It's a new week. Even one click is very important for new books. Children's shoes, give me some power, OK?


As a grandfather, Chen Cangtian is very difficult to deal with. Chen Qingyun knows this well, so he keeps a high enough vigilance towards crystal's grandfather. These old people, from fighting the Japanese devils to civil war and special period, have gone through ups and downs. How can they be so easy to deal with. Maybe a little negligence, all previous achievements are wasted.

Seriously dressed up, shirt, trousers, shoes, very orthodox dress. These old people don't like those fancy things. These clothes are their favorite.

At 9 am, crystal appeared in Chen Qingyun's home on time. Today, she looks very fresh. There is no expensive jewelry, there is no all kinds of complex collocation, only a flawless knee length skirt. He had long hair on his shoulders and a pair of sunglasses on his face. This thing has become her exclusive camouflage, always with her.

After removing those luxurious decorations, the crystal did not lose any aura, but showed her own temperament. Now Chen Qingyun knows that for some women, make-up is a waste!

Crystal without any modification of the cheek more charming, no wonder there are so many men like crystal, there is indeed the ability to bring disaster to the country.

"Yes, it seems that this kind of thing has been done a lot. Let's go Chen Qingyun did not wait to praise crystal, the other side praised Chen Qingyun, but the attitude is very flat.

"Well, can't you treat me better? How to say I am also your creditor! You still owe me five million? "

"You seem to be mistaken. I'm your boss until the contract is terminated. " Crystal hit a loud finger, the door did not enter, turned to go downstairs.


The boss is very arrogant!

There is a dark green beetle downstairs. It's small and exquisite. It's inevitable that women like this kind of car.

"Why don't you bring a driver out?" Although I know crystal has no star shelf, I'm still curious.

"Outside, few people know about my family. Generally, I drive my own car when I go home. " Crystal explained and started the car.

"Oh, so it is. That... "

"I have something I want to talk to you about." Crystal side of the car while driving side squint said.

Chen Qingyun put it back. This kind of small car is a little small for more than one meter eight. After adjusting a comfortable position, he put his hands behind his head and asked, "let's talk about anything."

"When you see my grandfather later, you'd better put away this lazy look. Otherwise, once he does not like you, it will affect the mood. Affect the mood will affect his condition, even for the normal progress of the contract. Please Crystal this words say some helpless, she said very tactful, her grandfather is absolutely will not like Chen Qingyun this lazy character.

"You women just think too much. Maybe your grandfather likes my character of daring to say and do?"


This is really called dare to say dare to do, just hope that grandfather is not angry with this guy, crystal heart silent prayer.

In front of the ward of the head of Zhonghai military region hospital, there are two soldiers with live ammunition, tall and straight, and meticulous. No one doubts whether there are bullets in their guns.

Standing in front of the door, crystal again told Chen Qingyun what to say, what not to say, which can be done, which can not be done. Now Chen Qingyun thinks that this girl has already begun to have the potential to be a son. She has said it again in the car, and she still reminds me again when she arrives at her destination.

Into the ward, a beautiful little nurse is doing leg massage for the old man lying on the bed. The old man's lower body has basically lost consciousness because of the blockage of blood vessels. In addition to daily medication, daily massage to prevent muscle stiffness is essential.

The little nurse is very beautiful and professional. Even if there are visitors, she does not relax her massage for a moment.

"Grandfather, we've come to see you!" Crystal side said, while the flowers inserted in the vase at the head of the bed, sat down to the bed with a smile, greeting Chen Qingyun standing at the door“ What are you doing standing there

"Grandfather, this is my... Husband, Chen Qingyun!" Crystal with a slightly shy appearance to introduce them.

"Hello, grandfather." After Chen Qingyun's regular greeting, he looks like a good baby.

Crystal put down her heart, it seems that the other party did not take her words as the wind in her ear. However, Chen Qingyun's next sentence almost made her have the impulse to kill.

"Come on, Grandpa, have a cigarette!"

"Qingyun, grandfather can't smoke!" Crystal frowned, eager to bite each other.

"Oh, I'm sorry, Grandpa. I can only smoke by myself." Chen Qingyun carries the cigarette in his mouth.

"This is the ward, and you can't smoke!" Crystal some crazy, Ya of, can also line?

Lying on the bed looking at the young couple bickering, the water tiger laughs. It can be seen that he is very happy today“ Jingjing, it's normal for men to smoke. Don't make a fuss. Besides, I don't have any rules here. Qingyun! Come and sit next to me

"Well, Xiao Li, let's press here today."

The little nurse got up and left. Chen Qingyun came to the bedside to continue to finish the work that the nurse didn't finish.

"I've also learned some massage. Don't worry, Grandpa. I'll press it for you." Chen Qingyun asked, but the action on his hand had already begun.


"Hey, be careful!" Crystal worried said, this guy how to do some frightening things.

"Ah... How comfortable!"


After pressing for a short time, Chen Qingyun stops. Massage also has a limit, too long, such as the water tiger body is unbearable.

During this period, Chen Qingyun is very serious and seems to have entered the role of a doctor. His lazy expression on his face naturally subsides. Let sit to observe crystal almost forget this guy is to see grandfather, how to become a doctor?

"Give me your wrist."

Chen Qingyun holds his breath and looks very professional. This can make one side of the crystal anxious. This guy's got a pulse again. Even if the massage, after all, do not see a professional unprofessional. She doesn't think Chen Qingyun can cure his illness. You know how many experts in China have seen his illness, and there is no good way. Why does he join in the fun? You know what grandfather hates most is the kind of people who are not flashy, which is terrible.

"It is caused by weak pulse, blocked blood and weak Qi and blood. But it doesn't look too bad. As for the operation, I don't think it's necessary. If you can trust me, I can try acupuncture. With the treatment of Western medicine, I believe I can recover and leave hospital soon. "

"Ha ha... It's said that Chen Qingyun is born when he has a son. He has both ability and political integrity. I didn't expect that your medical skills are so powerful. All my life, I'm not afraid of the little devil's bayonet. What else can I be afraid of. In the future, my illness will be treated by you! "

"Wait! Grandfather... Do you want him to treat you later? " Crystal feels that today's psychological endurance tends to collapse.

"Yes! What's the problem? " Water tiger asked with a smile.

Crystal wry smile, of course, there is a problem, but also a big problem! How can my grandfather trust Chen Qingyun so much that he just met him once? He seems to know each other better than himself. Is the other party really OK?

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