At this moment, the screen in the live broadcast room is still beating. It seems that the whole screen is still in a dark state when recapturing new screens.

At this time, the screen suddenly jumped up, and when it was turned on again, a new scene suddenly appeared.

In the picture at this time, the logic has not been awakened normally, but there are still policemen and other "four, three, three" people standing beside him.

After this kind of person saw a costume on another person, he immediately understood that this person must be the murderer who killed Logitech just now.

The murderer looked normal, he was a handsome foreigner, he looked at logic with a faint smile on his face.

"I'm sorry, I'm more sorry"

There was a trace of surprise on Logic's face, he didn't understand why he said that, and said after a little pondering.

"I'm sorry, are you going to kill me?"

If he didn't expect the murderer to shake his head instead, there was still a smile on his face, and there was even a trace of sincerity in the smile.

"I'm sorry that I couldn't kill you directly. I thought you wouldn't choose to wear it at this kind of meeting. Anyway, you wear body armor. If I know you wear body armor, I will It will be replaced with armor-piercing bullets a long time ago, so there is no need to worry about my level not being able to complete.”

"And then you'll be able to connect from this magically perverted, incomprehensible quest"

The audience here was a little confused, they didn't expect that the murderer would say such a thing.

At the beginning, everyone thought that he really needed to choose to make some confession, but he did not expect that he was really sorry. At this point, everyone was shocked.

But everyone suddenly discovered that the logic at this time seems to be completely different from the previous attitude, like a different person.

"Actually, I have absolutely nothing to do with the Wallfacer plan just now. I have already reported it, and I will not carry out this secret plan again."

"It's a pity that eto wasted such a good killer in the end"

Obviously logic knows something, but it didn't show it, or it was in a state of fishing in troubled waters before.

However, many of the audience around at this moment are a little confused, because for them, this time is actually a rather strange state. Could it be that logic says that he has canceled his plan to destroy the destroyer? Have you really canceled your identity as a Wallfacer?

And at this moment, Logic's identity and logical attitude are very thought-provoking. Everyone knows Sophon's ability. If Sophon exists in this world, if he chooses to say that he is a Wallfacer, then he may Facing a more powerful threat 1.9.

But if he avoids this risk in a negative way in this way, maybe there will be no way for others to know it in the future.

What's more, I'm very curious. Although he said before that he chooses that he doesn't want to face it all the time, whether he really faces it in the end has nothing to do with whether he chooses or not. .

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