When the tentacle stone monster appeared, Zhou Yi already felt that in this space, the vitality of the earth system suddenly became very strong. It's not just that the vitality of the earth system before was not strong, but the strong feeling is that the cultivator can't absorb the strong energy that can't be used for cultivation, which is equal to dead Qi.

Just like the breath of an immortal, it absorbs life and exhales death. When the tentacle stone monster doesn't appear, the surrounding soil is dead. Once the tentacle stone monster appears, it suddenly becomes full of vitality. It's a very wonderful feeling. It's like a desert traveler who has reached the extreme of hunger and thirst, and suddenly falls into the pool full of clear springs.

What makes Zhou Yi even more ecstatic is that he perceives that the vitality of the earth system here is not as simple as the vitality of heaven and earth, but the vitality of heaven and earth with chaos. The chaotic vitality that Zhou Yi had sensed in the temple before was highly toxic to him, but at this time, after the absorption of these stone monsters, which were transformed into stone monsters by chaotic vitality, it was equivalent to filtered vitality.

Maybe these chaotic vitality are not as pure as the original chaotic vitality, but they can be absorbed and cultivated by Zhou Yi.

However, once infected with chaos, these tentacle stone monsters around them become extremely tough and powerful. They are far more resistant to attack than the ordinary stone demons summoned by the earth's heaven and earth's vitality, and they have a certain natural intelligence. This is why it takes at least thousands of years or even more to produce one from a small number of stones The reason of intelligent magic.

Zhou Yi knows that although the shape of these tentacle stone monsters is strange, it's because they will naturally use the most reasonable attack formation and form when they find the enemy's invasion. Naturally, the square here is a formation, one that can trap the rescue experts. These tentacle stone monsters should belong to the rare dark stone demons among the demons. It is said that in a very long time, there was a dark stone demon stone monkey who successfully cultivated and became the incarnation of almost invincible from heaven to earth. His immortal body once made the gods above nine days scratch their heads.

There are so many stone demons here, but they have only simple intelligence. They can only be regarded as stone monsters. They are not stone demons at all.

What Zhou Yi noticed was not just how powerful these stone monsters were. He sensed the origin of the appearance of these stone monsters, which were supposed to be ordinary stone slabs and clay, which was chaos. These stone monsters are imbued with the Qi of chaos. Although they are far less pure and powerful than chaos sword Qi, they are continuous. They are constantly changing the nature of these stone monsters, making them grow rapidly from ordinary stones and soil to stone monsters. In time, who can say that they will not become stubborn stone monsters?

What Zhou Yi wants to do is to feel whether the chaotic Qi existing in heaven and earth can be absorbed and refined through the method of cultivation.

Dayan Jue, once again, played its role. Dayan Jue can transform the vitality of heaven and earth into the true one, and condense it into the human body or the magic elixir field. You should know that Zhenyuan and Zhenqi are not of the same level, but they need to wait for the cultivation after Yuan's infancy at least. Otherwise, the low-level practitioners will die because their fragile body can't bear the powerful power of Zhenyuan.

Once Dayan Jue is launched, the vitality of heaven and earth around Zhou Yi begins to react. With his body as the center, there was a breeze, and then the breeze turned into a small whirlwind, spinning around Zhou Yi. It seems that the sky and the earth suddenly brighten a lot, which is a strange kind of brightness. At this time, the surroundings become more bright, as if in an instant, Zhou Yi seems to become a small day, a luminous body.

It seems that the tentacle stone monsters around are irritated by Zhou Yi and start to make a commotion. They start to roar and try to attack Zhou Yi. But with the ghost wand there, they instinctively make these stone monsters afraid. With their low intelligence, it is impossible for them to go around and attack Zhou Yi. Once those tentacle monsters want to break through the defense line of the heaven changing ghost wand, they will be hit by the silver white light emitted by the heaven changing ghost wand, and the hit tentacle monsters will immediately become a pile of stone debris and mud.

However, as Zhou Yi's body became brighter and brighter, the vitality around him began to become restless. A little bit of yellow, red or brown light spots appeared in the vitality. These light spots were like drops of water, approaching Zhou Yi's low-lying shining water quickly.

