"It looks fun, brave Makoto." Sasan and Lucy are on the bed. Princess Sofia was looking down at me with the eyes of a pig before slaughter. No, I said too much. Not so cold eyes.

"Have you awaken, Heroes?" Appeared behind Princess Sofia, General Talisker. He is still unfriendly, but said he would like to thank him on behalf of the country of fire. Speaking of which, I was fainted using spirit magic, but was the royal capital safe?

By the way, Sae and Lucy looked at Princess Sophia, and then they looked at each other and left the room. From the window. It's on the third floor here ... (Sa-san flew with Lucy). Freedom widower.

"I can't stand the bravery, thanks for your hard work and appreciation for this fire country. In addition, your friend, Aya Sasaki, has become a new Great Keith nationally certified hero. In the country and in the country of water, we hold hands together ... "General Talisker thanked him.

(Long story) I listened to the story vaguely. In summary--

Until now, the nation of fire and the country of water had a weak position in the event of an emergency due to differences in national power. There is no strong army in the country of water. According to a treaty between countries, the water nation was a little disadvantageous. He said that he would review it and cooperate as a neighboring country on an equal basis. By the way, let's make friends with each other. It was a content that my daughter was annoying.

I understand, but the wording of the general is a euphemism, and there are many difficult words in different worlds that are difficult to understand. I'll tell Princess Sofia later.

"The brave man Makoto. If you have any hope, whatever," General Talisker asked. A glimpse of Princess Sophia, she says, "I'll leave it." Well, if you can't, you'll stop. Things were trials, I decided to ask.

"I have one request, General." "Huh, what's that?" In my words, General Talisker's eyes sharpened.

"A friend from the same world as me is a slave. I'd like to release her if possible ..." Classmate Kawakita is a slave and bought by a powerful noble in the country of fire. We told that we could not get it due to schedule. But when he said it, General Talisker looked suspicious.

"... That's true." "General, I'll tell you. Makoto brave, your friend Keiko Hebei has already been released."

I just heard the story. The origins go back to the story of the holy sword Balmunck, who broke down in a fighting competition. Sae broke the Great Keith's sword. But there is a warrior country. Apparently, it was the result of a duel that the brave Olga had put out on his own, and he was responsible for it.

But the problem remains. The battle for the resurrection of the Great Demon King is on the horizon, but if the trump card, the sacred sword, cannot be used, it will not be talked about. It needs to be repaired as soon as possible, but when it comes to the holy sword class, it cannot be fixed by a blacksmith of ordinary skill. You need a smith of the Holy Class.

But there are only so many Blacksmiths on the continent. Everyone has a lot of customers, and the schedule is filled for years to come. Moreover, the “classical” blacksmiths are like the pinnacle of craftsmanship and do not easily shake their heads even with large sums of money. The country of fire The client is a great country.

If the fire country is bad, the leader of the blue has said that Olga cannot participate in the decisive battle of the Great Demon King. It was Fujiya that appeared there. Fujiyan, who has various connections as a merchant, seems to have decided to reduce the schedule of the “Holy Class” blacksmith, the continent's best, and arrange for the repair of the holy sword Balmunk with the highest priority. It seems that precious magic stones and magic metal were needed to repair the holy sword, but all were prepared by Fujiyan.

The country of fire was very grateful for his work and said that he would fulfill his wishes as much as possible. Sunny, he became free. That sounds like before I woke up.

(Although it is Sasan, Fujiyan is also a big deal.) The story of the release of classmates and the broken holy sword. What was a matter of concern was quickly dispelled. There's a little match pump feeling that my friend, Sasan, is destroyed and my friend, Fujiyan, fixes it. I will thank Fujiyan later.

"Then there's nothing," worried. "... Muh, but," but General Talisker seems to be reluctant.

"In the country of fire, we will prepare the best beauties." "Eh?" "General" Talisker's words, Princess Sofia clashes with Chikuri.

"If you want, my daughter is okay." General Talisker's daughter ... Isn't that fighter mad Olga? "... I'm grateful to talk about this, but it's too much for me." After that, the general seemed to be worried, but he didn't come up with any ideas.

"... Let's always help if there's anything wrong," said General Talisker. Only me and Princess Sofia were left in the room.

"I've earned the trust of the generals," said Princess Sofia, who sat down on my bed and glanced at the tease. "It was kind of burnt," he said before, from a higher point.

