Zhou Yi thought for a while and agreed.

"Yes, I will."

The old man smelled that a face full of wrinkles showed a smile like chrysanthemum. He said with a smile, "OK, OK."

A couple of good words came out of the old man's mouth, which made Zhou Yi feel trapped.

After hesitating for a while, Zhou Yi asked the old man, "old man, you won't cheat me, will you?"

Hearing this, the old man immediately raised his beard. Looking at Zhou Yi, he slapped Zhou Yi on the head and said, "fart, what do I cheat you for? I cheat you for a fart."

"You want my chrysanthemum? No, no, I'm a straight man with a daughter-in-law. No foundation. " Zhou Yi pretends to be unbelievable and looks at the old man in front of him.

Suddenly, the old man's face turned red. He grabbed Zhou Yi beside him and slapped him on his head. In his mouth, he constantly scolded: "I want you to be a straight man, I want you to be a base, his grandmother's."

I don't know how long it took for the old man to let go. He took a long breath and said, "Damn, I haven't had such a good time for a long time."

At this time, Zhou Yi flashed to one side and stood two Zhang away from the old man, looking at the old man whose arrogance had dissipated.

"Come here, I won't beat you any more. Ha ha, "the old man looked at Zhou Yi, who was hiding to one side, and laughed.

"No, I can't beat you. I won't do it for nothing," Zhou Yi said angrily, looking at the old man.

Bai Jie, who was standing on one side, suddenly gave out a silver bell like laugh.

After a while, I saw the old man put away his playful attitude and became serious.

"Zhou Yi, are you sure you want to learn the skill of soul refining?" The old man looked at Zhou Yi and said.

Without thinking about it, Zhou Yi nodded to the old man.

"OK, but you have to be prepared. The soul refining skill I taught you is different from others. It's very difficult to practice, but there will be unexpected benefits."

The old man said cautiously to Zhou Yi again.

Zhou Yi still nodded heavily to the old man.

Zhou Yi said slowly, "look at the old man coming to the front of him."

"Well, let's go." Zhou Yi thought about it for a while, and then responded to the old man.

At this time, the outside world is constantly searching for the whereabouts of Zhou Yi and others.

At this time, in the flying cloud sword sect thousands of miles away, in the magnificent hall, I saw the jade water cup broken into a ground.

"It's been a few days, but I haven't found Li Ergou. Trash. It's all fuckin 'trash. "

The angry voice of the leader of Feiyun sword sect spread all over the mountains of Feiyun sword sect.

"Elder 369 was killed two times in succession. A little boy in the martial arts realm could have such great ability."

Then he saw a stone table turned into powder under the palm of the leader of the flying cloud sword sect and dissipated in the air.

After a while, the voice of the leader of Feiyun sword sect rang again.

"Call the second elder and the third elder."

"The second elder and the third elder are closed." Suddenly, a disciple came in from the door, half knelt on the ground and said to the leader of Feiyun sword sect.

Before that, the second elder and the third elder of Feiyun sword sect had reached the peak of King Wu's mid-term. Now the closure should be to prepare for breaking through the later stage of King Wu. Once the second elder and the Third Elder break through to King Wu, the strength of Feiyun sword sect can be increased a lot.

At this time, after thinking for a while, the leader of Feiyun sword sect opened his mouth to the disciple who was half kneeling on the ground and said, "call elder four and elder five to come here."

The disciple immediately responded: "yes, leader."

Finish saying then see that disciple flurried back out from the hall.

After a while, I saw two young Taoist priests with a long sword on their back, galloping towards the hall of Feiyun sword sect.

These two are the four elders and five elders of Feiyun sword sect, and their relationship is not only that of the four elders and five elders, they are a pair of half brothers.

It's strange to say that the probability of identical and different fathers is extremely low, but it happens that they are installed by these two people.

At the same time, this matter is also in the hearts of the four elders and the five elders.

Once upon a time, some people didn't believe in evil. They molested the fourth elder and the fifth elder and were chased and killed for half a month.

The last scene before his death was also very miserable. He was hanged in front of a city gate by the four elders and the five elders. He scraped all the flesh off his body and died.

Even if someone knew the identities of the four elders and the five elders later, they avoided talking about them.

"Headmaster, what do you want us to do?" As soon as they entered the door, four elders and five elders said with one voice.

The leader of Feiyun sword sect, who was sitting on the most central chair, opened his eyes slowly, looked at the four elders and five elders standing in front of him and said slowly, "do you know the news of the six elders' immortal collapse?"The fourth elder and the fifth elder nodded to the leader of Feiyun sword sect.

