The two stood in front of the glass to confront each other.

Watching this scene, the audience in the live broadcast room yelled that they couldn't bear it.

It felt like a powerful attack could erupt at any time.

"Did you feel nervous during the handcuff exercise?"

"Why do I feel that they just want to study Superman.

"Really don't think it's going to be sliced."

"They probably didn't expect Superman to be so powerful."

"Actually, these conventional means probably have no effect."

"I guess everyone was scared to death just now."

"Warrior back!"

"I can figure it out. I'm afraid they not only want to study Superman, but also want to use Superman's ability for their own use."

"Every time they treat Superman like they're an alien."

"It must be thoroughly studied when dealing with aliens."

"But this time it hit the thigh. They can't beat Superman at all."

"Superman is so powerful, he can do so many things."

"Will there be a fight? Will they fight?"

At this moment, under the gaze of countless people.

This man is talking to the chief.

"But that doesn't mean I'm your enemy."

He didn't even seem to believe what he said.

Always be vigilant and mindful enough.

"Who is that? Could it be that Zod?"

I just stared at the general's face.

"That's exactly what worries me a lot."

The sir is clearly losing his patience by now.

He didn't want to talk too much about Superman at all.

And what Superman said doesn't look like it's true at all.

For him, Left is for Superman.

Then the two must know each other.

Now that two such dangerous things are about to have a dangerous impact on the earth, how could it be in such a state?

"I have orders to hand you over to him."

It's just that Superman looks at the glass in front of him, only his own reflection is reflected.

In fact, he could clearly see where the chief was.

received directly.

"Please do what you have to do, General."

The audience in the live broadcast room breathed a sigh of relief.

Obviously Superman has made a decision.

Maybe someone who doesn't want to hurt each other.

"Superman really is a hero."

"But why do I feel that humans on Earth are still very unfriendly to him?"

"Speaking of which, if it weren't for this woman, perhaps these things wouldn't have happened.

"You are right, he is the one who exposed Superman's identity!"

"Really, I don't know how humans on Earth will face Superman."

"In fact, Superman has already regarded himself as a person on Earth, and it would be a bit sad for him to do so now,"

"Don't talk about Superman, even I wouldn't introduce such a thing.

"But how do you claim that Superman's strength is there after all, if he goes out, he won't encounter too many dangers.

"I hope this week can solve this matter perfectly,"

"It seems that there has been a change again in the back, look at it."

"What is this place? It seems to be a desert."

The back jumped up violently.

In a desert, Superman stood opposite Ryan.

The whole scene looked even more bleak and spectacular before.

The two had missed each other, but they seemed to want to say something again.

Not far away are various armies.

At any time, there may be some more dangerous areas, dangerous areas, and human actions on guard.

But it was clear that Superman was about to be called away.

Superman sees Ryan.

"Thank you."

Lane, don't you have a trace of it on your face?

He didn't know why Superman said that.

Because in his opinion, some of his actions may have caused some troubles to Superman.

In the end, Superman actually had to go down the tower.

This was beyond his comprehension anyway.

"What do you want to thank me for?"

Superman took a deep breath.

See Ryan's eyes.

"thank you for trusting me."

Ryan smiled slightly, with a hint of helplessness on his face.

"But that ending hasn't changed."

He had no idea what this state meant to Superman.

Superman didn't follow his words to continue.

Instead, he saw Ryan's eyes.

"It's different for me."

Ryan reached out and took Superman's hand.

Give him more encouragement.

The two looked at each other quietly.

Suddenly, Superman looked back.

"They've come."

Everyone at the scene felt mold in their hearts.

They all looked up in the direction Superman was looking.

"You should go, it's very dangerous here."

Superman persuades Ryan to leave.

Because of the things he is about to face, Superman himself doesn't know what kind of problems will happen.

It is very likely that there will be fights together, but it is also very likely that some unresolved problems will occur.

After Ryan heard it, he hurried to the army behind him.

A row of terrifying troops behind them were sleeping there, waiting to be rowed.

Superman turned his head and looked at the location not far from the desert.

A Black spaceship suddenly flew down from the sky.

The appearance of the spacecraft obviously has a strong sense of technology.

They had never seen a spaceship of this magnitude.

The spacecraft landed directly on the desert.

So many trees are unsightly sand.

0...seeking flowers‥

Then there was just the back of Superman exposed.

Red's cloak fluttered in the wind.

The audience in the live broadcast room were amazed by the strong body.

"Good guy, this background is very safe."

"Superman is a solar power bank."

"I suddenly remembered that Superman is stronger than the previous green titan?"

"Just now I thought they were going to do something."

"It feels like being disturbed is a bad thing."

"This time the level of technology is very high, and it feels very high."

"I still don't understand why they couldn't find the identity of Superman directly?"

"Why does it look like the two sides are going to have a big battle?"

"It's still impossible to fight. The people on both sides are so strong. If there is a war on the earth, how much damage will it cause to the surroundings!"

He rushed over very fiercely.

The sand on the ground exploded.

Slowly docked beside Superman.

The entire spaceship turned slowly like a beetle.

The hatch at the back slowly opened.

A few people came out of it.

And Superman stood quietly on the ground, without any waves.

It's as if you don't have to worry about problems at all.

When everyone saw the person walking down, they were shocked every minute.

These two people are obviously fully armed.

The woman who walked over was the Warrior who was with Mr. Zuo Dezhen before.

But this Warrior seems to be wearing special equipment.

A translucent shield is worn over the head.

Just be prepared for something unexpected to happen at any time.

The female Warrior walked up to Superman.

Seeing a small smile on Superman's mouth.

For him, this task must be completed.

But what his family did before Superman made him very upset.

So there are some different states and feelings for him.

"Kyle, I'm the deputy commander, Olavo.

"On behalf of General Zod, I welcome you."

Probably don't know what that means yet.

I thought that the two parties would be able to be perfectly collected in the next step.

So he nodded slightly.

It's just that what I didn't expect was that the deputy commander walked directly in front of the officers behind them.

Staring at the officer in front of him.

"Are you the chief executive here?"

The officer didn't know what he was going to do, so he just nodded.

It turned out that the deputy commander actually pointed at Ryan.

"Our general said he wanted to take this lady away.

Everyone was taken aback.

I don't understand why this problem occurs.

After all, at the very beginning, General Zuo De wanted to find Superman B. .

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