Chicago 1990

Chapter 881: Voting, acquisition and AMA

David Bowie will sing this Voodoo in a different style that is completely different from the original Apocalypse. Of course, he has his own idea, and of course he promised not to be too far from Song Ya's vision.

"So, you gave the lyrics and music to someone you met for the first time?"

In the evening, lying on the beach of Patty's house, Song Ya and her friends were slow and lazily blowing the sea breeze, doing nothing but chatting. The couple of David Bowie and Iman had left, and Mariah Carey looked at the yacht drifting away from the sea and complained.

"Yeah..." Song Ya just reacted, "David Bowie seems to have a kind of magical power. Once he is stared at by his heterochromatic pupils and chatting, he feels like an old friend for many years..."

"It's because you have no resistance to beautiful blonde white people, APLUS? Haha..."

Patty Rabel suddenly exaggerated and laughed: "David Bowie has already admitted that he is bisexual. After a while, you can attack. Maybe there is a chance. If you don't dislike him for being too old... …"

This drew more laughter from Taraji, Sandy Glen, Hayden and others.

Both she and Brenda did not cover their mouths, and their brain waves were completely incompatible with them. Song Ya had already understood this. At the same time, she and Mariah Carey cast warning glances, and there was no idea that they were divorced. The person who planned it.

Mariah Carey is the most reliable one when it is not involved in relationship issues. She brought the topic back in a joke way, "Really, what were you talking to him just now? I think you kept talking and talking. , Never said so much to me."

Friends continued to laugh.

"Just exchanged some views on the music circle."

Song Ya replied: "He had predicted a hip hop concert pandemic before, but now he seems to have changed his views a bit. Because of the emergence of Green Day and Morissette, he said that he is now more willing to vote for this kind of concentrated punk, punk pop, One ticket for rock music with integrated elements such as pop and alternative."

"His insights have always been very accurate." Sandy Glen echoed, "the momentum of this kind of rock music is very strong recently. What's your opinion? APLUS, still insist on hip-hop?"

"I have no opinion..."

Song Yaneng's opinion, "Of course the more mainstream hip-hop music is, the better it is for me. I have no other choice."

"He knows a fart! He is not an artist at all in my eyes." Mariah Carey continued to complain.

Everyone laughed for a while, "Where is Mrs. Song?" A friend asked, "Do you really want to completely abandon adult lyricism?"

"I don't know."

She didn't express her attitude either, for that reason, not all of the people present were true friends. However, Song Ya knew that she had already bet on R&B and would continue to collaborate on singles with rappers in New York. This should be her main style in the second half of the nineties.

She is very assertive and paranoid in music, and others can't influence it at all.

"You should also pay attention to Latin music. In addition to your AiSeEuTePego, APLUS, there is also a Latin dance song Macarena that is very popular in the Latin area."

Sandy Glen reminded them.

"I've heard it. It's similar to my Angelina and MamboNo.5."


Life on the island is indeed very relaxing. Song Ya took the opportunity to take a good rest, enjoy the sun, chat, or exchange opinions on various things with experienced and well-rounded guys like Sandy Glen.

Mariah Carey spent the main energy on communicating with fashion designers to attend Grammy's evening wear, because by that time she has been pregnant for more than four months, high-level custom clothes must take care of the slightly raised belly, and then take into account the beauty.

She can toss very much. Private jets and yachts go back and forth. Every day, almost every day, there are new friends who come from New York to visit, such as Walt and his little girlfriend, and Daniel's niece Samantha Cole.

Perhaps because the ethnic group originated from the high latitude cold zone, Song Ya could not understand this white European group’s obsession with vacationing on tropical islands. Mariah Carey’s calling friends on Bracelet Island was even better than in Tribeca in Manhattan. The success rate at home is still high, and many people are even willing to temporarily let go of their work for appointments.

One of them, a New York DJ who missed his flight because he was late, took the Bahamas domestic ferry through a transfer, and then hired local fishermen’s boats on nearby islands... It took two full days to travel on the road!