"Now the second elder and the third elder are closing the door, preparing to attack the later period of King Wu. You lead 30 inner disciples and five elite disciples to pursue and kill Li Ergou and others." The leader of the flying cloud sword sect had a flash of ruthlessness in his eyes.

Four elder and five elder hear speech, can't help but get a Zheng.

You should know that the lowest level of inner disciples is the level of martial arts teacher, and the whole Feiyun sword sect only has more than 60 or 70 inner disciples. As for the elite disciples, the lowest level is also the later stage of martial arts teacher, and the elite disciples are only 20.

Although the strength of the four elders and the five elders has not reached the middle stage of King Wu, the strength of the four elders and the five elders working together is better than that of the later stage of King Wu.

Such a huge lineup is just for a Li Ergou. It's a bit like anti-aircraft shooting mosquitoes.

The leader of Feiyun sword sect saw the thoughts of the fourth elder and the fifth elder, and said: "the strength of Li Ergou can't be underestimated. According to the news, together with the sixth elder, there are six other kings of Wu Who encircle Li Ergou, but they all lost their lives in Li Ergou's hands."

The fourth elder and the fifth elder obviously didn't know the news, so they were shocked and killed the seven kings with their own strength.

Even the four elders and five elders can't work together.

What's more, in addition to the seven kings of martial arts, there were also a group of disciples in the martial arts realm, all of whom were killed by Li Ergou.

"You know, Li Ergou is just a martial arts master." At this time, the leader of Feiyun sword sect threw a heavy bomb.

At this time, the faces of the four elders and the five elders were even more shocked. They could put an egg in their mouths.

No wonder the leader of the Feiyun sword sect attaches so much importance to it. It's OK that people like laoergou can turn it into their own use. However, in the current situation, it's impossible to turn it into their own use. They can only destroy it and strangle genius in the cradle.

Four elder and five elder Leng after a long time to fly cloud sword sect headmaster said: "headmaster please rest assured, we must complete the task, will Li Ergou's head back."

"Not only Li Ergou's head, but also Li Ergou's treasures from the secret place should be brought back. With those treasures, my flying cloud sword sect can definitely go a step further."

The leader of Feiyun sword sect looked at the distance and said coldly,

"yes, leader." Four elders and five elders looked at each other and said in unison,

"well, you go down, get ready, and start at once." The leader of Feiyun sword sect said to the fourth elder and the fifth elder.

"Yes." Two people responded, then backed out from the hall.

At this time, in a cave in the north, Zhou Yi was still in a coma, but there was no strange smell on his body before.

Such a situation is undoubtedly good news for everyone.

At this time, Zhou Yi's divine sense was in the soul hall, practicing the soul refining skill that the old man passed on to him.

Nine turns to refine the soul.

Jiuzhuan soul refining, jiuzhuan soul refining, as the name suggests, is to let the cultivator go through nine lives and nine deaths, to temper the strength of the spirit.

Spiritual life and death are more than 1000 times and 10000 times more painful than physical life and death.

At this time, Zhou Yi sat on the ground with his knees crossed, constantly running the jiuzhuan soul refining skill. Every breakthrough of jiuzhuan soul refining had to experience ten times more pain than the previous one.

This is one of the reasons why the old man didn't practice.

At this time, Zhou Yi's face, sitting on the ground, kept changing its expression, sometimes distorted and normal.

Soon after, Zhou Yimeng stood up from the ground, holding his head in both hands, and kept wailing.

The old man and Bai Jie stood aside, looking at Zhou Yi's situation, with a touch of worry on their faces.

"Old man, do you think something will happen to Zhou Yi?" Bai Jie asked the old man in a low voice.

Hearing this, the old man hesitated in his eyes, and then replied to Bai Jie: "don't worry, this boy is hard, and there won't be an accident."

"This is just the first turn. If you can't bear the pain, how can you enter the state of ten thousand worlds in the future?"

Said here, the old man's eyes flashed a trace of inexplicable hope, and then murmured to himself in a voice that Bai Jie couldn't hear: "how can you avenge me if you don't enter the state of ten thousand worlds! Don't know if she's ok? "

With that, a trace of imperceptible loneliness flashed in his eyes.

At this time, Zhou Yi curled up and rolled on the ground, hitting the ground with his head from time to time.

I don't know how long it took to see that the ground where Zhou Yi stayed had been completely soaked with sweat. However, Zhou Yi's condition is much better.

Slowly open your eyes, a flash of light from Zhou Yi's eyes.

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