Chicago 1990

Chapter 1388: Swing a knife at the enemy

June 2, 2000.

"Ahhhh! APLUS!"

Stars are shining at the entrance of the Chinese Theater in Hollywood, Song Ya and Amy clasp their fingers together, and Hallie on the other side holds his arm. The three of them have just walked the red carpet of the grand premiere of Blade Warrior 2 and turned back to wave to the fans. .

"Amy, wow, this dress is so beautiful..." The outfield host with amazing observation noticed that the high-waisted evening gown used by Amy to cover her belly seemed a bit wrong today. She was about to ask about being coughed by Song Ya. He interrupted, "Are there any new plans lately?" So he turned to other questions.

"APLUS, hi..."

Also in the interview area, the gorgeous South African diamond approached, and the two kissed politely in front of the camera.

"What have you been up to lately?" Song Ya asked.

"I'm having a sweet November with Keanu." Charisi pointed to Keanu Reeves, who was also being interviewed not far away, and replied.

"OK." Song Ya lost her anxious eyes with her back to the camera, just in time to hear the reporter ask Keanu Reeves about the similarities between the Matrix starring him and Blade Warrior 2.

"If you mean the two male protagonists are dressed in black trench coats, what I want to say is that it is obvious that the first movie of Blade Warrior was released before the Black Empire."

Blade Warrior 1 is a fusion of rice-style superheroes, B-level plasma films, vampires, and Kung Fu elements. It was very innovative at the time, but before the second painting started, there was already a masterpiece of the Matrix, and it also had black The depth of the Matrix story, visual wonders, and special effects technology of the windbreaker hero and Kung Fu elements undoubtedly crushed the Blade Warrior series.

After the large-scale screening last week, there were many doubts from the outside world, saying that Blade Warrior 2 copied the Matrix and was a low-quality version, even though Blade Warrior 2 was released more than a year later than The Matrix.

"What about bullet time?" the reporter asked.

Indeed, the high-speed camera array technology pioneered by The Matrix was used in Blade Warrior 2 to achieve a scene similar to bullet time, of course, it did not imitate the same.

"Ah, it's only about the development of visual art. I don't think that is unique to the Matrix..."

Good Mr. Keanu Reeves answered perfectly.

"Thanks, Keanu." Song Ya thanked him after the interview.

"How about the expected box office?" Keanu Reeves asked.

"Not too optimistic."

Song Ya answered truthfully. The comedy Super Fat Mom, which opened on the same day, showed its potential when it was screened at the same time last week. It should divert many black fans of Blade Warrior 2. The soupy Mission Impossible 2 is in an unshakable position. Disney The animated movie "Dinosaurs" is still very competitive this week.

"Good luck." Keanu Reeves patted his arm and smiled.

"APLUS! Keanu!"

Fans and reporters screamed the names of the two red stars frantically, so Song Ya and him were kind, with their arms around their shoulders, and took various group photos with Halle, Amy, and Charis.

Leaving the red carpet and the interview area, everyone no longer needs to be so tired to show their perfect state, and gradually relax. Charisi is trying to take the opportunity to confirm what the man’s eyes mean, but Song Ya is already tilting her head to listen to the agent’s sea. Denn whispered, his brows gradually wrinkled.


Sure enough, when the man arrived to apologize, he left his real girlfriends Amy Adams and Hallie and hurried into the theater.

"What's the matter?" Song Ya asked Sloan on the other end of the phone.

"Gang Viacom Group sent a letter stating that it has acquired 5% of our shares in Littman Media." Sloan reported.

"What do they want? Malicious mergers and acquisitions?"

"For the time being, I only propose to convene a board of directors to seek a board seat..."

"OK, you have a meeting to discuss. We will try our best to stop it for the time being. Before the incident in France, I don't want to be involved in other things." Song Ya answered after thinking for a few seconds.


As soon as he hung up the phone, David Geffen came over and said, "Washington passed the Vivendi Global M&A case. Vivendi has been suspended from the Paris Stock Exchange yesterday. Everything... everything is close to APLUS."

"Well, the Tiger Fund will soon issue a short report. This time the Vivendi suspension period is very long and we have plenty of time for public opinion to build momentum." Song Ya raised his wrist and glanced at the calendar on the dial, "In fact, it has already started. "

"I know." David Geffen pointed to his watch. "Don't forget the jet lag."

"Thanks for reminding……"

Both of them are big hearts. When things happen, they can laugh easily. David Geffen turned away cheerfully, but ran into Jennifer Connelly at the corner. He frowned slightly, and the gentleman nodded with a smile. The shadow concubine Shinco passed by.

"Hi, what a coincidence..." Jennifer Connelly smiled at Song Ya who came out of the front and back heels.

"Stop doing this Jenny... I noticed that this is not the first time."

