"Take care" "Bishop, take care on the way"

The escort temple knights and adventurers were waiting in front of the church early in the morning. Bishop Harnum greets the priest of the church where he stayed and rides on a carriage. Cain followed her and closed the carriage door. Adventurers slowly surround the carriage carrying a bishop, led by a temple knight, and leave the city. He will leave the city of Jennacy for three days and aim to become a teaching capital while camping. On the way, there is a small village, but it is supposed to pass by the procurement of food. The escort adventurers shared the possibility of a raid in advance, as the course passed through mountains and forests along the way.

"I heard at Cain, at the church, but there seems to be a lot of bandits recently, and there seems to be a lot of attacks on carriages." I can share exploration magic, so I think I can deal with it even if there is a raid. "

Bishop Harnham was worried, but considers Cain OK. He trusted the escort members, including Claude. In fact, many escorts of other bishops and priests are adventurers with the ability of C rank to D rank. This means that there are temple knights who can fight, so it is important to accompany them for camp preparation and chores. Malinford was pervasive in other countries, so even bandits would refrain from attacking church officials. This time, it was thought that the bishops dispatched to various countries gathered at once or that they were attacked because they carried a large amount of money.

I left the first night camp without any problems. Cain's item box contains a great deal of material. Milly and Nina, who had tutors at an early age, have of course. As for Claude and Nina, I made and handed over Claude and Nina when I returned from the Republic of Ilstein. If they couldn't get it for free, Cain would have received a price equivalent to a commercial price. Magic bag Actually, Cain manufactures a national treasure class whose capacity is many times different from that of commercially available items, but it is impossible to pay for it. Lina was afraid, but Claude was laughing and receiving her.

Exploration As the carriage enters the mountains, Cain recites and begins guarding around. The highway at the foot of the forest, which passes through a thick tree, has poor visibility and many obstacles. It was a great place to attack from anywhere. Claude guarding outside the carriage seems to understand, too, slowing down the carriage and moving slowly.

(Don't be ... maybe they're reconnaissance ...)

Cain felt that he was watching the party from the back of the forest, and Cain felt that there was a possibility of an attack in the future, and asked Cain to stop the carriage once. Bishop Harnham was wondering, but replied to Cain's serious expression.

"It may be a bandit reconnaissance. I'm off sign but there are two people. I'll talk to Mr. Claude once." "Okay .... Follow the instructions."

As Cain descended from the carriage, Claude's expression, wondering that she had stopped, became firm. Perhaps he saw Cain's expression.

"Is it coming?" "Well, maybe. I'm still reconnaissance, but ... maybe it's coming." "Tell me out of the window and tell me." "Okay.

Claude ordered a small break and gathered the adventurers.

"What happened. The break should be ahead ...?" "Oh, I'm going to talk to Cain and take a little break." "Cain ... is that child? That child? That child. Need to hear what he says? "

Another pair of adventurers who don't know Cain's ability raises questions, but Claude silently shakes his head and shows his affirmation.

"I know Claude because he is famous, but I knew that shaved man for the first time. Is he a man who can do that?" Silver Devil "Don't you know ...? "Isn't that familiar ..."?! ... I've heard that destroying the adventurer's guild, making even the guildmaster prostrate, and all those who turn their teeth will not be able to wake up. ... Maybe it's that Cain !? "" I've heard that even the nobles would open the way. Everyone I've dealt with has gone missing and will surely be burned somewhere. Or there is

Adventurers tell a gossip about the absence of Cain. Claude seemed to start blowing out, but he nodded while laughing.

"That's right. So I'm getting on a bishop's carriage. If I'm a devil, I would go against it ...?"

Lina hits her head with a cane to threaten Claude.

"Don't believe that gossip. Claude is on track!" "Well, but the rumors aren't a lie anymore. I'm sure I've destroyed Drintl's adventurer's guild." "That's right ..." "I'm serious ..."

Adventurers drink saliva and send Claude a serious glance.

"Well, so don't you think you're a child, don't get tangled up. And you could be attacked. Cain found scouts. Pain!"

Claude, whose head was again beaten by a stick by Lina, looked up with tears.

"That's the most important story!"

Claude was repeatedly beaten with a cane to Rina, who had a blue streak on her forehead.

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