Chronicles of Ryan the Wizard

Vol 8 Chapter 332: Expedition to the prairie (1)

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the magician Lane biography!

In the middle of the night after Ryan picked up his parents, the famous 5ooo shooter quietly came out under the leadership of Ryan. No matter who they are, they will think that Ryan will reunite with his parents. After all, they haven't seen each other for 5 or 6 years. Well, even if you have n’t shown up for a few days, it seems to be a normal thing, and before arousing doubts, Ryan and his team of popular shooters can already reach the first destination of this trip, a small town on the southwest border of the Imperial City. —Pamela.

This is part of the secret plan of the Imperial Capital Cassano Alliance. Expedition to the Clare tribe in the western part of the Southern Taryn Prairie, annihilate the Clare clan's army to the greatest extent, weaken the Clay clan's war potential to the greatest extent, and also Prepare for the next military operation of the Imperial Capital Cassano Alliance.

Today's imperial capital and Cassano can be said to be facing the enemy on all sides. According to reliable information, Seck City, Freedom Paradise, Mochizuki City and other large and small lords in the south of the mainland have formed an alliance. In this case, this The so-called Southern Freedom League has gained the strength to fight the courts with the Imperial Capital Cassano Union.

Since both sides are evenly matched, this situation of confrontation cannot be ended in a short period of time, so if you want to break the deadlock, you can only start from other aspects. In the north of the imperial capital, the orcs occupied the original Thor fortress and stared at the imperial capital for a long time. However, according to the investigations over the years, Orlando has not seen many orc mobile units. The imperial capital is difficult to go north, but the orc army It is not easy to go south.

In the previous wars, the Imperial capital ’s army was able to block the orc ’s footsteps only by virtue of the small fortifications built on the contrary. On the west side of the Imperial capital, the betrayal was the biggest variable, because the entire Clan warrior They are all excellent hussars, and they are very motivated. They can run hundreds of kilometers a day and night. If the Imperial Capital Corps goes north, they may be harassed by the Clay hussars and enter a passive situation. Eventually it had to be defeated due to logistics supply problems.

So after repeated argumentation, the Imperial City and the Cassano Alliance decided to take the lead in a raid, destroying the Clay camp near Mirror Lake in the western part of the Southern Taryn Prairie, and driving them further away, while trying Seizing war horses, weakening enemies, and improving their motivation are almost the only good things for the current situation in the Imperial City and Cassano.

In order for this expedition plan to be implemented smoothly, to prevent the expeditionary forces from being harassed by the orcs or the Southern Freedom Alliance when they attacked the Clare clan, the division division Victor and Faras sat in the imperial capital in person, because ", Enough to deter powerful magicians such as Blair and Catherine of the Free Alliance.

On the side of Cassano, the ranger lord Ellendo is acting as the lord, and the Tekken Castle Guard Corps and the Death Sickle Magic Corps are all secretly in combat readiness, ready to face any enemies who come to provoke. In addition to these forces on the bright side, the Eleanor ’s direct mercenary squadron of Ryan mercenaries and Ryan ’s martial art teacher Caleb have also become a potential force to protect Cassano.

Ryan took his popular shooter army all the way up the whip, and hurried to the first destination as quickly as possible. On their scheduled route, they had already arranged for the man to change horses and provide food for them. I started preparing in the name of various caravans and the like a few months ago, and it can be said that everything is expected.

Of course, the only thing that happened was that Vivian, the leader of the former popular shooter army, did not go with the team. For this point, Ryan was quite self-blamed, but this is the only thing that has happened. Anyway, for this army, does it Duowei Wei'an, the head of the army, has little effect on the overall combat effectiveness.

In fact, everyone knows, if Vivienne is not one of the most trustworthy people around Ryan, it is impossible for her to be the leader of the popular shooter army with her strength, like the hunter Letoz in the original Murmur Forest, or The original scout Roger of Iron Fist Castle is more competent than Vivian.

This is also the most distressing thing for Ryan at the moment. His strength has improved so fast that the teammates around him can no longer keep up with him. At present, Ryan can only compare with him, only Allendo and Faras. The situation of Faras can only be regarded as a special case, and Ellendo has followed Ryan from the beginning, which can be said to be the most able person to witness Ryan's growth.

This problem has always plagued Ryan, even if he is riding a horse and it is no exception. However, on the evening of the fourth day, Ryan temporarily left it behind because they came to the first destination of the trip-the small town of Pamela. The small town of Pamela is located to the south of the town of Giethoorn, and to the northeast of Alfa City. It happens to be the dividing line between the grassland on the north and the hilly area on the south.

