City: Past and Present Life was Exposed, and The Whole Network Burst Into Tears

Chapter 329 The Real Crisis Of The Earth Is Coming Again!

“Now I am more worried about how to deal with this situation.

"It's really necessary to know that there are still two spaceships on the earth going there at this moment, and I don't know what those two spaceships want to do. What if they do something like kidnap the earth?" If other human beings on the planet come to threaten Clark's affairs, then this is equivalent to re-entering a vicious circle.

"In the final analysis, in the Earth Age during this period, everyone's strength is relatively weak, otherwise, this situation would not have happened at all."

"Actually, as far as medicine is concerned, it's still best to get rid of everyone on the spaceship directly at that time, so that it won't cause any harm to Earth 05, and even if it did, it would be too late."

At this moment in the live broadcast room, many people on Blue Star are discussing how to solve the current predicament.

In the Tiandao Administration Bureau, the director and a group of experts are also chatting about this aspect.

One of them was a military engineer, and he looked directly at the screen and said in a deep voice.

"Actually, the key point is the entire spaceship. If this entire spaceship can be eliminated, Clark still has a better chance of being able to solve the most dangerous thing for humans on Earth at that time."

"Yes, that's right, but I think it would be a pity to destroy such a high-tech thing directly. It's best to bring it to the people of the Earth Age for research."

"What you said seems to make sense. If the high technology over there is so high, if it can be produced on the earth, it may be a greater help, but this not only makes me have another more profound discussion."

"Which of the two earth ages do you think is the first? If the earth age on Clark's side is the first, it can't explain the situation in the later earth age, but the reverse is also impossible. Go and explain it in detail."

Faced with this rather disturbing question, everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, not knowing the answer to how to do this.

The director finally looked at everyone and said with a smile.

"Anyway, after Clark is freed from the bondage, he will be able to get rid of more strength to deal with the most difficult problem that he faced at that time.

Everyone nodded, expressing their understanding.

"And looking at it now, the danger of the Earth Age is not as serious as everyone imagined, and it is very likely that some problems can be directly solved."

Others are also quite happy about this. If these 343 situations appear, maybe we can see a better situation in the next time.

The director looked at everyone and said with a smile.

"What my brother-in-law said about the technological level of the nemesis in that era is actually just that if Clark can continue to stay in the earth era, it may be a great help to us now."

The others nodded in agreement.

This is what everyone sees now.

That's a very valuable scene.

It's just a pity that we still don't know what type these technological levels belong to.

Otherwise it might be helpful for their development. .

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