Chronicles of Ryan the Wizard

Vol 8 Chapter 386: Reveal

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the magician Lane biography!

The shadow of the curse hangs over the hearts of all members of the Southern Freedom League. Now the two sides of the confrontation have been broken. The emperor has just leveled the threat of the Clays in the west and can launch an attack on the south at any time, whether it is Orlando ’s. The Royal Knights were still the banned spells of Victor and Ryan. The Southern Freedom League was not sure to resist. For a moment, the people were panicked. The small cities on the border with the Imperial Capital and Cassano were even scared in a day, lest the opposing army Killed. . com

Such a situation is naturally very unfavorable for the Southern Freedom League, with Mochizuki City, Seck City and Freedom Paradise as the main body. However, at present, the enemy is still unable to work together to overcome the difficulties within the Freedom Alliance. I was scared by Lane ’s curse, and their leader Chila Aviv was unable to get sick, and all the funds and information provided by Free Paradise disappeared overnight. Obviously, Free Paradise has already Retreat.

Faced with this situation, Blair was again worried about convening a six-member consortium meeting, hoping to find a plan to check and balance the imperial capital, and at the same time as this meeting, Catherine also launched a space liaison circle in her secret room. Contacted her teacher, the demigod Lich Conss in the Crazy Lich Tower of the Outside World.

After listening to the student Catherine ’s report, the demigod lich suddenly gave a gritty laughter, because the situation in front of him has been out of Catherine ’s control, but it is more in line with Constance ’s intentions. The only regret is that Ryan did not lose heart Destroy the entire freedom paradise, otherwise a full-scale killing will erupt between human beings, and when the vitality of human beings is seriously injured, it is the time when the undead legion comes back, but it is not very difficult to achieve that effect, because Catherine herself She is also a legendary mage, but she also released a banned spell.

After being converted into a lich, Catherine, after hundreds of years of researching magic, coupled with powerful dark magic, has long reached the level of a legendary mage, but after she was reversed into a human, she temporarily lost this ability. , Because the powerful dark magic will have an indelible impact on the caster ’s body. In the lich state, the body has become a pile of bones, and naturally will not care about this effect, but after recovering the human body, If Catherine uses this type of magic again, she is equivalent to committing suicide, so Catherine needs a little time to regain master elemental magic commonly used by humans.

In the three years since Ryan disappeared, Catherine temporarily lost her mana, which gave her greater inspiration, and eventually she quietly reached the legendary level. This is also an exciting thing for Catherine. After all, this is her As a result of your own efforts, you must know that regardless of your own strength, as long as you are transformed into a lich and succeed, you can directly reach the level of the magician, and then master some dark magic, it is enough to be promoted to the level of the great magician, and promoted Being a legendary mage is just a matter of time. This is the innate advantage of undead creatures and has little to do with my qualifications.

"Catherine, your task is basically completed. Now it's the last step. That's the kind of killing each other!" Kang Si's voice passed through the void channel and passed into Catherine's ear: "If For a long time, the state of being evenly matched, but because of great concerns, would not dare to act rashly. Now that humans are facing North and South, the power of the North exceeds that of the South, but the power of the South is not without power. This is too great. Perfect. "

"My student, the only thing you have to do now is to anger the little magician named Ryan, once again sneaking into the Iron Fist castle and brutally killing his loved ones or friends around him, which will allow him to concentrate all his efforts on it. Revenge, when the war on the mainland comes together, the killing will resurge, and my army of undead will come back. In order to ensure the success of the whole plan, I have ordered Nicholas to assist you. He is now aliased as Safinas. A magister next to Lord Senat. "

"Ah, how can you say that your plan will be realized soon?" Catherine said in surprise.

"Yes, Nicholas has secretly built a strong army, but their role is to command the battle in the future undead army. This curse of freedom paradise will inevitably make Senat desperate to prepare for the expansion, And his only reliance is Nicholas. After all, he has helped Senat to create a small dead soul killer force. Now we just persuaded him to expand the army, and all he needs to provide is sufficient materials. "

"How long will it take for the new Undead Legion to become an army?" Catherine asked.

