China Entertainment's performance is king

Chapter 414 Finishing and entering a new job (thanks to the dog that eats vermicelli, garbage riding

Thank you, thank you. Shen Lang clasped his palms together and was thanking his brothers for their support. He doesn't use points, which doesn't mean no one is watching him. He is also very popular, but he doesn't want the super high conversion rate like the system.

He didn't follow Let's Get Married all day, and helped run two movie theaters in the afternoon. In the morning, the movie theaters were rarely open, so he continued to shoot his own works.

The villagers are very supportive. Anyway, the games he participated in must be full, and he doesn’t care about the follow-up. It is very normal to be full, after all, he is a star.

Brother Kai, then I won't see you off, let's talk later. Shen Lang said.

Let's talk later. Zheng Kai also withdrew, and left after achieving his goal. Shen Lang was still filming, so he didn't have time to play with him at all.

Shen Lang recalled the parting, Chen Yihan wanted his own contact information, and he gave him the work account of Kill Me Don't Use Lingerdao.

Speaking of WeChat, Shen Lang felt that he should change it. After all, he had already been Liu Tianxian's boyfriend. Should he change it to Liu Yifei's ex-boyfriend in the circle? Liu Tianxian didn't care about it before, but now he might explode.

Shen Lang can't be sure that Liu Tianxian likes him, he is not that narcissistic, but he is sure that the other party is unhappy with him, and in the relationship between the sexes, Shen Lang feels that he has not suffered much anyway.


This one just sits here with the spoon so it won't be hot, it's all cooked. Pan Zhilin moved the spoon, it was steaming hot, and a group of people were eating hot pot.

That's right, eating hot pot on the set, if there is such a scene, just eat it for real, as long as the people with the plot don't forget it.

Shen Lang didn't just care about himself, he invited the whole crew. Because of his high income and knowing the hard work of ordinary staff, he often treats guests when filming with him.

Of course, now the actors can only eat first, and everyone has to shoot theirs. It is rare for Shen Lang not to join in the fun. He has to eat his sister-in-law, no, dumplings, and don't eat the things given by the police. He is very strict.

In fact, this scene has been filmed before, and the strict parents and sisters all appeared. Now it is time to go through the plot in the house.

The plot continues to go on, and the night shift will be added tonight. This is very necessary. The plan is to finish today. Yes, I am in such a hurry. This film cannot be said to be filmed completely smoothly, but in the later stage, it is basically a pure night scene. .

With the sound of Shen Lang is finished, everyone present is very happy. It is interesting for outsiders to watch everyone filming, but for insiders, this is an ordinary job. No one likes to work, even Shen Lang. in this way.

He didn't follow the crew to the end, everyone cooperated with him first, and they were rushing to work in the past two days, and Shen Lang still had other work, and his completion meant that everyone was going to be there too, so it's no wonder they were unhappy if they were still entertaining guests.

If it weren't for his system, the only way to get points now is filming, he might have started playing a long time ago. Isn't the ultimate goal of any superstar is money? constraint.

Besides, Tang Poetry Immortals haven't collected them all, and many idols haven't had a chance to fall in love yet. What they thought about in the previous life, they should find a way to do it in this life.

After eating, Shen Lang followed Pan Zhilin to her room, the two of them didn't say anything, some things are better said than done.

Pan Zhilin didn't pretend to be too much, and he and Shen Lang still haven't reunited, which means that after returning to BJ, the chance to meet is limited when he is not filming, so what else can he say.

Shen Lang also felt perfect, the good brothers traveled over mountains and ridges, and all kinds of explorations were quite satisfactory anyway, but there was one thing that Shen Lang didn't feel right.

What do you mean? Shen Lang was lying down, and it was already the second day. Although he was about to leave soon, he saw that Pan Zhilin threw a wad of money on himself after putting on his clothes, maybe 10,000 yuan, it looked like a new acquisition.

I'm very comfortable with you serving me during this time, I'll reward you. Pan Zhilin withdrew after finishing speaking, Shen Lang was a little speechless.

Money doesn't matter, 10,000 is not a small amount to ordinary people, but to him and Pan Zhilin, it cannot be said to be a drop in the bucket, but it is really nothing, it can make him feel uncomfortable, Pan Zhilin feels that 10,000 is worth the money, thinking of Shen Lang looked puzzled, but Pan Zhilin was very happy.

Shen Lang really didn't expect Pan Zhilin to be like this, as for what, forget it, follow me once, but it's also decided, next time you beg for mercy, I won't let you go, it's all an episode.


Dad, Mom, I'm back, and I said you guys have to stay in your hometown for a while. Shen Lang went back to BJ first, seeing his parents was necessary.

The reason why he said this is that when he was filming The Big Winner, his parents also went back. Shen Lang even went back to his hometown overnight. up.

What are you staying for? I used to want to go back safely, but now I have too many things to do when I go back. It was obvious that the parents were also very annoyed.

Shen Lang is still too hot, especially in a small county town, relatives who are out of reach have to come to the door, which is very annoying.

Shen Lang didn't need to care, he didn't communicate much with those people, and he was treated as a child before, but his parents couldn't.

Okay, let's eat. It's hard for you to come back and lie down, and you're a bit too busy. Lin Fengxia said.

I can't help it. It's not that I have accumulated work. By the way, can An Muxi sign the contract with the mobile phone? Shen Lang asked.

Yes, you've been filming advertisements and signing contracts these two days. Lin Fengxia also has something to do when she comes back, she has to look after the money for her son, 20 million after tax, two advertisements, 40 million in cash, don't be careful.

Okay. Shen Lang's next group was The Great Wall. There was a week in the middle, shooting running men and commercials, and they were all done during this time.

Then go to accumulate points, now it is 500 million, I feel that the firepower is not very sufficient, I have to work hard, if it is as expected, My Girls' Generation will be released in the Lunar New Year file, it must be used wisely, and Shouting to the Mountain is the literary film he plans to shoot, and it may also be released at the end of the year.

Points seem to be too much, but once they are used, I feel very embarrassed. The Big Winner is released in the summer, and the domestic protection month is scheduled. Shen Lang is going to enter it. I don't know how many extra points I can bring. .


Happy cooperation. Shen Lang signed two contracts in one day, and the time was coordinated. Shen Lang only had three days, one contract, two days advertising, and then went directly to Zhejiang to participate in the second season of Running Man.

Needless to say, he shoots single-person commercials, or else he can give Jiang Yuchen some benefits. She shoots commercials, or she says it’s easy for celebrities to make money, and she shoots one commercial a day, but her working hours are only three or four. Hours are enough.

Jiang Yuchen had already turned around, Shen Lang didn't care too much, he and the other party were just exchanging benefits, there was nothing bad to say. (I'm really ashamed to see people)

Thanks to the dog who eats vermicelli for rewarding Liu Shishi, Liu Tianxian, and Shen Lang each with 233 points, and for the book with 100 points, thank you for the garbage ride for 500 points, Zhuye Shi for 100 points, and the big one for 100 points Coins, 100 point coins reward for rare people in the wild

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