"What is that? Isn't that our little dragon? " Simon Feng's eyes were staring at the giant flying from behind and happily circling around them.

"Yes, that's it." Zhou Yi looked at the little Feilong, who should have been returned to the western count by himself, and felt a little headache. What's the matter with this guy? Why can't you throw it away?

"Then how could he come to us again with such a high heart. Do you think it's going to sneak out because it likes me so much? Or what count Nicholas was not the master of the little dragon at all, so he escaped back? " Ximenfeng is very happy. She reaches out her hand and touches xiaofeilong's forehead.

"It won't be that simple." Zhou Yi shook his head and said. He looked at the terrain ahead and found that they were above a dense forest, so he said to ximenfeng, "anyway, let's land first and discuss it below."

Ximenfeng gives orders to the Flamingo, and xiaofeilong follows them to land on the ground. After carefully investigating the surrounding environment, Zhou Yicai and ximenfeng sat down in a clearing in the woods. The Flamingo got the owner's permission and ran to the neighborhood to look for food. And the little flying dragon who just came after them was not willing to circle around them.

Looking at xiaofeilong's appearance, ximenfeng happily played with him and said to Zhou Yi, "this time, he will follow us. You can't send him away any more!"

Zhou Yi doesn't want to be surprised like ximenfeng. Although he also likes the little flying dragon, he has an intuition in his heart that any trouble will come one after another.

"I don't think count Nicholas would have let him run. If there was no one following him, I think the little flying dragon was really a disaster!" Zhou Yi sighed and said.

"You are the disaster! You're just jealous that baby dragon is so cute Ximenfeng holds Bruce Lee's neck and says.

Ignoring the women's grumbling, Zhou Yi continued his calm analysis and said, "don't you think that with the intelligence of silly dragon, you can successfully escape from count Nicholas?" Ximenfeng looks at the drooling little dragon, who is just like a dog, and thinks about the tall, pale and cold man. She can't help shaking her head.

"Now that Nikolay is back here, we must be in a desperate situation..." Zhou Yi said, "dead."

Just now, the man who had a close relationship with Zhou Yidou died in such a short time? Although not willing to believe it, ximenfeng must admit that Zhou Yi's inference is very reasonable. This is not the previous world of rule of law, but a new world of the jungle. Whoever is not strong enough is likely to be killed by the strong every minute. It's cruel, but that's the law.

After a moment of silence, ximenfeng raised her head and asked, "now that its owner is dead, does this little dragon officially belong to us?"

"Do you think it will be that simple?" Zhou Yi asked.

Yes, this little flying dragon is really a killer. No, it's a killer. Before that, some Dragon Knights disappeared for no reason, then they were watched by the city master and others, and then count Nicholas also fell. This is really But this little guy is tough enough. No matter what happened to his master, he is heartless and heartless!

"Well Then we can't ignore it! I don't know if the environment here is suitable for the little guy's survival, and he looks so stupid. " Ximenfeng looks at xiaofeilong anxiously and says. You can't just throw this little flying dragon here because you are afraid of trouble!

"What do you say?" Ximenfeng simply leans on Zhou Yi and gives him the problem. Zhou Yilue pondered and said: "in fact, the main reason is that its shape is too conspicuous. We can't just walk with it like this. Can you open your secret place? Let's try to keep the little flying dragon in it first

After hearing this, ximenfeng jumped up happily and said with a smile, "this is really a good way. There are bronze people in the secret place who can take care of it!" At this time, their Flamingo came back, looking full, with a big fish in its mouth, and gently put it in front of them, as if it were for their master.

Looking at the fat fish, ximenfeng said, "it seems that there is a lake nearby. Just in time, we can use the lake water to enter the secret place."

So they rode on the dragon and the Flamingo, and led by the Flamingo, they went to the nearby lake.

