"Lill and Cain have met each other .... About that--can you tell me carefully?"

Cain nodded at Terestia's serious expression. Enclose the table with four people, and Cain begins talking while tracing memories.

"That was when I was still in Gracia. I once went to the city of Ramesta with my father. At that time ---"

The city of Ramesta is a hub for imports and exports to the Vaisus Empire, and Cain takes escorts to the market in search of rare things and souvenirs for the Reine family. Then she talks about a girl she met when she bought a necklace at a stall-Lil. While looking at my sister's souvenir, I tried to buy the same necklace. He gave me a hand and chose a Cain necklace instead. For a merchant's child, she thought she was a pretty girl, wearing pretty good clothes. He seemed to be chased by someone, and he was no longer in the crowd as he escaped from pursuers. Then he was accompanied by Garm, couldn't go to the market and never met again.

「―――― I feel like that ……」

After completing the explanation, Cain irritates his thirst with a bit of cold tea. Lirutana was facing down during Cain's account.

"――Yes, I understand. Lil, right ...?"

In Terestier's words, Liltana, leaning down, shook his head slightly. After confirming this, Telestea exchanges glances with Silk and nods each other.

"Cain, today I would like to talk with three people, including Lil. So, if possible, can you rent this big bed?"


Cain replies to Terestier's words with a careless reply.

"Cain-kun, Teres says that he wants to sleep in the same room with three people today. Indeed, in our room, three people are small, but with that big bed, three people can afford it, so today Wants to rent this room ... "

(Is it like a school trip girls association? ...)

In the previous life, a school trip was scheduled for the fall of the second year of high school, but he could not go.

Cain remembered that and smiled and nodded.

"Yes, I don't mind. Don't touch the documents on the desk. There are a lot of valuables."

When Cain drinks up her tea, she says, "I will sleep in a different room."

"Ah, yeah. Cain. Did you think of Lil as a" cute girl "at such a small age?"

In the words of silk, Rirutana shook his body and reddish his ears. Cain thought he was terrible, and said, "I'm off!" And left the room in a hurry.

Leaning on the closed door, Cain sighs.

"--No way, that child was Lil ..."

Cain walks down the corridor, remembering those days. ―――― Because the room where you sleep is gone.

But Dalmatia, an excellent butler, appeared.

"Cain-sama, we have a room here." "... Thank you. Did you listen ...?"

Dalmatia smiles without saying anything and just says, "Please click here." Cain was taken to Dalmatia and fell asleep in an empty room.


"Good morning, Cain," "Good morning, Cain-kun," "... Good morning, Cain-sama ..."

There was a telestealer who greeted cheerfully and Lil'tana who was shy behind silk.

"Good morning everyone"

She has already changed into a uniform and will have breakfast and leave the city of Drintor. I was worried about the content of yesterday's story, but I couldn't help hearing it, and Cain went a bit worried to go to the dining room. Breakfast is buffet style like dinner, and the menu is different, but each one eats what they like and eats. The four Cain also have breakfast around the same table.

"I'm just one more city away and I'm finally in the Republic of Ilstin.

Lil'Tana has experience since coming to the Esfort Kingdom from the Vaisus Empire, but most people, including Cain, will be out of the kingdom for the first time. After leaving the west gate of Drintor, he will head north, pass through another town, Terenza, and pass through the country post to the Republic of Ilstin. Mansion After finishing the meal, when I left, a carriage was already prepared, and knights and adventurers were waiting in line. His followers, including Alex and Dalmatia, are also in line to see off. The students board each carriage.

"Take care."

Thanks to Alex's words of forgiveness, the carriage began to advance. It is about three days from here to the town of Terenza. Since there is no post town on the way, knights and adventurers set up their tents.

"Drintle is too comfortable and even painful ..."

In Terestier's words, silk and Lil'tana nod, and Cain grins. The bag was stored at the school's school, but it was housed in a cot, but it was inevitable when compared to the bedroom in Dorintl. The students were thinking in the same way, and had a whisper, but the teacher said that you were too blessed. And he arrived at Terenza without incident. The city of Terenza is governed by Viscount Bardo von Lagunafu Terenza. Viscount Balt was a Marquis of Corsino, and Cain did not want to be too involved. The train carriages are accepted by the teacher at the entrance and proceed to the city. Cain looked at the city from the small window of the carriage, but had the image of being a little lonely. The shops are not very lively and there are few people. Some stores are closed.

"I'm a little lonely compared to Drintl ..."

Silk whispered in the carriage, and Terestea and Lil'Turna resonated. And the carriage was worn in front of the manor house. The lord's mansion was two stories high, and the servants of the house were already waiting in line. Teachers and students get off the carriage and line up. And next to the man who seems to be the lord of the middle age-Marquis Corsino.

"Welcome. You're tired. Please relax slowly because we have a room."

The Marquis of Corsino, not the Viscount Bardo, greets himself. The students are guided to the mansion and assigned to the room. Terestier, Silk and Lil'tana were assigned private rooms, while the other students were double or quadruple rooms. Of course Cain-it was a quadruple room. (I haven't really told power yet ...) Thought of that, I'm having dinner while enjoying conversation with my classmates in the room. For dinner, several tables were arranged and several people sat there. Telestia, Silk and Lil'tana are led to the same table as Marquis Corsino and Viscount Baldo, and Cain and others arrive at the designated tables. Drinks are prepared in front of each person, and it is a toast greeting. And again, Marquis Corsino stood up and had a toast.

"Teachers and students welcome to the city of Terenza. Today is the day, but please relax. Let's toast." "" "" "" "" "" Cheers "" "" "" "" ""

Meals were distributed one by one and the meal began. Perhaps because of this amount, the food was a bit cold and the students complained a bit.

"Compared to Drintor ..." "Sure, that's true. All rooms have private rooms." "Yes, the food was better than here ..."

Such voices are raised from the students while they are whispered. Of course, he spoke inaudibly to Marquis Corsino and Viscount Baltic.

"His Highness, Miss Silk, Highness, I will be pleased to hear you today."

Marquis Corsino says with a smile, but they all agree with the students and do not say it.

"Thank you, Marquis Corsino, Viscount Bardo, for your hospitality. I saw the cityscape from the carriage today, but I was a little lonely ... but I felt lonely, any problem?"

In Terestier's words, Marquis Corsino and Viscount Bardo frown.

"… Did you notice again? In fact, little by little, the population of the city is decreasing.

Marquis Corsino sent an awful gaze to Cain, who was eating at a different table.

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