Two coast guard ships arrived one after another, and the marine police and doctors boarded the goddess cruise ship one after another. The frightened passengers quickly stabilized.

The wounded were transferred to the coast guard ship, and the deck of the cruise ship was covered with bodies covered with blue canvas, passengers, special police, bandits, pirates, dozens of them!

Suddenly, someone remembered the young man who was brave enough to fight against the bandits. He killed those vicious bandits. People searched for him one after another, but he could not be seen at all.

At the moment, Li Rufeng, the hero in people's mouth, is pursuing the pirate ship in the vast sea.

In the night, Li Rufeng has caught up with the pirate ship, but not close, far follow.

The spirit power infuses between the eyebrows and eyes, gazes attentively, saw the scene on the ship.

At the moment, there are more than a dozen pirates on the pirate ship. The two sisters are locked up in the stern of the ship. They are all singing and dancing excitedly in the bow. Looking at the treasures they have seized, no one is bothering the sisters for the time being.

Li Rufeng felt relieved, and under the cover of deepening night, he followed the pirate ship carefully.

Now he can go up and kill those pirates, but he has changed his mind temporarily. He wants to find the pirate's nest and destroy them all!

The sky was completely darkened, and the bright lights on the pirate ship drove into an island ahead with the sound of its whistle.

The area of this island is not small, the island is full of dark shadows, and it is obviously dense forest and vegetation.

Moreover, the hills on this island are not short. They are almost five or six hundred meters high. There are more than one hill. Looking from afar, they are all black peaks. The mountains are precipitous and have many peaks.

The island is an irregular oval, with the highest mountains in the north and cliffs on the sea.

There are also steep hills on both sides of the island. At the foot of the hill in the south of the island, there is a huge natural cave which is sunken inward. The huge cave is hollow, and the mountain is only 30 meters above it.

This huge cave seems to be formed naturally. Under the constant impact of the sea water, a harbor with a natural barrier is formed. The pirate ship slowly goes into the harbor under the huge hole and stops at the shore.

If it wasn't for Li Rufeng to follow her, even if the coast guard ship at the back tracked to the island, it would not be able to find it. It's too hidden!

In that harbor, there are still two big ships and a few small boats. There is a mountain road on the bank leading to the mountain. On the bank, there are more than a dozen pirates in all kinds of strange clothes, with torches in their hands, cheering and screaming to welcome the one eyed dragon to get off the ship.

The pirates are excited to take the baby off the ship, each carrying a bamboo basket, put the baby in, er, Wah, whine, go to the Shanzhai.

One eyed dragon commanded two minions to take the two beautiful sisters' flower monograms off the ship. The two sisters' faces were frightened and despairing, and they were carried in by the pirates.

All the pirates got off the ship, such as the warriors who returned from the victory, roared with excitement, and took the stolen jewels and two beautiful women to walk along the mountain road to the island.

Li Rufeng just wanted to solve these pirates directly and save the two sisters. His eyes suddenly sparkled with blazing light!

This island is located in the deep sea, and the island has steep mountains and dense forests, which is easy to defend and hard to attack.

If you look at the pirates, most of them are Southeast Asian faces, as well as the faces of black people, Westerners and a small number of Chinese people. He guessed that this place may be an isolated island without jurisdiction, at least not under the jurisdiction of any country.

The area of this island is not small, and the terrain is so steep. Although it is above the vast sea, it is also a proof of natural danger!

If you take this island and take it as your own, will you not be able to enjoy yourself here in the future?

Zhu Yeqing has said this plan before, buying an island and living on it.

Now, isn't this ready-made?

Think of here, Li Rufeng heart a fire, secretly excited up!

Fortunately, he came after the pirates today, otherwise he could not find out here. He has made up his mind to take this island down!

This group of Pirates did not expect anyone to follow them to the island in any case. If they were an ordinary person, they might have discovered it.

But Li Rufeng is the existence of master banbu's peak. He has hidden skills. Even the top killers are not as good as him, right?

Now the sky is completely dark, the stars are dim, and no one has found the trace of Li Rufeng.

A group of Pirates swagger, talk and laugh into their nest, and by the way, Li Rufeng follows them in.

The pirates live here, and their standard is relatively backward. There is no light on the island. There are only a few torches. After walking for more than ten minutes, they come to a Shanzhai. Behind the Shanzhai is a hill, and there is a small lake in front of it.

It should be a piece of land in the middle of the island, which has been washed away by rain all the year round, forming this small lake. The surface of the lake is shining with sparkling light. Li Rufeng hides in a heavy rain fir tree beside the lake.Two huge torches hung outside the gate of the Shanzhai. Pirates swarmed in, and then the ten meter high wooden gate of the Shanzhai closed with a bang.

Li Rufeng looked at him from afar for a while, his arms trembled slightly. His dexterous body, like an ape, flew away from the big tree and instantly fell into the pirate stronghold.

Although more than 20 accomplices were killed, none of the pirates felt sad.

It seems that they are all fugitives!

Maybe it's a great good thing for them to be alive, so the pirates go back to their nests and start to revel.

Pirates in the open space lit a huge bonfire, cheering and dancing, drinking and eating meat. Not far from the Shanzhai hall, the looted treasures were put on the huge table one by one. Under the light of the fire, these treasures twinkled with dazzling brilliance.

Buccaneer is a short man less than 1.7 meters tall. He has a dark face and a strong face. He looks Southeast Asian. When he sees the two best beauties brought by Cyclops, he yells with excitement.

The one eyed dragon and the pirate leader got together and said a few words. Their evil eyes kept turning on the two beautiful sisters. Then, the one eyed dragon went over, grabbed one of them by the arm and went to the other path.

He can't help it. Such a beautiful young woman must occupy it first!

I don't care to drink, eat meat, dance and celebrate here. I'll get my hands first.

The woman who was caught by him struggled desperately, crying to let me go. Another beautiful woman also cried to let go of my sister, but the pirates around him laughed, and several guys were shouting dirty words and whistling to cheer up.

Several pirates came up and forced the two beauties to pour down a bowl of water with their bowls. They shook their heads vigorously and refused to drink, but they were brutally forced to pour them down by the pirates.

They cried and cried, but they did not answer every day and the earth did not work.

The two sisters were finally separated. The elder sister was dragged away by the one eyed dragon. The younger sister was sitting on the ground, crying in despair and panic. Suddenly, a powerful big hand caught her shoulder!

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