Chicago 1990

Chapter 796: ? Premiere

"Seriously, compared with our Glide, Microsoft's DirectX is just a poop. I know, I know that PC games can hardly bypass the windows platform, but I assure you that this evaluation is based entirely on facts..."

"John Carmack has never liked Microsoft, OK? We will join hands with him next June to shake the world, and then you will know which side he is on."

"Very smoothly, everything is going well, design, tapeout...The licensed board card manufacturers have already obtained our ES chips and public version solutions, Dimeng, Elsa, Innovation..."

"Anyway, you will wait and see next June!"

Song Ya was still a step late, and the 3DFX trio was also at the game show. Soon after the world’s richest man was John Carmack’s game and next year’s DOOM e-sports platform, they were sorely interviewed and caught Microsoft's DirectX is a bite.

"These guys." Song Ya reluctantly propped his forehead and said to Dr. Chen: "Didn't we send a professional manager?"

"Yes, they are still in the run-in period. Although this manager also has a background in the chip industry, he still can't get involved in the technical level. 3DFX is too new. His expertise is in chip production and inventory management."

Dr. Chen replied: “We can’t shut the mouths of these three people. They have a certain reputation, connections and influence in the industry. Many big players in the computer industry speak more directly. DirectX is really not good enough. It’s not necessarily a bad thing for 3DFX to get a lot of eyeballs at this time. Microsoft shouldn’t be so stingy. It’s too early to bow."


Song Ya crossed his fingers and moved his joints fiercely. "Let the headhunter dig a marketing manager. I must control the mouths of these three scammers before June next year!"

Thump, thump, thump, thump...

At 7 o'clock in the evening of the second day, accompanied by the majestic Game of Thrones music and the A+CN evening news title, the director pulled down one putter in his hand and pushed the other up, "Good evening, ladies and gentlemen, welcome to watch The evening news of A+CN. This is our first episode. I’m Gordon, and on my left is my partner..."

In the small directing room, standing against the wall was a group of people, except Song Ya himself and his subordinates, most of whom came from Comcast and Northern Trust, all of them stared at the studio scene on the screen wall in silence. The screen, try not to disturb the work and communication of the director group.

"Our first piece of news came from the White House. Regarding the follow-up discussion of the Simpson case, the Chief Commander issued a new speech. He urged the states to pass stricter bills on the broadcast system of court trials..."

The director cut the screen to Washington, and the reporter briefly introduced to the camera with the White House as the background, and then began to play the video of the chief commander’s morning speech. The atmosphere in the room was a little lighter. "Everything went well?" O'Grady asked Comcast’s people .

"It looks like this."

Comcast’s people and their professionals whispered a few words and nodded in agreement. A+CN borrowed a free channel resource from his house with good ratings, forty-five minutes, and forty-five minutes of prime time in the evening.

"Let's go out and chat."

News is always boring. Gordon’s style and ideal is to do serious news. Song Ya waited until the second one. After the congressional report on the disagreement on the federal budget, he felt that there was nothing wrong with it. He didn’t want to disturb the busy work of the directors. Go to the conference room lightly and watch TV.

The premiere has been prepared for a long time and is very adequate. Very professional video materials are used to cope with the broadcast of major domestic and international news. The first international news South Africa station reporter also interviewed Mandela face to face.

"Do you remember this photo?" Before ending the interview, the reporter from the South Africa station showed Song Ya's'grand-grandchild love' photo to Mandela for personal identification.

"I don't remember the specific situation at the time, but I know that there was such a thing. At that time, I didn't expect APLUS to have what it is today. I wish him..." The old man replied with face.

There was laughter in the conference room for the first time.

However, the strength of A+CN is ultimately limited. In the future, some news can only buy photos from other news agencies, especially the international part.

Comcast’s people kept holding the phone to answer their time-based ratings, which were not very satisfactory. The ratings dropped, a lot.

"TV station is a long-term business, and everyone's recognition of A+CN is not enough." O'Grady explained Song Ya.

