Clash of Clans Lord System

Chapter 202 All-out war

"Bang!" The skull shattered, and the scout's head was trampled directly into the ground by these death horses.

Anthony, the headless horseman sitting on the death horse, looked at the advancing skeleton army with an expressionless face, "Ruolin City! Louis! Just wait, your end... is coming soon."

At the same time, Louis received news from the Goblins that the skeleton army was about to leave the Apis Mountains, with less than a day's journey left to Ruolin City.

"It's finally here." Louis walked out of the base camp and asked the city guard captain Mike to mobilize all the city guards and assemble in the school field near the city gate.

"The enemy is currently strong, and I won't say how many there are. Although there are many skeleton warriors, they are very fragile. This is a rare opportunity for many of you recruits who have never been on the battlefield. I hope you can take advantage of it."

"The undead are not scary. As long as their skulls are broken, they will die! Please overcome the fear in your heart and kill those skeleton warriors to pieces!" Louis has never been a general and cannot command an army.

The pre-war declaration was also nonsense, but none of that mattered. Because Louis' record was too brilliant and he had never lost a single defeat since he came to Ruolin City, so even if so many undead armies invaded, they still maintained absolute confidence in Louis.

"This is one person's leadership, right? There is such a huge gap between us and the enemy, but the people below still maintain confidence in the lord." In the dark, Sith sighed and said to Bart, the old master next to him: "Father, Riley and I will cover your retreat in a moment. In addition, our Stormrage family's mysterious troops are already in place, and we will definitely not let Louis make any mistakes."

"No, I still want to stay." Bart suddenly rejected his son Sith's proposal, "I think this war may not be lost."

"Father! This is impossible! That is an army of millions of skeletons! An army of the undead that knows no fatigue, no pain, no fear, and 10,000 more powerful undead knights. And you know, father, the horror of the necromancer is In the war, the number of undead will increase! As long as a soldier dies, he will be transformed into a new skeleton warrior, so Louis has no chance of winning!"

Sith frowned and explained that although he was amazed by the power that Louis had mastered, which had even surpassed the Stormrage family's many years of experience, the enemy this time was too powerful, and was even brighter than the previous two times. The Holy See was countless times stronger when it invaded.

The army of millions of skeleton warriors is definitely no joke. No matter how confident the Sith are in their son Louis, no matter how powerful the ten flying dragons are, they will always be exhausted. As the saying goes, too many ants can kill an elephant. An army of millions of skeletons is definitely a desperate number.

But at this moment, Bart had a completely different view from Sis, "I think you don't know your son too well. If that boy Louis wasn't completely sure, I'm afraid he would have been preparing to evacuate with us at this moment."

"Since he chose to stay here to resist, he must have a trump card in his hand that can reverse the entire situation." There was a smile in Bart's eyes.

In this regard, Sith could only nod helplessly. He knew that once his father had made a decision, it was absolutely impossible to change it. At the moment, Sith had no other choice but to take a step back and said: "But if the city gate fails, , you must follow me to evacuate first, the mysterious force does not have enough manpower, so we can only take Louis out by force."

"I'm measured." Bart nodded, and Sith could only retreat helplessly.

At this moment, in another corner of the Apis Mountains, Cyril, who was wiping the Sword of Holy Light in his hand, suddenly frowned and stood up in horror, "Uther, do you feel it?"

"What a strong undead aura! Oh my God, what happened?" Uther, who was sitting next to him, suddenly stood up, "Cyril, check where it is!"

"Wait!" Cyril raised the Sword of Holy Light and activated the power of Holy Light in his body.

Suddenly, the tip of the Holy Sword of Light lit up with a golden light.

"Drive out evil!"

"Whoops!" The next moment, this ray of holy light suddenly flew towards Ruolin City.

"That location is Ruolin City! It is the territory of Lord Louis!" Cyril was stunned and immediately called Uther, "Rally the army immediately! Let's go to Ruolin City to see how many undead there are with such a strong undead aura. Can you condense it? Something must have happened in Ruolin City!"

After saying that, the two quickly stood up and began to summon their respective knights.

A few minutes later, two torrents, one silver and one gold, rushed directly towards Ruolin City.

In the Qinghu Empire, the royal family held an emergency meeting to start an attack on the Holy Flame Empire in view of the millions of undead army destroying the Beika Empire.

"The purpose of the Headless Horseman is obvious. Their current target is the Holy Flame Empire, so we will be next. So you can tell us what you think." The emperor of the Qinghu Empire sat at the head of the table with a solemn expression. He looked down at the ministers below.

"I think we should immediately send troops to support the Holy Flame Empire. This is no longer a war between empires. This is a battle between the living and the evil undead. So I think we should put aside the war between empires. Shackles, decisively send troops to help the Holy Flame Empire completely wipe out those undead!" This is a veteran who looks slightly older.

"No... I just don't think so." Another younger minister stood up: "Although the army of millions of skeletons is terrifying, the Holy Flame Empire is also very powerful. And the Holy Flame Empire is not like the Northern California Empire, which is like a piece of loose sand. , the cohesion of the Holy Flame Empire is very strong, I personally think that the army of millions of skeletons will not gain much benefit from the Holy Flame Empire, and the best result is that both sides will lose. "

"Then this will give our Green Tiger Empire an opportunity!"

"You mean to sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight?" King Qinghu leaned back in his chair, touched his chin, and looked thoughtful.

"That's right, Your Majesty the King! The opportunity for the Blue Tiger Empire to unify the continent is right in front of us..."

As soon as he finished speaking, a gleam suddenly flashed in the eyes of King Qinghu, who was sitting in the first seat, and he stood up, "The order goes down. The four major legions of the empire, headed by the Qinghu Legion, quickly prepare for war. I will personally lead the team and set off in three days. Sikkim Fortress! As soon as the army of millions of skeletons opens up, we will start attacking it immediately!"

"Yes!" Qinghu officials all stood up, and the last force on this continent finally entered the battle.

At this moment, a woman who was in a state of embarrassment suddenly fell on a grassland in the Apis Mountains.

Thank you for your blessings and rewards. The author will be on vacation in a few days.

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