The stone monsters have low intelligence, but they know that Zhou Yi's dayanjue is absorbing and extracting the filtered chaotic energy here. Once Zhou Yi takes away the chaotic energy, it means that these stone monsters have lost their source of strength. Therefore, they frantically come back to Zhou Yi and are killed by the light of Tiangui staff.

There are more and more light spots around Zhou Yi's body, and the surrounding tentacle stone monsters are more and more furious. The stone tentacles are entangled with each other without any reason. Some stone monsters just start to devour each other. It's true that when a stone monster falls on another one, and then a stone monster becomes huge, it should be engulfed.

Every time two monsters devour each other, they immediately turn to the other side to devour other monsters. Soon, like a snowball, the size of the stone monsters became larger and larger. In a very short time, hundreds of stone monsters around them were reduced to only ten. Ten huge stone monsters were seven or eight meters tall and their bodies were blue.These huge stone monsters now have complete limbs, mouth and eyes. From the appearance, they are very close to human beings. What's more terrible is that these stone monsters actually have weapons condensed from clay and stone in their hands. Or a heavy axe, or a machete, or a chain, or a long gun, or even a huge stone monster with a huge shield in his hand, which can not only cover most of his body, but also become a big weapon to attack the city and conquer the land.

If the power shown by these ten huge stone monsters is enough to crush the master of the foundation period.

Looking at one of the huge stone monsters striding toward Zhou Yi, he suddenly encounters a light shield. The light shield is the boundary formed by the ghost wand, which envelops Zhou Yi. The huge stone monster's foot is like stepping on a soft ball. At first, jiejie was deeply depressed, but then, a very strong rebound opened the foot of the stone monster. The stone monster stampeded continuously, still unable to break through the border.

The huge stone freak was angry, and the light spots in his body were passing faster. If he didn't kill the man sitting on the ground, sooner or later, all the chaotic Qi in his body would be absorbed by Zhou Yi. He raised the heavy axe in his hand, and the blade of the heavy axe would be about the height of Zhou Yi.

In the simple intelligence of the giant stone monster, there is only constant attack and constant smashing. The heavy axe falls on the boundary formed by the ghost wand. It doesn't make any sound. The strange heavy axe will fall into the boundary deeply and then be bounced out.

Maybe seeing that the stone monster could not break through the boundary of the ghost wand, the other nine huge stone monsters all gave out a roar and rushed to this side.

Although Zhou Yi is practicing, he is not indifferent to the outside world. He closes his eyes, but the vitality of the surrounding world can act as his eyes and ears and "see" everything that happens around him in his mind.

He knows it's time to do it himself. Zhou Yi's mind moved. As long as he sat down on his knees to practice, the array flag of Tianluo Diwang array, which had been thrown out by him, was activated at the same time. All of a sudden, the surrounding space was stagnant, and the huge stone monsters who were surrounded by Tianluo Diwang array slowed down their body shape and even their movements.

Zhou Yi sacrificed a vast array, which delayed the action of the giant stone monsters, but it only delayed the action of the stone monsters. Those terrible huge stone monsters still ran towards Zhou Yi with a steady pace.

He slowly opened his eyes, body shape in a flash, has arrived at the side of the change day ghost stick, hold the change day ghost stick, strong and incomparable native vitality into the change day ghost stick. Originally, there was some weak momentum in the heaven changing ghost staff. Suddenly, there was a violent light wave, just like a piece of fog. It was a huge stone monster.

Now, as Zhou Yi knows, the most powerful ability of the ghost wand is soul attack, but these huge stone monsters are made of stone. Therefore, soul attack has no effect on them. But there are other defenses.

The stone monsters roared, but they couldn't move. At this moment, the magic wand of heaven and earth combined with the heaven and earth array, and became another very wonderful array. Originally, Zhou Yi didn't realize the defects of the Tianluo Diwang array. It was only just now that he felt that the Tianluo Diwang array was lack of eyes. Originally, the caster is the eye of the array, but once the caster uses the formula to drive the array flag of the heaven and earth net array, he has to move with the change of the array, which greatly restricts the caster's mobility.

At this time, the ghost wand becomes the eye of the array, and Zhou Yi, the caster, becomes a real bystander. And at this time, the heaven and earth array is much more powerful than when I was the eye of the array. After all, the eye of the array was once a magic weapon for an old devil who was invincible all over the world. Even though it was weak, it was still very powerful.

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