Chicago 1990

Chapter 890: Public divorce

On March 5, 1996, after two planes were shot down last month and four U.S. pilots were killed on the spot, anti-Cuban sentiment intensified. The sanctions against Cuba by Jesse Helms and Dunburton were approved in the Senate. Passed, the number of votes was 74 in favor, 22 against, and 4 abstained.

"It seems that the result of the vote in the House of Representatives tomorrow will be similar. This bill is likely to be passed by the Senate and the House of Representatives. Given that it contains a completely non-operational third article, the pressure will be all concentrated on the current leader."

In a cafeteria at the University of Chicago, Michelle’s husband raised his head and commented on the TV: “If it’s me, I won’t sign for approval. But it should be impossible. This is an election year. It’s more important to please the country.”

"Approve, violate international law, not approve, it will not pass through the domestic customs, is that true?"

Song Ya caught Danburton, who was hugging and celebrating with Jesse Helms in the picture, and became very nauseous, "I've eaten, shall we go together?"


The two walked to the door with their dinner plates, "Will you continue to teach after passing the Donkey Party primary election?" He asked Michelle's husband.

"Of course, senators of the state legislature do not need to be full-time. I haven't paid off my Harvard school loan."

Michelle’s husband is very cautious, “and the Donkey Party’s primary election may not pass.”

"Come on."

Song Ya laughed at him. After eliminating Alice Palmer’s powerful enemy by means, the Donkey Party in his electoral district left a major opponent nicknamed the “loser” in the primary election. of.

"How about you? I heard that 2PAC scolded you on the Los Angeles radio station yesterday?"

The two queued at the dinner plate collection point, and Michelle's husband asked, "You don't respect his sister."

"Do you still care about this? It's okay, I'm used to it. 2PAC just catches the singer who works with Biggie and has to take a bite."

Song Ya shrugged. After leaving Highland Park, Rashida Jones seemed to have filed a complaint against his sister Kidada Jones. His sister's big mouth would naturally be relayed to 2PAC, so 2PAC naturally exploded.

"His and Biggie's influence in the black community even invaded Chicago. The young people in my district have many admirers..."

Michelle’s husband is now full of thoughts to please voters, “You support Biggie? Otherwise, you won’t work with DeadandGone, right?”

"Uh...I did like Biggie better before, but now..."

"What do you say now."

"How to describe it... I feel that Biggie is a bit... sluggish. 2PAC's character is like a spring. When you press it, he will definitely jump up and go straight. It is good to predict. The east-west coast battle. He has always been on the front line. ."

Song Ya commented: "And biggie always hides behind other singers, saying beautiful words about love and peace, but as long as there are small and medium-sized East Coast singers who come to Diss2PAC, he will run to support each other and help each other's songs. , Hit the rankings, build momentum, and encourage those people to keep stimulating 2PAC and 2PAC's younger brothers. The nature is the same, but the methods and attitudes are much higher..."

"It sounds like Biggie is more talented in politics." Michelle's husband made a slightly self-deprecating joke.

"It's also possible that what Biggie did was instigated by the record company boss bragging father. I actually thought about it carefully later. Biggie's growth and education environment is far lower than 2PAC. The criminal past is much worse than 2PAC. He stayed in prison. It took longer than 2PAC. When the shooting against 2PAC happened, others were upstairs..."

The two were chatting slowly following the queue. A group of girls from the same school joined each other cheeringly, "APLUS, we are very sympathetic to what happened to you and Mariah Carey at the Grammys, we... uh, we just I want you to know that many fans are silently supporting you."

Their representative, a fat girl said courageously.

"Hey, thank you." Song Ya grinned.

"Can I sign it?"


Very patiently and gentlemanly to deal with classmates and fans away, Song Ya waved goodbye to the girls who laughed at her from time to time collectively, and continued: "This time I watched the East-West Coast War, I tasted a lot of things. Blinded by the image of Biggie's harmless and shy big fat man, 2PAC has never been a hawker..."

"Oh my god!"


"This is impossible!"

As they were chatting, suddenly the group of fans and female classmates exclaimed. Song Ya turned around. They were watching TV. Some girls covered their mouths with a look of disbelief.

Following their gazes and looking at the TV screen, Sandy Glenn, who was dressed and solemn, appeared in front of the camera, and he couldn't hear clearly what he was saying.


Immediately avoiding the gaze of other people in the cafeteria, he put the Chinese dinner plate on top of Michelle's husband, "I'll go now, and talk later!" Then he ran away, throwing the inexplicable opponent in place.

'Mariah Carey entrusted me to issue the following statement: She felt obligated to let people know about the latest developments about her personal and family. After a period of exploration and experimentation in love, she decided to formally propose to terminate her marriage with APLUS. As friends continue their lives...'

'She said that she missed the happiness and touch that APLUS and APLUS brought to each other. This period of living together was pleasant and nostalgic. She firmly believes that both parties can see a better future from this new decision, as parents and friends of children , Good partners in art, business and singing careers, as well as individuals bravely pursuing a new life...'