"One year is enough." Cons gave an accurate time: "In order to hide people's eyes and ears, Nicholas has developed a detailed plan. He will let another person come to chair this army of undead, and the real army in the army The elite is transmitted by me from outside the world. In this way, the future war is nominally a war of revenge for a little guy. Elves and dwarves may not participate in it. As for those nasty druids, junipers, they are now Probably already dying, right? "

"Who is that?" Catherine was a bit curious about Nicholas's candidate, so she asked, maybe they might meet in the future, and she knew how to save each other.

"The son of the former imperial minister of state, Bailey." The demigod lich said the name, and then cut off the space channel, terminating the connection with Catherine.

Catherine stayed alone in the Chamber of Secrets, apparently quite a little shocked by the name her teacher said. She was on the eve of marrying Fernando XIII that day because she could n’t stand a man ’s intimate relationship with herself. He hired a legendary strongman to sneak into the palace to kill him, but this triggered the **** night of the imperial capital, and the son of the former imperial government minister also naturally became a traitor, but he did not expect to be used by Nicholas.

Catherine knew very well the strength of Nicholas. After she completed the Lich Transformation Ceremony and was given the name "Sandrew", she followed the demigod Lich on the first day. Nicholas was already the most important assistant around Kang Si. This witch In addition to being powerful, the demon is also good at confusing people. I do n’t know how much credit has been given to Constance. Catherine even vaguely knew that Senat dared to confront the imperial capital head-on, and behind him was because of the figure of Nicholas.

"Again to attack the Tekken Castle?" Catherine's mind emerged in her mind. Then she thought of the mysterious man who shot that night. She cast the "time stop" magic at the level of the legendary mage, but she could not restrain the man's action. , And the opponent just gave a gentle word, which caused endless fear in Catherine's heart.

After Catherine failed that night attack, she collected news about Caleb in the first time, but unfortunately only got a little content that he was a martial arts teacher of Ryan. About the mysterious man, no matter how much Catherine spent her thoughts, she had to There is no more content, which especially shocked Catherine, because she had also heard the name of Caleb before, and it was Orlando who was instructed to send people to Thick Fog to investigate the information brought back by Ryan. If the opponent shot, Catherine assembled With both the imperial capital and the Freedom League, the two forces failed to notice that the warrior who gave Ryan enlightenment was also a legendary strongman.

Catherine originally intended to feed this news to the demigod lich, but in her heart, there was a faint thought. Catherine always felt that the mysterious man would not hurt herself, and she must have some close relationship with the other party, although Catherine She did n’t know what was going on with the subconscious mind, but she finally concealed the most crucial point from the demigod lich, and attributed the failure to Victor sitting in the iron fist castle. .

No one would think that the emperor ’s expedition to the prairie would not give up the rear, so it ’s normal for Victor to sit in the iron fist castle, because the emperor has Archbishop Reid and the archmagic Faras, even if it is a banned mage Reid ’s “Great Prophecy” can also support Victor ’s return, so Catherine ’s concealment of the truth has not been revealed. After all, one is well prepared and the other is attacked from afar, which is naturally the master Vick. How easy it is to get the upper hand, after all, the opponent has enough time to prepare various magic arrays, just like Catherine had calculated the Catherine in the imperial capital. At that time, Catherine happened that time when the time stopped, so even the blood Count Dracula, Mochizuki Sword Saint Oswald and the curse magister farmer did not understand the situation at that time, and naturally no one would expose Catherine's lies.

So when Catherine was ordered by the teacher's demigod lich to attack the Iron Fist castle again, she felt a little uneasy in her heart. She didn't know how to face the mysterious man, and once she failed this time, how should she tell the teacher Explain, not to mention that there is an extra Nicholas around, no matter which way he thinks, Catherine will not think that he is really helping him.

"Perhaps, I should also find a helper. Well, the shadow dancer last time should be a good choice." Catherine murmured: "The problem that can be solved with money will not be a problem, will it? ? "

After Catherine planned everything, she left her secret room. She had just arrived at the Mochizuki Magic Guild, and she saw Blair and a magician standing in the guild hall talking about something. Blair saw Catherine coming, so she She greeted her and motioned for Catherine to pass.

When Catherine came to Blair, Blair nodded at Catherine and said, "I'll introduce you to you, this lady is our legendary mage of Mochizuki City Magic Guild, who was promoted to Catherine of the Fire Queen! Man, it ’s the chief magician of our allied lord Senat, Nicholas Magister. "


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