Chronicles of Ryan the Wizard

Vol 9 Chapter 915: Lost Peak (12)

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The great lich Gregory finally remembered the identity of the man in front of him, and the undead army's attack on the human world was frustrated. Even the most proud student of the demigod lich Constance, the chief lich of the crazy lich tower, Nicholas personally projected in plane. It was futile to go to that plane to preside over in a technical way. Finally, he had to withdraw from the entire Eslar continent and transferred the war to other places.

In this protracted battle between souls and undeads, human beings will always emerge from time to time some powerful men who temporarily defeated the undead legion. The last time was the division division Melen, and this time it was a young man named Lane, Despite Gregorian's hidden identity and harvesting souls in another world, he has heard the name repeatedly in recent contacts with the Mad Lich Tower. It is said that not only Nicholas and the most talented Sandro lost to this person Even the demigod Lich Conss failed to envelop him in person, but it was an demigod's invitation, in exchange for Gregory himself, it was impossible to refuse anyway.

The great lich Gregory carefully looked at Ryan's appearance and found that it did indeed match the information he knew. It was not long ago that this talent was a legendary strongman. How did he get promoted to the realm of the field so quickly, Gregory himself spent it It took almost a thousand years to slowly reach this stage, and for such a long period of time, it has almost no sleep, diet or other time-wasting actions, and it has also devoured a large number of strong souls to accelerate the speed of strength improvement. For Ryan in front of him, it also made us wonder why the demigod lich would personally bring an ordinary mortal Gregory to understand the reason. This young man is indeed worthy of the demigod lich Cons.

"No, aren't you on the Eslar continent, how did you come here?" The big lich Gregory asked the doubts in his heart, but stool Lane replied that he had actually guessed the reason, the human world. There are so few strong men, how could it be possible to support Ryan ’s impact on the stronger realm, needless to say, Ryan is participating in the millennium war in the other world, so it made a loud laugh, but no matter what came out of a mummy ’s mouth Such sounds can only create a more fearful atmosphere.

The great lich Gregory said to Ryan: "Ryan, you have repulsed Nicholas, and let the humans temporarily stay away from the dark clouds of war, but will now take humans into the ruins of destruction. The Legion of the Undead will not completely destroy any one. Race, because we need more souls, but there will be no mercy in the millennium war. I suddenly look forward to the expression on your face when you watch your own people being genocide by those powerful genocide in the outside world. "

"Before that, you should first care about your expression when facing death." Ryan replied coldly. If it is a strong man in other fields, Ryan may reconcile with the other side, but the remnants of the Undead Legion are absolutely impossible. No, this is the bottom line that Lane keeps inside. Furthermore, I do n’t know how many terrible enemies there are in the crazy Lich Tower. It can wipe out some parts in advance, even if it is only a trivial part, it will bring Lane ’s revenge battle one day earlier. When he arrived, he had been with Gregory and the snake, mainly waiting for the actions of his companions.

Before relying on the long distance between the planes, Ryan was not very worried that the demigod lich came to kill himself by projection, because the power projected on the other plane would suffer a great attenuation, and eventually it was not enough to threaten Ryan is safe, but will give him more actual combat opportunities to accumulate and enhance his own strength, but now Ryan is already in a different world, the biggest reliance is gone, and other companions are not around. It is impossible for a person to resist the demigod Lich Cons, who shot in person, and the Mother Mother will not face another demigod for herself.

Although according to the information currently available to Ryan, the demigod Lich Cons seems to be unwilling to divulge his existence, but is just looking for something, so that for so many years, the outside world has hardly been concerned about the eighth king, and Compared with the news of the other seven forces of the undead army that did not fall, if you fight for a strong field that is temporarily without danger to you, you must not only completely expose the existence of the entire undead force, but may also attract other people. The peep of the monarch is a worthless thing for the demigod lich.

