Second, at least one more. Guys, the rookie list has dropped to 16. Come on! We can't sink down so easily. At present, the gap with the above is not very big. It depends on you.


After a comfortable convenience in the toilet, the old man walked out slowly. However, when passing by the teaching building, I was surprised to find that Chen Qingyun's motorcycle was missing.

How is that possible?

The old man rushed to the gate and asked the mender.

"The motorcyclist just left?"

One of the workers replied, "well, just left. He also asked us to tell you, thank you for helping him watch the motorcycle. Besides, he will come again. The lock is on the door

If it wasn't for the workers themselves, the boss couldn't believe that Chen Qingyun had left. The heart is very puzzled, this guy is how to get the lock head?

Came to his door, found that the lock is actually locked on the door.

"Well, boy, don't you know I have a key?"

The old man proudly took out the key to open the chain lock, but the proud expression on his face soon froze.

"This little son of a bitch has blocked up the keyhole."


Peach blossom who has done wrong usually has a good performance period. It's not that she can correct her mistakes, but to make you paralyzed and forget what she did as soon as possible. At the same time, it also lays the foundation for the next mistake.

As soon as I got home from school, I immediately began to work to make up for my mistakes. She picked up a lawn mower half her height and ran to the villa door to trim the bushes and flowers.

Before going out, Chen Qingyun repeatedly dissuades.

This makes crystal very strange, how can such a blow to the enthusiasm of children's labor. She advocates children to work more and supports peach blossom to work.

In the end, crystal snatched the blade from peach blossom with tears. Her favorite flowers were all buried in the hands of peach blossom scissors.

It's not good to trim flowers and plants, so wipe the dust!

After one experience, crystal is a little timid.

"There shouldn't be anything wrong with cleaning, will it?" Crystal asked Chen Qingyun in a low voice.

"If you have anything to worry about, just take it away." Chen Qingyun thought about it and said.

There are many small ornaments in the room. They are all from Taobao when crystal goes out. Naturally, I like them very much. After listening to Chen Qingyun's suggestion, I immediately understood what would happen next.

"Peach blossom, stop drying. It's not dirty at all. Just let the cleaners do the work. " Crystal came to peach blossom with a feather duster and worked like a bird.

"No, I'll make up for it. Sister crystal, let me do it

"Pa!" As soon as the words fell, a China Doll hung up.

Crystal already knows what mistakes peach made in school. She also knew what the peach blossom was fighting for, and quickly said, "if only you could correct your mistakes, you don't have to do it. Come down quickly

"No, I'll hold on to the end!"

Crystal want to cry without tears, had to come to Chen Qingyun's side, pushed push Old God in watching TV of the latter, reluctantly asked: "is there any way to let peach blossom stop?"

Chen Qingyun nodded, then touched his stomach and said, "I guess there are four dishes and one soup for dinner, and the soup is still chicken soup."

"Yes!" Crystal head full of black lines, this guy is really enough. To threaten yourself with such things. He hasn't settled the matter in the afternoon, but now he has found himself.

However, she really has no tricks. The fact is very clear that Chen Qingyun will have a way to stop the peach blossom. Originally planned to clean up Chen Qingyun, now it seems that he has compromised first. I'm really not reconciled!

Chen Qingyun gets what he wants, smiles and says to peach blossom, "peach blossom, don't do it. I forgive you! "

"Oh, let's play!" Peach blossom immediately left the feather duster and rushed out of the house.

Crystal suddenly rigid, so simple? It turns out that the child has done so many things just for Chen Qingyun's sake. Is Chen Qingyun's forgiveness so important to her? Really did not see that this living father occupied such an important position in her little heart. This not only makes the crystal which is overflowing with maternal love a little delicious these two days.

Soon it's dinner time. Chen Qingyun sits at the table and looks at the smoke in the kitchen. He regrets that he wants to drink chicken soup with crystal.

Crystal in the kitchen is no less destructive than ran Tiantian.

Chen Qingyun wondered, how can beauty and cooking not coexist?

When four black dishes were placed on the table, Chen Qingyun was about to cry. Although he may be the first man lucky enough to have a meal cooked by the big star crystal, he would rather give the opportunity to others.

The only thing to be thankful for is that peach blossom is involved in chicken soup, which makes Chen Qingyun feel relieved.

Crystal wearing apron, hair up, it is a housewife's taste, very beautiful cook charm. It's just that her cooking is not flattering. Besides, the food is ready. What are you doing with a kitchen knife?

Chen Qingyun is very self-conscious of the first chicken soup to his body, but crystal is in front of his mouth to leave.

"These dishes are specially prepared by me. You should try them first?"

Looking at the crystal hand knife flashing brilliant bursts of light, Chen Qingyun swallowed saliva, for his appetite, strive for a way: "before eating, do not drink a bowl of soup appetizer?"

Crystal with a kitchen knife hand rubbed against the forehead, squinting, evil smile: "No. I have to try my cooking today. You won't pay for what I've worked so hard to make, will you? Don't forget, but you asked me to do it. "

Chen Qingyun showed a very happy smile, picked up chopsticks and looked at four plates of black things. It was really a bad choice. Which one was better.

"I don't know which is better? Then eat everything. " Crystal shakes the kitchen knife in his hand and uses the other hand to pick up the vegetables.

"Yes, yes. I'll do it myself. " Chen Qingyun didn't dare to let crystal do it, so he quickly grabbed a chopstick. To the mouth, think about it and then handed to the peach bowl.

"Baby daughter, you eat first. It's time to grow up. Eat more. "

Peach blossom said thank you very wisely. Then she put the dish back into Chen Qingyun's bowl, dragged her cheeks and said, "this is made by sister crystal for Dad. Dad must eat it first. I'm not hungry! "

Crystal rubbed the kitchen knife on his chest and asked Chen Qingyun in a strange tone: "do you think this kitchen knife is not sharp enough?"

Bursts of cold light over, although can't cut iron as mud, but chop dead people should still be no problem. Forced by the power of crystal, Chen Qingyun eats what he doesn't know.

Eat into the mouth, some hard, natural taste needless to say, simply can't taste out. Chewed a few, not rotten. After a few more bites, Chen Qingyun gave up and swallowed directly.

Then he raised his head and exclaimed, "it's amazing! Your beef jerky is very good

The muscles on crystal's face trembled and the cold light flashed in his eyes. He said word by word: "this... Is... Earth... Beans... Piece!"

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