Standing on the edge of the extremely cold place, Zhou Yi looks back at Wang fatty, shameless monk and others.

"Let's go in, or it's dangerous outside. It's better to have a fight inside." Zhou Yi said firmly.

"Well, I agree. As the saying goes, a bicycle will become a motorcycle. I agree to go in." Wang pangzi didn't hesitate at all. He was the first to vote.

"Hey, shameless bald ass, why don't you talk? Afraid, isn't it Wang pangzi said, looking at the shameless monk and joking.

"Afraid? Shit, I'm shameless, bald ass, ah bah, you son of a bitch, you've taken me to the ditch. My seven foot man in the Seven Star temple is not a man who is greedy for life and afraid of death. " The shameless monk may have been annoyed by Wang Pang, but he was talking nonsense at this time.

Dashan and Li Feng looked at each other, nodded slowly and said, "we are willing to go in, too."

As for nian'er, he looked at Zhou Yi affectionately and said slowly, "where Zhou Yi is, I'll be."

Zhou Yi is not only ashamed when he hears the speech, but also scolds Zhou Yi in the eyes of Wang pangzi and the shameless monk.



"All right, I said you don't complain, who let you don't have this young master's face, no way." Zhou Yi looked at Wang pangzi and the shameless monk who complained about injustice and said.

"Don't you want to take you to Bangzi country for a complete set after you escape this time? Um... Fat man, you take fat, monk will transplant some hair for you, what do you think? Ah, ha ha "

after hearing the speech, everyone laughed. Wang pangzi and shameless monk's face turned red and looked at Zhou Yi fiercely. Then Wang pangzi and shameless monk looked at each other and nodded tacitly.

The next moment, Wang pangzi and the shameless monk rush to Zhou Yi, but Zhou Yi will not let Wang pangzi and the shameless monk succeed.

At that moment, he immediately ran away.

Wang pangzi and the shameless monk ran after Zhou Yi for a while, and then they sat on the snow breathlessly, no longer chasing.

Seeing this, Zhou Yi stopped, looked at Wang pangzi and the shameless monk, and joked: "it seems that plastic surgery alone can't save you. You still have to have a kidney transplant. Hahaha "

under the cannibalism of Wang pangzi and shameless monk, Zhou Yi and Dashan Li Feng no longer laugh.

At this time, Zhou Yi said, "Dashan, Li Feng and nian'er, you have entered a secret place. As for the fat man and the monk, how do you choose?"

See to read son to smell speech to appear on the face to put on an expression of unwillingness.

Nianer only wants to stay with Zhou Yi in her heart, but she doesn't want to enter any secret place. But how can the state of nianer resist the environment of the extremely cold place.

"Nianer, be obedient. It's too dangerous outside." Zhou Yi looked at nian'er and said softly.

Nian'er thought about it, nodded to Zhou Yi and said, "OK, I'll be the first one to let me out when it's safe."

Zhou Yi smell speech to read son heavy nod.

Comforting nianer, Zhou Yi turns around and looks at Dashan and Li Feng. Li Feng and Dashan nod to Zhou Yi knowingly.

Then Zhou Yi opened the secret place, sent Dashan, Li Feng and nian'er in, and closed it.

Zhou Yi knew in his heart how the characters of Wang pangzi and the shameless monk could enter the secret world.

Look at Wang pangzi and the shameless monk.

"Don't look at me like that. Don't be gay." Wang said,

"I don't do it either," the shameless monk echoed with Wang.

When Zhou Yi heard that Yan's forehead was black, he looked at Wang pangzi and the shameless monk, who could not speak for a long time.

"I think you two might as well have sex. You didn't marry her anyway."

After a while, Zhou Yi looked at the shameless monk and Wang pangzi sitting next to each other on the ground and said solemnly.

With that, Zhou Yibian couldn't help laughing.

"Go away. Damn it, I don't look for this bald ass for the foundation. " Wang said and stood up from the ground.

The shameless monk swore at the fat man, who was just like a shrew.

After a long time, Zhou Yi looked at the shameless monk and Wang pangzi who were still fighting and said, "OK, it's time to show the real technology. Let's go in."

The shameless monk and Wang pangzi put away their fighting attitude and looked at Zhou Yi and said with one voice.


Finally, Zhou Yi, the shameless monk and Wang pangzi entered the extremely cold place.

At this time, the four elders and five elders of Feiyun sword sect and a group of inner disciples in the snow finally found the exit.

There are two elders and many disciples of inviting moon immortal sect at the exit.

The strength of the disciples of xuanyue Xianzong is equal to that of Feiyun sword sect. It seems that they are also disciples of the inner sect.

it can be seen that the two main sects are determined to kill Zhou Yi."Oh, aren't these two elders Niu Yiqun and Yang Yiqun of Feiyun sword sect? I didn't expect that the Feiyun sword sect even sent you out. It seems that they are determined to kill Zhou Yi? " One of the elders in the inviting moon immortal sect looks at the four elders and five elders of the flying cloud sword sect and says.