Song Ya grabbed her arm, leaned her back against the wall, used her index finger to warn the tip of her nose, and then left alone indifferently.

Punctually, when the lights in the theater were dimmed, Song Ya looked back at the empty seat, which happened to meet the four eyes of the male lead of Lengshan Caviezel. Caviezel was at a loss for the sudden disappearance of the female companion on the red carpet today.

It seemed a bit too much for the big butter cake? But the habit of eavesdropping is always bad, and Song Ya turned his eyes back to the big screen.

‘! ’

After the director Zach Schneider's comic-style opening, soon the plot came to an Orthodox church standing in the snow. The vampires entrenched here ushered in an uninvited guest: the blade warrior, who shouted in horror and despair.

In the picture, he pulled out the samurai sword without saying a word, and killed the enemies coolly. The trailing blade tip touched the ground, releasing unscientific sparks.

Swinging a knife to meet the enemy, blood splattered, and it was a standard big-action action scene.

'Today the Nasdaq and Dow Jones Indexes continued to fall deeply, and the trading volume was sluggish. The previous rumors about the exit of the benchmark investor APLUS have been refuted by his spokesperson and related companies. According to his disclosure of wealth last month, it was close According to the calculation of four billion knives, APLUS's personal net worth has shrunk by more than four billion knives at the close of today...'

In San Francisco, A+ apparel president Scott is still working all night. He took the time to look at the TV and continue to make calls, "Hey, old friend, have you got the news? Yes, APLUS plans to sell A+ apparel, eh Are you interested? Many companies have joined the competition, um, of course, including Wal-Mart, GAP, etc.... In short, you have a lot of rivals for Sears, and there are some private equity funds... We continue to make profits every year... Yes, I think it’s a hot spot. Me? I can’t help it if I don’t understand, APLUS is the boss, I only have to execute orders."

'Blade Warrior 2 starring U.S. amphibious star APLUS held its grand premiere in Los Angeles today. Blade Warrior 2 will land in my country in two weeks. APLUS has been criticized by the U.S. media for a series of out-of-order behaviors after the investment failure. It casts a shadow over the global box office of this movie...'

In Paris, the president of A+ Liquor, who has just moved in, opened the door of the hotel, "Welcome!" He opened his arms, welcoming two guests in English mixed with French, the owner of the tricolor vodka liquor industry.

"Last year... less than a year ago, Fujibe Magazine said that APLUS had a net worth of 4.5 billion. Now he has lost 4 billion in the capital market and has become one of the tycoons who suffered the most serious losses during the US stock market crash... '

Note, local news is being broadcast in an office of NEC's chip factory. 3DFX CEO Asaph passed by the door after a group of NEC executives to visit and inspect the factory.

'Blade Warrior 2 starring APLUS and Halle Berry opened all-meters today. Professionals predict that the weekly box office will not be able to surpass Mission Impossible 2, ranking second or third, but this is the summer time, and APLUS will continue to star in the movie. There is no record of misses at the box office...'

"what should we do?"

In the meeting room of Litman Media Headquarters in Chicago, Litman tiredly shut down the entertainment news on the ACE station.

"We want to stop Viacom. I don't want to see their people on the board for a short time." Sloan replied decisively.

"OK, I know what to do on the board." Litman raised his hands in a gesture of surrender.

"Really?" Sloan looked at him suspiciously.

"Don't worry. By the way, I heard that APLUS is looking for a home for some of its businesses?" Littleman asked rhetorically.

"That's none of our business." Sloan read the documents given by Song Ya after the meeting. Litman Media includes its various websites, TV stations, publishing houses, inner city broadcasting companies, XXL magazine shares, etc... In short, there is no cross or tick on the back of the media industry company, but a circle. This means that even if the business in the media industry is not at the top of the industry, it is not considered for sale.

She knows that she and APLUS will never let go of influence...

'News Channel Finance commended Edgar Bronfman, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Seagram Universal Group, saying that he had done a good business with the French, and they said that many record companies under Universal Music Group actually It's not worth the price of Vivendi, France. ’

In Washington, the young Bronfman’s private plane had not yet taken off. He heard the news on the radio, "Hehe, play this kind of trick." He sneered at the president of Universal Music, Doug Morris, who was sitting across from him. I knew that the lunatic would definitely do something to disgust people after being severely taught by me. As expected..."

"Not at all what you expected." Doug Morris immediately flattered.

"We will kick him out of Hollywood when we come back from France." Little Bronfman said to Ron Meyer, president of Universal Pictures.

"Yes, boss."

Ron Meyer smiled and nodded in agreement. The eyes of him and Doug Morris flicked apart, and they didn't let each other see what they were muttering in their hearts, and the two were not of one mind.

(End of this chapter)

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