Chicago 1990

Chapter 929: Ovitz's Theory of Media Hegemony

After all, Johnny Carson has been far away from the public’s sight for many years, and Kunes is an unknown character. If the perspective is only on this autobiographical suspicion, the storm will not be big, so the media have rushed to the Oscars. Heat, talk about the secret rumors of the five-member group of cat and mouse screenwriters who just won the Oscar for Best Adapted Screenplay.

The three professional screenwriters naturally do not have that power. Johnny Carson picked Abagnell’s original cat and mouse game in the 1980s. He is also the owner and writer of the first version of the script. As the king of talk shows, he has the ability to write. Needless to say, even if stereotypes are not calculated, there is a natural advantage in this incident.

If you add stereotypes about ethnicity and occupation, Song Ya, an African-American hip-hop star, rich and habitual criminal, is at a huge disadvantage.

Catherine's concerns are not unreasonable.

In addition to letting Sloan lead the crisis public relations and always prepare to use the black community to attack, Song Ya also secretly sent the former janitor of old Joe’s music, Karl, to Los Angeles to create pressure on Kunes. He has been raised by himself since he was released. There is no connection on the surface.

Then he also sought to contact the senior management of Simon Schuster through the Chicago Treasurer of the Madoff Fund. He hasn't taken care of his introduction for the time being, but he can't do it in vain, otherwise he would sharpen his head and go to the upper financial circle.

"APLUS, get ready, let's go."

There are also Hollywood Films and Disney. Although the cat and mouse game has been gradually released worldwide and the awards season has passed, it is a scandal after all. Linton is still active and was busy on the eve of the start of the Devil Girl Project. Come here in person.

Of course, their interest appeal is not to favor someone or clarify the truth, but to suppress the heat.

"Where to go?"

"Ovitz's home."

"Can you take Amy Adams?"

"All right, hurry up."

Soon, Song Ya and Amy changed into formal attire and appeared in the former CAA president, the current Disney Co-CEO and Disney Pictures President Michael Ovitz in the mansion in Beverly Hills.

In the heyday of CAA, he represented 45 of the top 55 best-selling directors in Hollywood, as well as a large number of singers, movie stars, writers, composers, screenwriters and other cast members. CAA pioneered the packaging of film projects. The service has greatly increased the production costs of major film companies by 20-30%, and they can also earn 10% commissions from the cast and crew customers.

Ovitz personally also got involved in the mergers and acquisitions of top multinational companies. He made hundreds of millions of dollars in his personal pockets when he helped Sony and Panasonic merge several businesses in Columbia Pictures, Columbia Records, MCA Records, and Universal Pictures. Occupying the first place in the power rankings of the entertainment industry, the veritable power is monstrous.

However, since leaving CAA to come to Disney, he and his childhood friend, Disney Emperor Eisner have gradually turned back. Eisner, who has survived heart surgery, is also a powerful control freak like him. He is currently inside Disney. Lagged in the fight.

Before Disney spent nearly 20 billion on the acquisition of ABC/Metropolitan, he was good at this field and he did a lot of effort, but Eisner didn't give a dime commission, and the two have almost publicly broke up.

"Is this the first time we met? APLUS."

But the job of the president still has to go on. Ovitz himself has a shameless appearance and medium body. When he was in CAA, as long as he took photos with clients such as actors or directors, he would always keep himself behind, never overwhelming guests, and would be a party after switching to Disney. Has changed, but still maintains consistent approachability.

"seems like it."

A party is being held at his home, and Hollywood celebrities are gathering. Because of the signing of William Morris, Song Ya and him have no interaction at all, except for the phone conversation during the renewal period. "It's an honor to be invited by you, Ovitz Mr."

"Me too." Amy said with a smile on her arms.

"Little Amy, isn't it? Haha, you don't have to be so polite."

After all, it is to please the customers who can climb to the conference table to dance. Ovitz quickly made everyone feel at home. After a few greetings, he cut to the topic, "Simon Schuster and Paramount belong to Viacom Group. They Happy to see us at Disney making a fool of."

"I don't understand the struggle here, but I need your help Mr. Ovitz. This is not a big deal, I have enough evidence in my hand. Kunes is just a code word according to my outline and screenwriter requirements. Little role, Mr. Linton can also testify for me." Song Ya replied.


Linton nodded. Inside Disney, he belongs to the Eisner faction, and he doesn't buy the accounts of Ovitz, an outsider. Of course, some specific matters must be managed by the other party. Faced with this scandal that may be exposed, he still has to be consistent with the outside world.

"What about Johnny Carson's attitude?" Ovitz asked.

"Not very optimistic."

Linton said: "Actually, at his current age, it's time to prepare for his autobiography. At least his current wife would like to see more money in royalties in the future."

"Haha, I understand."

Ovitz did not propose any solution, but kept asking, "APLUS, chat alone? Is it convenient?" Finally, he actively invited.