Niu Yiqun and Yang Yiqun are the names of the four and five elders of Feiyun sword sect. Few people mention these two names in front of them.

The reasons for the same mother and different father, together with the reasons for the same egg and different father, make the two elders have different surnames. This is also the scar in the hearts of the four and five elders of Feiyun sword sect.

"hum, Huang Shulang, didn't the wizard of the moon send you out? It seems that you invited yuexianzong to pay for it. Aren't you afraid of heavy losses? Can you afford such a big loss Four long old Niu Yiqun said.

"Niu Yiqun, you..." the elder Huang Shulang of Xianzong just wanted to say something. A hand behind him caught Huang Shulang and stopped him from going on.

"Whether I invite the moon immortal sect to live or not is a matter of my inviting the moon immortal sect. It has nothing to do with you two. As for your Feiyun sword sect, aren't you afraid to damage many inner disciples?" The man holding Huang Shulang said faintly, in his voice, he didn't feel sad or happy, and didn't have the slightest emotion.

Niu Yiqun and Yang Yiqun looked along the voice. They saw that the pupils of Niu Yiqun and Yang Yiqun suddenly became bigger, as if they saw something terrible, which made them uneasy.

But soon returned to normal, after all, are alive for most of the life of the old fox, the quality of the heart is still very good.

"Shi Zhenxiang, I didn't expect that the Xianzong of inviting the moon had photographed you. Is there no one in the Xianzong of inviting the moon? Send a man who's half buried. " Yang Yiqun looked at Shi Zhenxiang and said.

Shi Zhenxiang, the elder of yaoyue Xianzong, is close to Emperor Wu. Although he is in the realm of King Wu, he is only one step away from the realm of Emperor Wu.

After so many years, I don't know whether Shi Zhenxiang has taken any step. No matter whether he has, Niu Yiqun and Yang Yiqun can't make a hundred moves in his hands.

On the surface, the major sects seem to live in harmony. The well water doesn't break the river water, but in fact it is the undercurrent.

"Well, I want to die." Shi Zhenxiang snorted coldly, and an attack rushed to Yang Yiqun.

Seeing this, Yang Yiqun quickly resisted. Although he finally resisted Shi Zhenxiang's attack, Yang Yiqun snorted, took a mouthful of blood, and tried not to spit it out,

"second brother, are you ok?" Seeing this, Niu Yiqun asked with concern.

Yang Yiqun waved his hand to indicate that he was OK. Niu Yiqun then turned to look at Shi Zhenxiang and said coldly, "elder Shi, I respect you. You are the elder of yuexianzong. Why do you do it to me?"

Shi Zhenxiang snorts coldly when he hears the words of Niu Yiqun. Niu Yiqun sees a trace of coldness in his eyes.

"Don't talk nonsense. That boy should go into the extremely cold place now. We'll guard the exit. I don't believe he can stay in it for a lifetime." Shi Zhenxiang looked at Huang Shulang and said.

"Yes, elder." Huang Shulang responds to the speech.

After that, Shi Zhenxiang and Huang Shulang took the disciples of yaoyue Xianzong to the extremely cold place.

Seeing this, Niu Yiqun and Yang Yiqun clenched their teeth and said, "let's go."

With 30 inner disciples and five elite disciples behind him, he rushed to the extremely cold place quickly.

At this time, Zhou Yi, our initiator, knew nothing about the outside world.

At this time, Zhou Yi, the shameless monk and Wang pangzi have entered the periphery of the extremely cold place.

As the strength of the group of three, but when Wang pangzi just entered the extremely cold place, he shivered, pretended to feel very cold and said: "Damn, it's really cold, I can't stand it. Fortunately, I'm fat and fat."

"Ha ha, you are fatter than a pig. How can you be frozen?" The shameless monk looked at Wang Pang who was a demon and joked.

At this time, I feel much colder in the extremely cold area than outside.

Suddenly, Zhou Yi felt the temperature drop around him. He turned his head and looked at the shameless monk and Wang pangzi. The reaction between them was more obvious.

"Why is it getting cold again? Damn it, I really want us to be frozen to death, "said Wang.

"Be careful, there's a situation." Zhou Yi carefully observed the surrounding environment.

At this time, a wind blade mixed with the ice crystal strikes Zhou Yi and shameless monk.

With a bang, Zhou Yi takes out his magic gun to block the wind blade.

The shameless monk and Wang pangzi also felt that the situation was not good at this time. They carefully observed the surrounding environment, but after looking around, they didn't find anything.

"don't relax your vigilance, the situation is a bit strange. The three of us are back-to-back. Pay attention to your surroundings. " Zhou Yi immediately said to Wang pangzi and shameless monk.

The next second, three people formed a triangle, carefully looking around.After a long time, but did not find the slightest, in addition to just suddenly hit a blade, at this time in the three people around the slightest movement.

Just when the three were a little slack, a white shadow suddenly flashed in the direction of Zhou Yi's defense.

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