements.

After a while, Shamanza Rodriguez and another waiter served dishes, snacks and drinks to remind the guests to start eating.

Tian Shaofen stood up and gave a toast as the host, officially opening the luncheon.

According to the agreement between Shamanza Rodriguez and Lu Fengxian, the cocktails on the first round are low in strength and have a good taste, so you can drink them with confidence.

In the second round, there was a 14% red wine, which was significantly higher in alcohol than the cocktail.


Between pushing the cups and changing the lamps, everyone persuaded each other to drink. The amount of alcohol is not good, the skin is tender, and the face gradually has a slightly drunk taste.

After Tian Shaofen, Jin Lulu, Shen Mengqi, Fei Manjing, and Wei Siqi toasted, Lu Fengxian stood up and proposed that the four men have a drink together.

Under the gaze of the eight beauties, Rogers Daniel, Jacob Pence, and Gaubensong did not refuse, and drank the remaining red wine in the glass together.

Shamanza Rodriguez seized the opportunity to pour the "one sip drunk" cocktail into the glasses of Rogers Daniel, Jacob Pence, Takamomoto and Lu Fengxian.

Shamansa Rodriguez put the wine dispenser aside, picked up a cup of black tea, walked to Shen Mengqi's side, and said, "Distinguished gentlemen and ladies: I am Shamansa Rodriguez, the lobby manager in charge of receiving you, and I will replace the wine with tea to welcome you on behalf of the Sky Garden Hotel." "

Shamanza Rodriguez drank a full cup of tea and looked around with a big smile.

Lu Feng took a sip of the cocktail first, held it in his mouth, pretended to drink it, and observed the movements of Rogers Daniel, Jacob Pence, and Gao Bensong with the corner of his eye.

Rogers Daniel, Jacob Burns, and Gobenson noticed that the third glass tasted different from the first two, but they still took a big sip of the cocktail because of the foreshadowing of the first two rounds of wine.

Shamanza Rodriguez left the box and dialed Lu Fengxian's mobile phone. Lu Fengxian took the opportunity to get up, left the box, spit the cocktail in his mouth on a tissue, and threw the tissue into the trash bin in the aisle.


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