City: Past and Present Life was Exposed, and The Whole Network Burst Into Tears

Chapter 326 Turning Point! The World Is Boiling! Eli: I Designed This Spaceship!

Many viewers in the live broadcast room directly covered their mouths, not daring to watch this scene.

It was too cruel for Clark.

And many people also vaguely understand what kind of effect the other party wants to achieve through this method.

Obviously, by absorbing the blood in Clark's body,

Come to regain the so-called code or certain memories,

so as to achieve their desired goals.

But this forced situation is completely contrary to everyone's previous speculation about General Zuo De,

Not a normal opportunity to talk at all.

Especially Clark, who didn't have any power to resist at this time,

Let everyone feel that General Zod is scheming.

Obviously, General Zuo De had already calculated all this situation before.

This kind of terrible scheming made everyone faintly terrified.

The following situation will definitely be completely calculated by General Zuo De.

"Does it mean that there is no way out of the current situation?"

"Will there be a miracle? Will there be a miracle? I hope Clark can get out of it, so maybe the earth can be helped."

"Clark's strength is actually very strong, but it's a pity that he was plotted by them, but he didn't expect that 740 would lose such a strong factor without the sun. 11

"It's really pitiful. Seeing Clark in that state makes me feel very distressed!"

"Then if Clark ends up with this result, is the historical discontinuity in the Earth era caused by this Zuo De?"

"Yes, it is very likely that it is. It must be that the author did some things that we can't bear in the end, so that the fault of the Earth Age appeared. It's just that I don't know if I can capture this scene later."

The audience in the live broadcast room talked a lot about this matter.

I thought that if there was Clark in this era,

There will be no problems at all.

But I didn't expect it to happen in the blink of an eye,

They can't predict at all,

And it looks like a very scary thing.

In that era without Iron Man and their help,

There is simply no one who can stand against the left general.

The captured images are still being played.

Ryan was taken to a special place by his subordinates,

Push him straight in.

Obviously, this group of aliens didn't take the earth humans seriously at all.

Lane fell to the ground,

The whole person was almost crippled.

I was wrong,

looking at the surrounding environment,

It's like a prison here,

imprison it.

Suddenly he saw a platform emitting blue light not far away.

And this platform was very similar to the platform he had seen on that spaceship before.

There is also a polygonal keyhole on it.

Ryan's mind suddenly remembered the things he had seen before, including the Black thing that Clark gave him.

Ryan directly took out the key,

Then gently put it on the side of the keyhole.

Suddenly a magnetic force acted on the key, directly sucking the key in.

Ryan thought for a while, then reached out and pressed the key.

Immediately if all platforms maintain video,

It's just that there doesn't seem to be any movement around,

She looked around and didn't see anything else different.

Just when he thought he didn't see any value,

Suddenly, he found a person standing behind him looking at him.

He was so frightened that he hurriedly walked backwards,

He even almost swears directly.

"Where are you from? Who are you?"

When the audience in the live broadcast room saw this figure,

Suddenly everything boiled up.

Because this figure was clearly the figure of Clark's father.

Welcome, looking at Ryan with a flat look.

"Master key, Miss Lane."

"Thanks to your help, I was able to enter the main engine of the spaceship."

Ryan quickly regained his composure and looked at Clark's father.

"Who are you? How do you know my name?"

Clark's father is just a phantom at this time,

But after communicating with Kyle before, I know something.

"I'm Kyle's father."

Ryan suddenly had an excited expression on his face. (afeb)

If this is the case, perhaps they have been saved.

Thinking of Clark being imprisoned in some unknown place and not knowing what kind of things he did, Ryan was very anxious.

"Then can you, can you help us?"

Kyle's father had a mischievous smile on his face, but said in a calm tone.

"This ship is designed by me, and I can adjust its atmospheric composition."

When the audience in the live broadcast room heard what Lai's father said, they were so excited that Billion couldn't be happier.

Joyful and carnival words floated in the barrage, and expressions of surprise appeared on everyone's faces.

"Fuck, it's really amazing. I didn't expect this spaceship to be designed by his father!"

"In that case, Clark will be saved soon?"

"Oh my God, there are so many mountains and rivers, no doubts and no way out, another village is hidden in the willows and flowers, I thought it was going to disappear soon!"

"Unexpectedly, I really did not expect that Clark's unintentional move actually played a key role at the last moment. w

"Could it be that Clark knew about this before, so he specially handed over the key to Ryan, otherwise, there would be no need for the current possibility."

"At that time, Clark might have been worried about being taken away by General Zuo De, but he didn't expect this to happen!"

"It's so exciting, I almost jumped up just now, this scene is simply the most exciting scene!"

"I declare that a thorough counterattack will be launched from now on, and Clark will definitely win this battle!"

The whole blue star seems to be in a sea of ​​celebration,

Everyone is happily watching these things happening in the live broadcast room.

At this moment, I heard that the director of the management bureau and the experts of the No. 1 Middle School also gave a sigh of relief.

The current situation is obviously a great buffer against the dangerous situation guessed just now.

For Clark, as long as Clark can receive the energy of sunlight under normal circumstances,

Restore to the fighting power that you should have.

And once Clark can recover his fighting power, at least,

This time the spaceship will not hinder him too much.

Everyone on the blue star stared at the screen with flashes of inspiration in their eyes,

I hope that more results that will help them will happen in the next thing.

On the screen captured at this moment,

After a brief introduction to Ryan, Clark's father,

Quickly took Ren Ren and walked towards a corner.

"You follow me this way."

The little dad didn't hesitate, and quickly followed Clark's father into the passage ahead.

At this moment, the alarm on the entire spacecraft was completely triggered because of Ryan's departure.

Many people chased directly towards Ryan's position, trying to intercept Ryan on the way.

However, because the spaceship was designed by Clark's father himself,

Knowing many escape routes, he easily put these pursuers behind.

There is simply no way to cause any harm to them.

After the audience in the live broadcast room saw this,

Everyone was more excited than before.

Obviously, this scene is an exciting thing for them. .

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