"of course."

Amy immediately let go of her hand obediently, Song Ya nodded with Linton and followed Ovis into the small room.

"APLUS, I don't think you can stay at Sony Columbia Records next year, right?" But I didn't expect Ovitz to ask another thing.

"I haven't made a decision yet, but probabilistically..."

Song Ya couldn't figure out his intentions, and responded vaguely.

"There are only two of us here, I think we can be straightforward."

Ovitz smiled, "Who is your chaser? Universal? Not many other than that? Am I right?"

"Uh, William Morris is in charge of this. I don't know the specific progress yet..."

"They have always been arrogant and stupid. You are too young APLUS. You have never seen their strength and exploitation in the entertainment industry before the rise of CAA. It was CAA that made them as docile as they are now. You are in good time. ."

With Ovitz and Ron Meyer being poached by Hollywood giants, CAA has been caught up in the battle for power with the original second-tier agents such as Paikinsley. William Morris is recovering quickly, and Ovitz has made it easy. Scolded, "Believe me, when their momentum continues to pick up, and sooner or later they show their original colors, your future cooperation with them will not be too pleasant."

No, you have already come to work for Disney and are still thinking about these things. Song Ya was confused, "Thank you for reminding, Mr. Ovitz."

"Well, you can actually consider options other than the six major record companies, such as Disney." Ovitz said.

Oh, that's it, "Walt Disney Records?"

Song Ya knows that this is a company that distributes original soundtracks for Disney movies, and it seems that it has also signed some singers.

"Not only, there are Hollywood Records, which are Hollywood's own record company, Touchstone Records, and so on..."

Ovitz said: "Our newly acquired ABC/Metropolitan also has a large number of small and medium record companies, such as those that provide soundtracks to various TV stations under ABC, and Metropolitan Records, which originally belonged to Metropolitan Communications, etc., all integrated. It can compete with the Big Six, and there is no shortage of distribution channels."


Song Ya touched his chin and followed his thoughts. Indeed, if the parent company Disney's global film distribution channels are used well, it does have potential if it really does a lot of work. This is not bad! Don’t you worry that there will be no bidders for the next distribution of A+ records?

Moreover, A+ Records is not weak in those record companies of the Disney series, and its status is definitely higher than that after joining the other six major records, no, much higher. They are not as powerful as Sony Columbia Records’ Epic Records, BMG’s RCA, Universal Music’s MCA, EMI’s Viking, and Capitol Records.

So, if you can catch up with this wave of Disney's grand strategy ride...

I just don’t know if they can succeed, how determined they are, and the risk of getting into this car is also great. "The recording industry has not been so easy these days."

Song Ya questioned, “You don’t have any singers under your banner. I only heard Linton say that several members of the Queen’s band signed a personal long-term contract with Hollywood Records. Most Walt Disney Records only signed the original soundtrack of the movie with the singer. First appointment."

"The road is taken step by step."

Ovitz said: "It's always a good thing that we have a record company comparable to the Big Six, and Disney deserves this."

"Well, I will take you into consideration." Hanging first, it's always good to lower the price.

"You have misunderstood APLUS. I mean the long-term all-round cooperation between you and me, myself, including the brokerage agreement, record release agreement, etc."

Ovitz shook his head straight: "We can work together to create a new recording dynasty. Your personal assets have already reached this point. What's the point of being subjugated for the next five years and ten years? Your character...APLUS, can you still Can you tolerate another Motura? The six major record company presidents are not even better than Motura."

Why did you go around? You came back to me again, and you are still in CAA? "I don't understand, you, er, Mr. Ovitz, it's not convenient to act as an artist now?"

"This is the case at the moment, but there will always be accommodations."

Ovitz said: "How? Consider it? If you can give me an answer as quickly as possible, I can take care of the small troubles in front of me, and in the future, you will be insulated from those negative scandals from now on. This is my guarantee. ."

If you don’t sign your relationship, you can’t do anything, or what? Song Yaxin said that I am not a person who will be threatened by This is also a scandal of your Disney. "

"Maybe, but our ability to bear it is different."

Ovitz continued to persuade, "Have you heard of Gramsci's theory of media hegemony?"

"know a little."

"Very well, Gramsci believes in his prison notes that the real power of the social system is not the violence of the ruling class or the coercive power of the state apparatus, but the acceptance of the ruler’s worldview by the ruler. Hegemony lies in Cultural and ideological aspects must be implemented through various institutions of civil society, such as education, family, church, and social mechanisms such as popular culture and mass media. What you are facing now is the threat of mass media hegemony from top publishing houses, Simon Shu It’s easy for a star to destroy a star. A book published by an authoritative institution and prefaced by cultural celebrities can spread for dozens of years and be trusted by the ignorant public. Believe me, don’t take it seriously, it can protect you right now, There is only another hegemony."

Only then did Ovitz show his hegemony, pointing to his chest and saying, "Like me."


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