Chicago 1990

Chapter 940: Sloan's Theory of Funders

Shura Field was close in front of him, unable to provide services immediately, Song Ya took the money into his pocket and chatted with Sloan about the election.

Next month will be the day when the results of the primary elections in the various parties, large and small, are almost certain to be won by Michelle’s husband in terms of political investment, and will fight one-on-one against the elephant party opponents in the next six to November. He has an absolute advantage, has a strong campaign team and fundraising ability. As long as there is no major accident, he has reserved a seat in the Senate of the Illinois State Assembly.

Other donors, the current chief, deputy chief, Underwood and others are also very stable. Only the drunkard Russell supported by Underwood is still a few points behind his opponent in the polls, so the selection is staggering.

"Do you have any advice?"

Song Ya asked his political adviser, “It seems that Russell’s election to the Federal House of Representatives is beyond his personal ability, and most of the voters in the electoral district he has transferred to are white blue-collar workers and family members. I can’t do much to help endorsement.

"Russell is very good at getting along with the workers. Now it's only dragged down by the rumors that Dow might close the Chicago fluorescent agent factory. The accusation by the fluorescent agent factory workers of his escaping from the original constituency spread into the new constituency. You know, blue collar. Workers have their own channels of communication."

Sloan's business level did not say.

"Maybe Lord Governor to help stand on the stage?" Song Ya asked.

"Your support is very interesting, APLUS, the contributions of various politicians you provide through various channels are far beyond what a black singer would do. Even if you have promised Underwood, even if Russell is not selected, I can't think of how thick-skinned Underwood would come to blame you."

Sloan took the opportunity to comment, "I have studied your support for politicians over the years, and I found that you are still not a qualified funder at all. You always give politicians more than average money, which is not good. "

"Politicians helped me solve a lot of troubles, otherwise I would not be able to achieve my current achievements." Song Ya replied.

"The general direction is right, but politicians are very annoyed by financial owners who are always in trouble and need help. They have to take additional risks for this. Most politicians don’t like to have anything uncontrollable. And it’s not good for you. You will be coerced by politicians or abandoned."

Sloan said: "The sponsor and the politician have their own responsibilities, obligations and tacit understanding. The ideal state is that after the relationship is established, the politician will help your business, so that your interest structure will be more stable and each other will be in a psychological comfort zone. After being bound to a certain level, everyone has a handle on each other, and it's easy to say what troubles arise again."

"But the very frustrating fact at the moment is that I don’t want to but can’t hide from all kinds of inexplicable troubles. Let’s take Kunes as an example. If I’m white, do I still need to spend that much money? "Song Ya asked back.

"In short, I think this is not good. You have to let politicians help you make more money. This is what they should do, instead of linking with murders, treason, etc., although I understand that you cannot control it for the time being. "Sloan said: "Otherwise, you will give more and ask for less, and they will have to whisper in their hearts, so they may investigate more actively whether you have caused any trouble, or they may still be wary of collecting money like Gore. Keep a considerable distance, or treat you as a fool."


Song Ya heard this sentence. Didn't Underwood suddenly play tricks to force him to buy Barn Company? I don’t know what’s going on. I always dwarfed politicians earlier. I really need to adjust. “How do you think I can ask them to repay me and help me make money after this election year?”

"Politicians can use taxpayers' money or public funds, and random omissions such as appropriations and rescues are huge amounts. For example, after Michelle's husband is elected, he will have some power in the Illinois State Assembly..."

Sloan said: "He and his wife together manage hundreds of millions of semi-public funds and charitable donations. The money will basically be used by the black community, and your A+CN is a black media, or it is based in Chicago. Black serious media, don’t they deserve to receive assistance from the government and related organizations like the Inner City Broadcasting Company? Didn’t you say that A+CN was a bit unbearable? Oprah seems to want to take advantage of the fire? Oprah’s offer is low, and it is possible Competing with you for the control of the company, and the government grants or special funds are much more generous, and those who are not the politicians’ own money, they basically have no incentive to focus on your specific operations for a long time..."

"It makes sense, go on."

Song Ya's eyes brightened.

"And for media like A+CN, your shareholding ratio is too high and your personal color is too strong, otherwise Jesse Helms would only be able to rectify Gordon at that time, instead of directing you. I think it’s best to lower it before the general election gets more and more intense in the second half of the year, at least to the level of the inner city broadcaster, of course, without losing control.” Sloan said.


Therefore, it must be reduced to a level that is both unobtrusive and controllable. In view of the huge losses of A+CN and no profit hope, there is really no good way to solve it except using the money in the hands of politicians. Help me devise a more balanced approach, Ms. Sloan, I will follow you slowly."

Song Ya's brain quickly inferred.

It's a pity that the environment is a bit bad. Many of Al's friends are local small and medium-sized DJs. They keep coming to greet the king of rap in Chicago.

These people are very familiar with each other, and they did deal with some of them during the first time. Song Ya was a little annoyed to deal with it. By the way, they learned that Jazzy was bragging about him. Partner.

Jazzy owns 25% of Roc-A-Records, and his wholly-owned A+ Records owns 50% of Roc-A-. He uses the term partner to make sense, but just like himself The law school JD (JurisDoctor) degree that you want to go to sounds like a doctor, but the holder of the degree will never be embarrassed to say so. Even the qualifications for adding the title of Dr in front of the surname are not the same. This is a problem of skin thickness.

Of course, it is a bit too much to discuss the thickness of the face with the hip-hop singer. Jazzy is indeed a guy who can take every opportunity to put gold on his face.

Song Ya looked at Jazzy on the other side of the lawn, who was talking and laughing with Beyoncé and other Destiny Girls. History is really stubborn. It seems that they can still get together in the future.

Of course not now, Beyonce is still young, and her stern father, Matthew Norris, joined the chat in the past and took over the supervision.

No matter what, just rub it, or that sentence, you can make money for me, don't mind being rubbed.

Al’s major events are not easy for themselves. In short, first hide from the continuous communication, and then solve the problems at the Shura field. Cousin Tony and Silencer are surrounded by many people such as Escobe. A. Dile gathered not far away, Song Ya walked over and held her waist, "What are you talking about?"

"Al's pre-wedding I heard it was interesting?" Mira smiled and blinked, "Why don't you attend?"

Song Ya remembered the day when he was almost killed by the fire axe, rolled his eyes and slammed, Big A raised his chin, "He always arranges the show too much."

"Ha, I tried my best to APLUS, everyone was very happy that day." Big A retorted: "Just let go and play, what can M-fxxk have."

"He is worried that the girls you got will talk nonsense to the outside world."

Diley helped back. In the eyes of the fans, it is one thing to be a scumbag in the game flower bush, and it is another thing to talk about the uninfluenced strippers. A mess that is not picky at all is not worthy of the name of a trend superstar and a gossip content website. Dile knows this very well.

"Shxt, don't question my professional abilities." The two of the big A side compared their middle fingers.

"Shall we go to chat with Amy?" Song Ya chatted for a while, looking for a chance to ask in Mira's ear.

"Oh." Mila, who was still happy, fell into a low mood.


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