City: Past and Present Life was Exposed, and The Whole Network Burst Into Tears

Chapter 333 Rescue Plan! The True Meaning Of The Codex!

Clark's father pointed towards the distant space.

"Look, that spaceship is your little brother inside?"

Clark was shocked just by looking at it, knowing that it was his little brother.

"You can save his Clark."

"You can save everyone."

Clark immediately understood the value and meaning of his existence, and after firmly seeing Clark's father, he jumped into the distant space and threw it away.

The audience in the live broadcast room almost screamed when they saw this.

You must know that this scene is too shocking. In the void of space, a sun shines on Clark's body, and Clark suddenly jumps towards the distance

Gold's sun is draped over his body, and it seems that there is infinite light above him, allowing him to have more powerful energy.

"Oh my God, this scene is so shocking to the world. I never imagined that such a thing would happen in the Earth era at that time."

"It seems that Clark's father still has a very clear position on the value and significance of Clark."

"I don't think it can be a situation like the one mentioned above. In fact, for Clark, this in itself is a responsibility that should be paid for as a relatively strong player.

That's all. "

"This incident reminds me, the little Spider-Man before, and his father also said that the greater the responsibility, the greater the ability."

"Indeed, any society relies on this situation to survive. If there is no such thing as greater ability and greater responsibility, then this society will probably be completely chaotic." 1

The audience here are all looking at the memories captured on the screen, everyone has a heart hanging in their hearts, and they don't know what the final result will be like.

But obviously, Clark's father can also be of great value to Clark, and he can positively guide the education work.

Otherwise, Clark would never have known about some of the things that had happened, and the reason why it was likely to become a blackened Clark.

If that time comes, there is no way to stop him.

At this moment, on the screen that captured the memory, Clark jumped forward suddenly, and his whole body appeared in space, without any protection, but he was able to fly freely...

After experiencing this kind of energy, he surged crazily, and quickly flew towards the position of the little brother's spaceship. If he didn't fly over quickly, the little brother would directly fall to the earth and die.

Seeing this scene really made many viewers feel happy. This is a story about sacrificing their lives to save the person they love the most.

At this time, the classified business where Little D was located had directly entered the ground, and bursts of fireworks burst out from the frantic friction.

The friction of the atmosphere caused the temperature of the entire pod to rise sharply. If this is not resolved, it is very likely that 4.6 will be completely melted into a pool of blood.

The little brother was crazily emphasizing these things in the separation cabin, he had no way to solve this matter, he could only watch helplessly as he quickly fell towards the ground

At this moment, the rotation of the pod suddenly stopped, and with a laser expression on Xiaolow's face, he saw Clark outside through the glass. .

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