Upon arrival, the host will leave for Los Angeles to attend the AMA awards ceremony!

"APLUS, the most popular rap and hip-hop singer!"

Fighting for the popular AMA award, Song Ya easily defeated the biggest opponent and sang Gangsta\'sParadise, the theme song of the dangerous game movie.

Mariah Carey, who was in charge of the opening performance, also made two shots, dominating the most popular female rock and pop singers, as well as the most popular female rhythm and blues and soul singers.

MJ won the final welcome to rock and pop male singers, but he did not show up to accept the award. After divorcing the daughter of Elvis, his response on the public relations battlefield was much better than in 1993. He is still extremely popular all over the world. , The World Music Awards, the British Music Awards and many other awards were awarded to him.

He spared no effort to attend various awards ceremonies, did not shy away from performing with the children, repeatedly mentioned his charitable deeds in Africa, HIV, children and other fields, and successfully created a kind of suppression and The atmosphere of public opinion that persecuted him forced the US media to reflect.

So far, the effect is very good. The dentist told me about it, but he didn't really do anything, and seemed to retract.

"You are always so popular..."

There was another grand celebration party in Malibu, and Song Ya complimented Mariah Carey when they were about to part the next day.

During the days of life on the island, the two of them did not talk about their previous conflicts and divorce matters tacitly. They still lived like a normal couple. "I'm going back to school for class. Is it convenient for the plane to turn around Chicago and go to New York? ?"

"Squeeze your public flight to go!"

Perhaps it was spurred by Hallie's triumphant announcement at the party that she had successfully signed the Blade Warrior heroine with a salary of 2.5 million. Her attitude returned to the "real world", rolled her eyes, and flatly refused.

"OK then……"

For myself, two major events occurred at the end of January 1996. One was that the telecommunications bill was officially passed by the Senate and the House of Representatives with a high number of votes. The House of Representatives was 415 to 15 and the Senate was 91 to 5.

Among them, the "non-member", that is, Jesse Helms, the chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee who caused him trouble with the so-called "treason case", actually voted in favor. This quickly became big news after the unsuspecting vote. Many newspapers said 'Jesse Helms said Yea! A large-scale report on the subject, as if it had encountered some medical miracle.

"In the diplomatic field, for example, the direction of UN reform requires close cooperation with the current chief, and the sanctions against Cuba bill he promoted. It is normal for Jesse Helms to vote on a trivial proposal. And he is not without him. Supported by major telecommunications companies, such as South Bell."

Sloan analyzed: "He has been an old politician for decades, and his skills do not need to be questioned. This is a good thing for us. Both he and the commander want each other. And the commander is currently protecting you. APLUS."

"When will the chief approve the proposal?" Song Ya asked.

"Soon, February 1st, everyone can't wait." After Sloan finished speaking, he picked up the homework in front of Song Ya. "What is this?" She asked, pointing to a few pictures on the paper.

"Oh, my undergraduate thesis for East Asian Languages ​​and Civilization."

Song Ya replied: "On the form and evolution of the character'eunuch' in oracle bone inscriptions."

"Isn't this just a knife cutting*?" Sloan's expression immediately became strange.

"Haha, this is where the charm of hieroglyphics lies, Ms. Sloan. It is concise and intuitive. You don't even need to learn and pronounce to understand what the words of thousands of years ago want to express." Song Ya laughed Sloan put down his homework speechlessly, "I heard that Netscape announced that it will suspend trading tomorrow, saying that there is important information that needs to be publicized?"


It can be said now, Song Ya nodded, "They will spend $161 million to buy the Internet audiovisual standard of multimedia conference giant Insoft."

"Does this affect us?"

"We'll know when Netscape stocks open again. The financial media has given positive reviews." Song Ya replied: "Jim Clark, they must do something to make the stock price hit the historical high of 122 dollars again, and there will be a lot of staff next month. The Netscape stocks here will be lifted, and none of us want to see a wave of selling."

"Will there be follow-up good news?"

"Yes, I can only reveal that there will be another major acquisition in February, just after the lifting of the ban."



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