It's just that Ryan didn't dare to put his own safety on the two demigod kings, the demigod Lich Constance and the Mother Goddess, and he had made up his mind. Once he shot, he must make the big lich in front of him. Ricoli completely wiped out, and must not be given the opportunity to escape and reveal his whereabouts, and to pass on the fact that Ryan had initially mastered the use of pseudo-power to the demigod lich, the former attracted the attention of the eighth king at most, The latter will have a great possibility for the demigod Lich Const to give up other concerns and take action in person. Now Ryan is still very weak and can not bear the consequences.

After Ryan said that, the starlight that had become very weak on the body surface suddenly burst into dazzling light. He no longer deliberately hides his power, so in just one or two breaths, the big lich Gregory In the blizzard in the field of long sleep, many shining stars appeared unconsciously. The small starlights attracted each other and shining regularly, forming a large nebula object. Ryan stood in the center of this nebula object. , Staring at the great lich Gregory.

After accepting the repulsion from the power of the laws of the star field, the great lich Gregory did not hesitate to strengthen the countermeasures. It will never allow its prey that it has gotten so easily to break free, but this time Ryan ’s field rules do not Once again, as before, Gregory ’s domain law power was completely unable to shake opponents, but the area it covered was slowly tightened under the force of Ryan ’s law. It is the true strength of Ryan as a high-level realm in the field.

Gregory saw that the situation was not good for himself, and immediately released the souls of all the super powerhouses accumulated over hundreds of years. These souls were refined into wraiths by it, most of which were in the realm of Gregory's impact field. It ’s time to devour it, but even if there are only a few hundred remaining, it ’s still a force that should not be underestimated. These wraiths and the power of the law of the field of long sleep outside are combined, like a human who has been blessed by divine magic. Then, he rushed to Ryan under Gregory's order.

Blessed by the power of the law in the field of long sleep, those wraith bodies are no longer the near-transparent appearance, but are crystal clear like crystals, and the shining stars around Ryan shine light on the wraith crystal body Immediately afterwards, the colorful and colorful colors were refracted. These lights, together with the changes in the Boya Dina's dream field, soon turned into a gorgeous halo to fill the entire area, giving people a feeling of being in a fairyland. It's just that the dead man's arm still waving toward the sky on the ground is out of step with all these beautiful pictures, as if reminding people to face the evil hidden under the beauty.

A group of crystal-like wraiths floated to Ryan, and the crystal-clear crystal body suddenly showed a grim face. It was the painful appearance of this wraith before death, and the soft and splendid light reflected this grim face. On the ground, and through the continuous refraction of the bodies of countless wraiths, a huge face of terror appeared between heaven and earth. The face grew up with a mouth that seemed to be roaring, but there was no sound coming out, just After an instant, thin and invisible cracks appeared on the surface of the crystal-like wraith body, and quickly expanded to the whole body of the crystal body. Then the legendary undead creature exploded into fragments.

Nail-sized fragments blasted in all directions. When one of them touched another crystal-like wraith, the body of the wraith also cracked. The crack expanded at the fastest speed. The body of this second wraith also exploded into fragments and spread around, then the third wraith, the fourth wraith ... The explosion spread to all wraiths like a plague, countless nail-sized crystal fragments It completely enveloped the world.

"Mother, help me quickly." Boyadinas, who kept her dream field aside, couldn't help but scream, the crystal fragments that were so dense that it seemed to be pouring down to the size of nails, but every one of them Containing the complete rule of the great lich Gregory's long-sleeping field, Boyadinas, as a bystander, has already felt the horror of this attack, and the illusion between the world and the world has been greatly distorted. Dinasi's dream field is about to collapse. At this time, no matter how proud Boya Dinasi is, she can't help but ask her mother for help. Otherwise, there will be no way to continue to siege the big lich Gregory, even Boyadi Nasi herself was going to be hit hard by that crystal storm.

"What a panic, look carefully." Unexpectedly, Mother Hester not only did not respond to her daughter's help, but in a voice that only two people could hear, Boyadinas reprimanded, Boyadinas was afraid. Shrinking her body, there is no such kind of Fang Qi's temperament of the Dark Elf Lord. She looked carefully at Ryan, but only saw a piece of crystal reflecting the high-speed flight of the starlight. The debris is completely covered in it,

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