"It's okay, I expected it."

The decline is relative to the historical ratings of this station. After the channel belonging to A+CN is actually obtained in the future, the black twenty-four hour news station can have the current ratings, thank goodness, after all, the audience will need to spend it. Real money subscription, "Wait, Gordon told me that the exciting part is in the final Simpson case in-depth topic, the first episode will be broadcast today."

Alicia did not come. She and Peter went to canvassing activities. The two model couples only appeared in the domestic part just now for more than ten seconds. Gordon is very ambitious and will not pay too much attention to the news of the TV station. Give potential subscribers across the country the first impression of a regional TV station.

Of course Gordon knows the boss's political leanings, and both the reports on Peter and Alicia are more positive.

"Typhoon Gordon is very stable. This TV station feels like it has existed before and has always been there."

The Comcast guy said between the phone calls.

"After all, he has worked at BET for so many years, but from another angle, it can be said that he lacks new ideas?" O'Grady laughed: "News channels are not easy to play new ideas, the world is the same."

"It's getting started." Song Ya turned to the TV, and the famous prison photo of Simpson appeared in the upper right corner of the studio.

"For the Simpson case that has just been concluded, I think all the people in the country can still remember..."

After Gordon's introduction, an in-depth report appeared on the screen: Everything you know and don't know about Simpson, the first series.

"OJ Simpson was born..."

The following are all produced short documentaries. Ten minutes long, Gordon took the time to sneak out of the studio and meet the people in the conference room.

"Very good, nothing went wrong." Song Ya encouraged him.

"Yes, I was afraid of low-level mistakes on the first day." Gordon looked at Comcast's people cheerfully, "The ratings..."

The Comcast people shrugged and shook their heads.

"It will get better and better." Song Ya patted him on the shoulder, "The viewership rate during the feature report period should increase significantly."

"I hope so."

Gordon exchanged gains and losses with everyone and listened to opinions, "Tomorrow I will be less gentle. I have prepared materials for excessive law enforcement against Africans in certain cities.

A+CN refuses to be bound by regional labels, but the African-American group must be caught. Neither Gordon nor Song Ya himself expected to build a news platform that can be accepted by whites at the same time. Comcast accepted, Investing in shares and helping A+CN is also a market segment for African American subscribers.

The ambition to create a 24-hour news station belonging to black people is great, but from another perspective, it is not the case. The black population only accounts for 10% of the total meter, and the proportion of people willing to spend money to subscribe to small news stations is extremely low .

"Don't put too much pressure on Gordon."

Before Gordon, who was urged back to the studio by the staff, to leave, Song Ya shouted to his back, in the Simpson Special, Song Ya was able to get to Rio Daley, Dingkins and other politicians or former politicians, and fight Simpson. The many black stars in Los Angeles who have dealt with, the African American leader Jesse Jackson, the widow of Malcolm Ax, etc., in short, really did their best.

In this regard, his network resources accumulation is far less than BET's Johnson, but Gordon came to A+CN to sit in a high position and get a high salary should have relevant psychological preparations, he does not owe Gordon.

The forty-five-minute news program ended at the end of Simpson's brilliant rugby career. It was only the first series, which was interspersed with many first-hand interviews with his then friends, alumni, coaches, and Deng's ability in this area is really nothing to say, the depth is enough, and the complexity of Simpson's character and experience is fully explained in ten minutes.


In addition to Comcast people who are still waiting for the ratings report, Song Ya and all the staff of A+CN opened champagne in the studio to celebrate the smooth completion of the TV premiere program.

"How?" Gordon was of course the most nervous. Seeing Comcast's people put down the phone, he hurriedly went over and asked in a low voice.

The Comcast people smiled and gave a thumbs up, and everyone was more excited, cheering and celebrating.

"No, there is no improvement in the ratings, all the way down."

But when a few heads got together, Comcast’s people told the truth, “Gordon, let’s re-cut tomorrow’s second series. There will be more bursts. You’re a senior media person, knowing that How to do it."


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