Speaking of this town, Ryan vaguely still has some impressions. That was when he and Ellendo went to Claw Town for an adventure. He used to pass by from here, but there were only a few hundred people here, and it was barely a small town. Trade with the Clares on the grassland for a living.

It was just this time when Ryan returned here, but now the entire Pamela has completely changed its appearance. In the past, there were only a few hundred permanent residents in the past, and even the past caravans were not more than a thousand people, but now, the entire desolate small The town has completely become a large barracks. This is the border between the imperial capital and the Clay tribe. In order to resist the raid of the Clay tribe, the imperial capital stationed a corps of 60,000 people here.

Of course, these 60,000 people cannot all live in a small town, so even if the Clay people do not come to attack, just drinking clean water is enough to make the logistics officer collapse. To be precise, the small town of Pamela is where the headquarters of the legion is stationed, and centered on this, the entire legion is distributed within a 20-kilometer radius.

Because everything was arranged properly, the arrival of Ryan and his party did not cause any misunderstandings. The people who met Ryan on the edge of the town were also acquaintances. Most of them had fought side by side with Ryan, which also made Ryan quite surprised. He jumped. Dismounted, warmly and warmly embraced that man, Jonas, the chief officer of the legion stationed here.

"Welcome, Ryan!" Jonas said with a laugh.

And Ryan said excitedly: "Hello, Jonas, we can fight together again!"

"Boss, I see you again!" Colin and Thomas also hugged up. They took Ryan's hand and shook it vigorously.

"Okay, okay, let's talk about something else! Ryan they came from afar, let them have some food to settle down first." After all, Jonas had to consider the whole situation, so he endured the joy of reuniting with Ryan Mood said to his subordinates.

Now that the commander of the legion has ordered it, all of the following people will naturally act. The barracks, food, stables, etc. are all already prepared, so more than 2o minutes, the entire Cassano's popular shooter legion was settled. Down, and Ryan took five captains including Letoz and Roger to join Jonas for the small wind dinner.

"I didn't expect to fight side by side with you again, and this time I still have to deal with that group of **** bastards!" Jonas smashed the glass heavily on the table and said bitterly: "It wasn't you who pushed me hard Pushed down from the horseback, I'm done! "

"I still can't forget Bart who died in my arms!" Lane said plainly, but his cold tone revealed how angry he was at the moment.

"Yes, this time we have to let them repay their blood and blood!" Jonas poured himself a glass of water and raised it up. "For the dead comrades, for the future of the empire, toast!"

Everyone here raised the clear water in their hands, and swallowed the heroes. The expedition was imminent, and the entire army with Jonas would naturally not be drunk and make mistakes, so even the most favorite officer in the weekdays will be drunk, tonight. Just drinking plain water.

"Boss, we were instructed to switch here a month and a half ago, and we are already preparing for it. Now whether it is food or horses, we are ready to go out at any time!" Colin said to Ryan.

Thomas is naturally not far behind, he also said: "In order to deal with the group of cowards who only run around, we have prepared enough arrows this time, and the feather arrows shot by 20,000 shooters are enough to cover the sun!"

Ryan smiled slightly and said, "No, no. Not 20,000, but 25,000, because I also brought a 5ooo archer who can shoot arrows."

"Yes, this time the imperial capital and Cassano teamed up, they will definitely give this group of Clay people a lesson, an unforgettable lesson forever!" Jonas said angrily: "When the Royal Knights of Orlando arrive tomorrow afternoon, the day after tomorrow We can go out in the early morning, this time, we must revenge for our dead comrades! "

The small wind banquet did not last long. After all, they came from afar and needed as much time as possible to rest. This wind banquet was nothing more than to allow the entire coalition officers to be familiar with each other, so as not to delay the military due to the strangeness in the battle. . However, after the banquet, Jonas and Ryan took their own men and began to tour the barracks. Of course, they were each visiting their own barracks.

Although there are as many as 80,000 people in the Jonas Army, this time, only 40,000 people were prepared to dispatch, including 20,000 shooters and 20,000 square infantry, but there were 20,000 additional logistics personnel. After all, they wanted Fighting enemies who are familiar with that land on unfamiliar land, once the logistics supply is cut off, the consequences will be disastrous.

In addition to the 40,000 regular army of Jonas, there are 5ooo men of Ryan ’s popular shooters. These shooters who have learned to ride through practice have become fighters of the inferior Clay light cavalry. Their motility can be The entire expeditionary army did many things, such as vigilance, raids ...

But the most powerful of the entire Expeditionary Force is the 5ooo Holy Knight of Orlando. This time the entire Royal Knights sent out of the nest, the 5ooo name has undergone rigorous training, and all of them are blessed by the bright gods. The holy knights will become the nightmare of the Clay people. Even if they move, the charge will be sideways, even if The devil also had to avoid its edge.

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