China Entertainment's performance is king

Chapter 268 Are you and her a couple?

After Shen Lang returned to his room, he thought about it for a while, um, I have to let my brother Nazha learn, why is he so powerful, that motto.

If Nazha knew what he was thinking, she could kick him away. It's unlucky to be your brother, which brother misses his body every day.

You went back directly, let's go to Mogao Grottoes. Zheng Kai was chatting with Shen Lang, knowing that Shen Lang was about to withdraw.

I can't leave. My only shortcoming is that I am too dedicated to my work. It is a bit too uncomfortable to leave work. Shen Lang joked.

He thinks it's better to go back and earn 4.9 million, just for fun, and he can come later, because he can't play well for half a day.

Baby Baoqiang, Zheng Kai and Li Chen stayed, Deng Chao and Chen Chichi withdrew, the guests withdrew, and Shen Lang also left.

Back on the set, Shen Lang obviously felt that everyone was more enthusiastic about him, this is the bonus of running man.

The first issue of Running Man has been on for three or four days, and the popularity has begun to rise, but Shen Lang has nothing else to do except his good looks.

But his fans have also exceeded 300,000. After all, image is still very important, and now Shen Lang wants to wait until the second issue is released.

He wants to sell clothes in conjunction with Phase 2 and 7, and he wants to see how the system can make these clothes sell out. For this reason, he also opened a special online store to prepare for this batch of goods.

This is the moment to show the ability to bring goods the most. There is no promotion, nothing, and the things are still the same as he and Nazha, the most basic blue half sleeves.

There are a total of 100,000 items in stock, 80,000 items for men, and 20,000 items for women. I don’t dare to have too many women. From the movie, the closer I am to myself, the faster the sales will be. The system will definitely favor me.

Okay, I've been seeing your news on the Internet a lot in the past two days. Tao Hui felt very psychedelic, Shen Lang's choice was too good.

Movies are selling well, and variety shows are also popular. It really has super potential. No, it has already discounted part of the potential of high-quality stocks.

How should I put it, she is willing, she is handsome and has a good career, and she can get along seriously. In fact, if she takes the initiative, it doesn't matter to Shen Lang if she comes half a time, but if you plan to get along seriously, then it won't work, Shen Lang has to run.

Isn't this normal? It's nice to have such a face. Shen Lang joked.

Jokes are jokes, but work still has to be done. Shen Lang is a little sad to see the increased points. Except for some super big productions, there will be no chance to stay in the group permanently.

After it becomes popular, the salary will definitely increase. Legend of Miyue is at the right time. If the running man is invited, the price will not be the same, and Magic Dog and Raiders is also in the selection period.

Well, the most important thing is to deal with The Third Kind of Love. This negotiation must have collapsed. Shen Lang gave the promotion company 100,000 yuan, and sooner or later he will earn it back from Liu Tianxian.

In mid-August, the results were basically released. The implantation was fine, and I could be a second-parter. But at that time, the box office of Heart Labyrinth was soaring. My salary was low, so I went straight to it, okay? Although Odie is your relative , But who can carry the box office? If you don't investigate, you still have to implant it, cheating fools.

Shen Lang took this opportunity to give up at that time. In fact, it is very normal for you to come and go when negotiating. Who would have thought that he would really run away.

Anyway, Liu Tianxian has already gone to film the widow, and it is impossible for him to join the scene. The Third Kind of Love expresses his melancholy.

However, a project is prone to accidents. With an investment of 40 to 50 million yuan, if you want to enter the market with 10 million implants, you must work hard. Project delays are very common.

Well, this time the running man sold 5 million stocks. I don't know if he can replace the male lead. If not, then he will have Big Red Envelope.

Red Beauty with Dew is about to be released, and Shen Lang's Big Red Envelope is also coming soon. According to his memory, Red Beauty with Dew will have no problem paying back, but that's all about making money.

Although he is the second male lead, he has just exploded, and the box office of the movie is good to say, but it would be a bit embarrassing if it remained the same, and he was not happy to ask him to inject points.

This can only be done after the release of The Beauty in Dew, and when the box office is not good, it won't take long to be ridiculed in Big Red Envelope, and everyone has to get used to it. Shen Lang's movies can only be high at the box office.

Big Red Envelope is scheduled for the end of November, and it's already been decided. What I'm thinking about now is how many points to invest.

At that time, if it is a stud, it should be able to break 500 million, but you can't develop the habit of this stud, you have to keep it just in case, just take it step by step, there is a system, he just needs to be steady.

The second episode of Running Man started broadcasting, and Shen Lang was also watching the ratings. As soon as it was released, it was number one. Shen Lang thought about it, let the news ferment for a day, and started selling clothes the day after tomorrow.

These two are really right together. How about the looks of Shen Lang and Nazha? You can say that they have no acting skills, but no one will believe that they have no looks.

You black Nazha black acting skills, black quality, few people black looks bad, Shen Lang is naturally the same, many female fans are aggrieved, want to follow you, you speak like that.

Shen Lang's topic, that dog licking and money are not for spending but for viewing, has been fermented on a small scale.

However, seeing Shen Lang playing games with Nazha and eating a snack, he almost touched his lips, and he really hated Nazha. It's just so contradictory. It's so easy for male stars to attract fans.

There are many star-chasing girls, so naturally they don't like the same sex. In fact, Nazha has a lot of fans, but just to join in the popularity, she doesn't spend a penny, and she doesn't have any companionship.

But in the eyes of passers-by, these two guys will be fine, but then they saw Shen Lang and Zhang Lanxin looking at each other and dragging Tang Yixin to run. What kind of routine is this, no matter what the fans think?

After this issue ended, Shen Lang also sent a video to Nazha, but she didn't answer it, it seems that this brother will not be able to get along in the future.

If Nazha knew what he was thinking, she would definitely say, hurry up and go somewhere else, and contact me every day if you are idle, let alone contact me, and see what I wear every day, if I am sick.

In fact, it's not every day, Nazha is paranoid, and she only watched it seven times in ten days, Shen Lang is just playing.

He loves to harass Nazha very much now. Although men and women do not have a pure friendship, they actually covet each other, but they get along really well.

But being a girlfriend is absolutely impossible, Shen Lang felt that he could easily catch up with Nazha, as long as he said to himself, be my girlfriend, and they can get up together tomorrow.

But he knows his problems, and he won't fall in love with Nazha if he can't solve the problem, and Nazha knows it too, so he doesn't force it, which is pretty good.

Are you and Gulina together?

The next day, many people asked this question cryptically, but the good wife Tao felt that she and Shen Lang got along well, so she asked directly.

I swear to God, it's really not, but it's true that we have a very good relationship. Shen Lang said without feeling guilty at all.

Back at the hotel at night, the system, show up, let the place heat up.

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