Old Mike's car almost wiped the front wheel of the paparazzi back to Highland Park. Sandy Glen, as her spokesperson, read the divorce statement without answering any questions from reporters, and ended the brief press conference.

"My client APLUS does not intend to issue any response for the time being."

And Hamlin also appeared outside the gate of Highland Park as a spokesperson to deal with the increasing number of reporters and broadcast vehicles.

"Sorry, I have nothing to comment."

"No comment, sorry."

"I have nothing to say, but the change in their relationship must have nothing to do with the Grammy Awards. It's not worth it."

"Everything is inconvenient to say now, sorry, I don't know more than you."

"Don't talk about APLUS cheating, let alone cheating during marriage or wife cheating during pregnancy. That's ridiculous..."

In the Highland Park, Song Ya was talking on the phone with his wife, "Suddenly attacked? Haha, Mimi, didn't you call to communicate in advance? Although it was almost the same time as the previous agreement, I still help you I was surprised that Hamlin was almost out of words outside the door. I thought there would be an appropriate time to get together and talk first and then make a statement together..."

"Nostalgia! Ha! I didn't expect it!?"

She seemed quite proud, "I dumped you, I dumped you, I played you, just like Elvis’ daughter did to MJ, it will be written in history books in the future. You deserve it, you This scumbag...I haven't shed so many tears for anyone in my life."

"Don't be too bloated, we can't make history books."

Song Ya leisurely tapped a few times on the computer keyboard, "Do you really want to fight a public opinion war with me on the divorce about our privacy? Seriously, we haven't been enemies yet? You are not afraid ?"

"Then be good, go outside now and shed a few crocodile tears in front of the reporters' cameras!" She hung up the phone.

Song Yanu put down the microphone with his mouth open, and opened the page of Amerika Music website.

Username: Di Lai (admin)

Position: President of A+ Audio, President of American Music Website, Director of DTS

The explosive topic about the divorce between the two quickly rushed to the top of the gossip section, and the number of visitors hit a new high after the exposure of Madonna and 2PAC's relationship and the divorce of MJ. The entire homepage is a new post on this matter. In the long post, Dile, who had a string of titles behind his username and carrying administrator rights, made his first message. He said:

'This news is really surprising. As a good friend of APLUS, I didn't see any signs of relationship breakdown from him and Mariah Carey. The couple always love each other deeply, and every time they think of it, they are very I envy...'

‘I can’t help but think of the scene when I collaborated with him to launch RememberTheName. At that time, he and Mariah Carey were very good friends...’

"The first time they? Or I was there when they met for the second time. At that time, Walter, who is now the co-producer of OneSweetDay on the B list, Mr. Walter Afanagiff, lent us Miss Kelly’s studio. Recording a song... It seems to be IFeelItComing?"

Dilei wrote something similar to a Chase memoir, which was plain and warm, and quickly received a warm response from the post.

The heartbroken fans of both sides unanimously begged him to write more, while the fans of Heizi or the opponent's fan became yin and yang, ‘so? The two men and women had their own lovers, right? APLUS and Mila, Mariah Carey and Motura, then president of Sony Columbia Records. ’

‘Yes, Dilai, you are an APLUS keyboard player and helper. You can wash the floor for APLUS. Don’t pack yourself up like a superior Silicon Valley elite. ’

‘I knew they would not grow up a long time ago, why? Because APLUS is a habitual thief, Mariah Carey is not much better! Maybe they have already opened up their relationship. ’

This kind of quotation quickly drew rebuttals from the two fans, ‘I agree with the first half of your remarks, but Mariah Carey is willing to give birth to APLUS. Doesn’t this prove that she loves him? APLUS must have hurt her! ’

'Hey! Don't talk nonsense if there is no evidence, didn't Mariah Carey's agent talked today? The time when the two lived together was so happy that it was nostalgic. Doesn't this mean that APLUS did not feel sorry for Mariah Carey? ’

‘Do you believe in that kind of public relations speech? APLUS is sorry for her! ’There are also people who pretend to be fans provocative.

Many fans were arguing. Dile continued to publish a long period of sensational memoirs prepared long ago, and his visits to the website soared. "The highlight is coming." He asked the operation and maintenance staff: "Attachment function Soon after it went online, can the server support it? I don’t want to see the last accident again."

"No problem, Mr. should be no The operation and maintenance personnel are getting weaker and weaker.

"do not care."

As a former keyboard player, Dilai is now able to type on the PC keyboard quickly, and he has a unique sense of rhythm. He left a message: "Oh, yes, I just have a recent song produced by APLUS. I discarded the song, so it is incomplete. The production is rough. But... it's very special. The guitar accompaniment he played by himself. At that time, I could clearly feel that his mood was not normal. The whole person was very melancholy and sad. Maybe he had realized everything today? I thought it was just the lyrics. Let me show it to everyone, and you can evaluate it!"

He added IKnewYouSoWell's MP3 format files and a small music player software company invested by A+ Ventures in the attachment to the MP3 player customized for the American music website, and noted how to use it.

The download volume of the two small files immediately soared at a speed visible to the naked eye, and then...

"What's the matter?" Dila found that the web page could not be refreshed.

"Uh, our SUN server seems to be down..."


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