Ximenfeng threw out the mirror as before, forming a door on the lake. Then they drove their mounts into the water mirror. Little dragon and flamingo, who have never been to the secret place, are in a panic as soon as they enter the water. Fortunately, flamingo soon emerges with ximenfeng and appears in the secret place.

Unfortunately, Zhou Yi had to pull the frightened little dragon into the water and finally brought him to the shore. The news of their entering the secret place has long been heard by the bronze people who hold the center. By this time, they are waiting for them by the lake.

"What a special animal For the first time, the bronze man saw the mutant Flamingo and Bruce Lee, and watched them for a long time. Then they went back to the bronze palace together, and Zhou Yi and ximenfeng told their experiences in detail."You're going to put this little flying dragon here? I don't object, but after such a long time, the original power of maintaining this secret place will be exhausted. If it can't be supplemented, then I estimate that this secret place will be unable to maintain and completely collapse in one year! " Said the bronze man with a sigh.

"A year? Is there only one year left? What about inheriting knowledge here? I still have so much to learn? " Ximenfeng said in surprise.

"I can't help it. You can stay here and learn as much as you can." The bronze man replied.

"When you say one year, do you mean one year here or one year outside?" Zhou Yi asked sharply.

"I've now synchronized the time here with the outside world. It's all a year." Said the bronze man.

"That's good. It scares me to death. If it's a year in the past, it's only a few hours here." Ximenfeng still remembers that time here used to be much slower than the outside world.

"Even so, it's going to collapse in a year, and it's time for me to go to sleep." Said the bronze man faintly. Hearing what he said, ximenfeng suddenly felt very sad. Although this bronze man was just a robot made of a wisp of ideas left by the founder of baijimen, there was no difference between ximenfeng's heart and her elders.

"Is there no way to supplement the original force?" Zhou Yi asked suddenly.

The bronze man smiles, shakes his head and says, "it's not absolutely impossible, but it's unlikely. Don't you say there are several gutters in the outside world? I think the place under the gutter is where the power of the source can be gathered, but the strong power of the source can assimilate everything and cannot be approached. "

"We've only heard about this. No one has seen the so-called gutter. Let's have a look at it then! After all, it's up to people. " Zhou Yi said calmly. "By the way, don't you say that there are extra celestial magic tools left by qianjizi ancestors here that can capture the original power?"

In fact, Zhou Yi is quite optimistic. In fact, the power of this source is closer to himself than before. In the past, it was hidden deep in the heart of the earth, and only when he gave up his body can he get close to him. Now, with a gutter, can he go down? So many years ago, since qianjizi was able to get back a piece of the source, now they can't!

After a discussion, the three decided to leave ximenfeng and xiaofeilong in the secret place. Zhou Yi set out alone and arrived at Tianqiong city as soon as possible. Then he went to Tiangou to have a look. In this way, ximenfeng can seize the time to learn the knowledge of the bronze hall, in case it is too late to save this secret place. Second, it is convenient for Zhou Yi to speed up his journey and find the secret of Tiangou.

For this new world, the heartless little Feilong was quite adapted, and soon he ran to the forest to play. The bronze man also left, leaving ximenfeng and Zhou Yi one last night together.

"Don't worry about looking for baijimen. I'll find out for you when I get to Tianqiong city. And you don't have to worry about this secret place and the bronze elder. I'll find the source. " Zhou Yi embraces ximenfeng's plump body and says. He knew that in addition to the knowledge and inheritance here, ximenfeng also had great feelings for the bronze man. If this secret place was gone, the bronze man would die.

"Don't talk about these troubles. Time is running out. Spring nights are short." Zhou Yi said gently.

Ximenfeng is just like a meek cat. Without opening her mouth, she hugs Zhou Yi.

This woman! It's like a fierce horse that is hard to tame! Although she enjoys Zhou Yi's care, she never wants to give her life to others. Different from Mu Qingya's tenderness, ximenfeng is like a fire, a breeze. If you want it, it will surround you, but if you don't want it, you can't catch her.

As the separation was imminent, they grasped every minute and danced again.

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