"Oh, by the way, although the president asked us to get along as a family, I still want to tell you that most of our people are very friendly, but the vice president is sent from the headquarters. He always wants to win the position of president. There are some problems in his behavior. You'd better pay attention to it."

Zhang Qian nodded to show that no matter where he was, it was inevitable to fight for power and profit.

"By the way, we only have 200 powers here. The powers in other places should be similar to ours. How many powers are there in the whole country?"

Although Lin Feng has said it once, Zhang Qian still wants to confirm how many powers there are in the country.

Fan Yun said: "I really don't know how many powers there are, but I know that there are still many powers in big cities like mordu and Tiandu. If you think about it, every 50000 people may have one power, and there are so many people in China."

"There are so many?" Zhang Qian was surprised to say that this does not mean that there are more than 100000 people in this country who are as powerful or even more powerful as him.

"That's for sure. One in 50000 is not much. We Huaxia have a big advantage in this aspect, because we have a large number of people. Under the same proportion, the total number of our Huaxia powers is much more than that of other countries, so India can compare with us."

Zhang Qian is right when he thinks about it. One in 50000 is not much.

"How can there be powers who are not in the league?"

Fan Yun spread out his hand: "it's probably that everyone has their own aspirations. Although our alliance has little restriction on its members, some people still feel uncomfortable, and we can't force them to join."

"Why have I never heard of a psionic before? Is it because we have a rule that we can't do anything to ordinary people?"

"That's not true. It's just that there are so few people like us that it's hard for ordinary people to touch them. Moreover, we don't use powers anytime and anywhere. Even if we are face-to-face with ordinary people, they won't know that we are powers, but our organization is usually very low-key."

Zhang Qian nodded with satisfaction. Now he has a certain understanding of the Chinese power alliance and the powers.

Zhang Qian said, "I want to see your powers. I don't know if Fang is convenient. I've seen Lin Feng's powers before, but his powers are silent. I can't see them at all. Can you show me your powers?"

"Of course, no problem, but if you want to see the greatest power of my powers, you can't be here. Let's run away and find an empty place where there is no one. I'll show you."

"Good!" Naturally, Zhang Qian was full of promise.

"Is that in your car or mine?"

Zhang Qian was embarrassed. Although he thought about buying a car several times, he just didn't get it. So he had to say, "I'm sorry, I haven't bought a car yet. I can only take your car. Besides, I think it's still a bit remote here. Maybe I can't get a taxi. I don't know if you can send me back later?"

Fan Yun said with a smile: "of course, it's no problem. Don't lose heart. With your powers, you can earn enough money sooner or later. It's no problem how expensive you want to buy a car at that time."

Obviously, fan Yun regards Zhang Qian as an ordinary person who just knows that he has acquired his powers.

They come to fan Yun's car. Zhang Qian has been explaining to fan Yun that he doesn't have no money, just hasn't found time to buy a car.

Fan Yun took out the car key, opened the door, turned to Zhang Qian and said, "so you know you have powers for some time?"

Zhang Qian opened the car door, sat in the passenger compartment and said, "yes, I didn't know there were other powers in the world before. I always thought I was the only one with powers."

Fan Yun got into the driver's cab and started the car. "What's the matter with your grudge against others?"

Zhang Qian wanted the people of the Chinese power alliance to help him, but he didn't hide it. He told fan Yun all about his grudge with Lu haosan.

Of course, he also left a heart, such as blood jade, he won't say it out, just said that after being beaten by sun Dahai, he found that he had super power.

Fan Yun did not doubt that he was there. After Zhang Qian finished, he said, "now you don't have to be afraid of Lu haosan. You have the Chinese power alliance as the backing. As long as he dares to deal with you in the way of the ninth rate, I can guarantee that he will be overwhelmed."

Naturally, Zhang Qian kept saying thank you to fan Yun.

Before long, fan Yun drove the car to an empty lake and stopped.

Two people came to the lake, repeatedly confirmed that there was no one nearby, fan Yun raised his right hand, said to Zhang Qian: "look, I want to use the power."

Zhang Qian keeps his eyes on fan Yun.

Fan Yun pushed his right hand forward, and a gust of wind suddenly appeared on the surface of the lake. The ripples on the surface of the water quickly formed and spread to the distance.

At this time, fan Yun raised his left hand again and pushed forward like his right hand.Amazing things happened. Under the gaze of Zhang Qian, the lake suddenly became windy. In the middle of the lake, there was a small tornado.

He looked at the tornado in the lake. He didn't expect that fan Yun's power would be so strong. If he wanted to call himself, he didn't know how to defend.

He just tried it quietly, and found that his ability of controlling objects couldn't control the wind.

Ah, no, fan Yun is not a sound wave power. Why didn't he hear any sound? Instead, he saw a gust of wind coming from fan Yun?

"Aren't you a sonic power? Why is there no sound, only wind? "

Fan Yun put down his hands, and the wind on the lake dissipated in an instant. He turned to Zhang Qian and said, "yes, it's the sound wave power. Do you know bat, my power is a bit like a bat, which can't be heard by human ears. It shows such a strong wind. So some people think that my power is to control the wind when they see me using it for the first time Powers are much better than wind control

Bats Zhang Qian or know, probably clear fan Yun's power is how to return a responsibility.

Fan Yun looked at Zhang Qian and said, "do you have anything else to do? If it's OK, let's go to the city for dinner first. I'll treat you

At this time, Zhang Qian found that the time had already come to the evening unconsciously, and quickly said that he didn't need to, "I'd better invite you, as a reward for helping me answer so many doubts."

"All right!" Fan Yun smiles, but without being polite to Zhang Qian, he takes out the key and opens the door.

Instead of going back to the alliance, they drove directly to the city.

As the sky gradually darkened, the two began to talk about some family customs in the car, and gradually became familiar with each other.

Zhang Qian also knows that fan Yun is 23 years old. He is not a local, but a member of Tiandu. His family is in Tiandu, but because he doesn't want to rely on his family for everything, he has come here from Tiandu to fight for himself. In recent years, he has gradually become a bit famous.

Fan Yun drove to a star hotel and stopped. They had a meal in the hotel.

By this time it was completely dark.

Originally, Zhang Qian wanted to have a drink with fan Yun to get in touch with him. However, fan Yun didn't know how to drink. Naturally, Zhang Qian didn't drink alone. They talked and ate.

Although they didn't drink, they talked for a long time, and the meal was not short at all.

After dinner, Zhang Qian saw that it was late and said to fan Yun, "it's very late. You'd better go back first. I can take a taxi."

Fan Yun shook his head and said, "I'd better take you back. I know you Duobao Pavilion. I also live nearby. My place is only 20 minutes away from you Duobao Pavilion. Let's go together. Since the president gives you to me, you can come to me if you have something to do these days. If you can help me, I will help you." Then he told Zhang Qian his address.

In fact, Zhang Qian is not particularly familiar with the area near Duobao Pavilion. He has never passed the address, so he can only keep it in his mind. When he goes back, he will ask Su Yuxin.

On the way, they agreed to go to Huaxia power alliance early the next morning to see if they could meet other people.

Zhang Qian wants to know more people and help them when they are in trouble. Fan Yun has nothing to do these days.


Back in Duobao Pavilion, Zhang Qian wants to simply wash and go to bed, but he doesn't expect that Su Yuxin is wearing a sexy BROWN SILK PAJAMA and leaning against the door of his room waiting for him.

Zhang Qian was slightly stunned, embarrassed to take a look at Su Yuxin, who was beautiful and sexy, and said, "so late, haven't you gone to bed yet?"

Su Yuxin chuckled and said softly, "I'm not sure you didn't come back. I'm relieved to see you come back."

"Yuxin, thank you!" Zhang Qian thanks Su Yuxin from the bottom of his heart. This is the first person who really cares about himself after he came to the city. When he thinks of Liu Xiaomei, his former "girlfriend", Zhang Qian feels that he must be blind. Compared with Su Yuxin, that woman is just a scum.

"Be polite to me again, I'll be angry!"

Su Yuxin stares at Zhang Qian charming, pretends to be angry, and then laughs, "the bathroom has put hot water for you, but it may have been a little cold, you can put some hot water for a bath, I..."

At this point, Su Yuxin stopped for a moment, sipped her mouth and said, "I'll go to bed first. Good night!"

"All right, good night!"

Zhang Qian smiles and looks at Su Yuxin Miaoman's figure. Suddenly, he feels a little hot


The next morning, fan Yun came to Duobao Pavilion. Zhang Qian wanted to introduce Su Yuxin and Zhao Hualiang to fan Yun, but fan Yun was not interested in this. He urged Zhang Qian to get on the bus, so he had to give up.

On the way, they talked about their views on the powers.

When fan Yun drove to a remote road in the fringe of urban and rural areas, he suddenly stopped the car and looked at the front with sharp eyes.

Zhang Qian also looked forward with a stern face.Twenty meters in front of them, two cars were parked crosswise, blocking the whole road.

A man stood in front of two cars, staring at them.

In the distance around a few people, you can see that many people are looking this way. These people form a circle and surround a few people.

This is to look for trouble. Fan Yun went out and yelled, "what's your situation and what do you want to do?"

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