"I just did that, you're saying," said Princess Sofia on her right arm, which had many layers of bandage. I didn't feel it ... Princess Sofia's face looked down sadly.

"This arm doesn't move anymore? I heard from Furi." That's wrong.

"Move it?" "Eh?" Move your right arm with care, so that there was no harmful accident to Friae. I'm good at water magic, but I'm still not used to the magic of moving my arm.

Somehow, it has become like a zombie. My right arm sways, riding on Princess Sofia's head. Terrible. He tries to move in a hurry, but he is impatient and does not move well. The result was a very rude state of stroking the princess's head. Princess Sofia hasn't even dismissed my hand, and she's been left alone.

"It's been a long time since I stroked my head." "I'm sorry. I still couldn't move it well." I grabbed my right hand with my left hand and dropped it from Princess Sofia's head. This should have been done from the beginning.

"Sleep a little more, you'll be sick," I lay in bed, prompted by Princess Sofia.

The body may still be tired. When I lay down, a sleep attack came. Immediately before consciousness flew, I felt stroking my head.

I had a dream. A large space that lasts forever. It's always a dream. There is a beautiful two pillar goddess.

...... surrounded by piles of papers.

"Noah? Aile?" Ayle signs the documents with a difficult expression. Noah is writing something with her cheek stick. It's hard to talk to, but I'm here to tell you something.

"Oh, Makoto. I'm glad I saved the crisis in the land of fire and freed my classmates," Noah smiled at. "Coller! Noah! Don't stop! There are still more than 1,000 documents left!" "Eir? What is the pile of these documents?"

Surveillance: "What is the document for adjustment when Noah is sent to the ground! It's so unreasonable that coordination is hard! You have to deceive the angels on the ground!" I see ... it was my fault. Noah who helped me who failed to “change” into a spirit. Noah, originally trapped in the undersea temple, came for a moment. It was Eil who arranged it.

"Okay, Aile. Let's take a break. Look, here's Hage Dad's." "Why are you here ..." Noah-sama often has something from the earth. Where do you buy it?

"Amazing or easy?" Mail order!

"I'm cookie and cream! I don't accept anything else." "So I'm macadamia nuts. Makoto is vanilla." "... Yes, thank you. Thank you."

"Noah, Ayl. Thank you for helping." After eating ice cream. I thanked them again.

"I'm glad I got out on the ground for the first time in a long time." "Hey, how hard is it to get you out ...?" Aile. Aile looked awkward as she noticed something.

"Wait! Mako-kun, show me your arm." Aile came here and grabbed my right arm. An unusual, sharp tone. His gaze was sharp, ahead of which was a dozen wrapped right arms with my bandage.

-Get off

The bandage is unraveled in an instant by Aile-sama's words. The bare right arm was emitting blue light. I saw it secretly in the sickroom, but ... I can't expose it in public.

"..." Aile says nothing. I came near me, grabbed my right arm and stared at a point.

"Noah, what's this?" Eir lifted my arm and showed Noah his arm, which turned blue. It was a small bruise on the upper elbow. It glows red in the blue arm.

"Oh, that's where I touched Makoto." "Speaking of that," just before the comet fell. Noah-sama grabbed his right arm. For a moment, I remember as if I got hot as if I had fever, then the pain in my right arm came down.

"Noah ... I gave you" God "to Mako." "Oh, I'm in trouble. I seem to have accidentally moved to Makoto." I grabbed Murakura.

“Is this the aim?” A voice from Aile, who is usually gentle, contains incredible anger. "Okay, calm down," Noah-sama just smiles.

"Answer! It is forbidden to give power to humans other than 'bless you.' Do you know what you did?" "Eh, Mr. Ayl? Calm down." Was. Aile said to her with a keen eye.

"Mako-kun. It's all because of Noah's" Kiki "that your arm doesn't heal from spiritualization or move your arm well. Aza in Mako's arm says, Curse of God.] Through you who are believers, Noah gained the right to interfere on the ground ... "" The curse of God ... "Juliae said," My arm is cursed. " But was that the case?

Holy Tribe "If you have such a thing, you can't leave Mako. If you find a sister who is strict with rules, Mako may be extinguished. I don't think it's going to be ... Noah, what are you up to? "

"Noah?" I asked for an explanation and saw the goddess I worship. His face is always a smile. It was beautiful as usual.

"The next time Makoto fails to" change "to the spirit, it's insurance. I can't go to the earth every time. If I give my" God, "I can directly manipulate the spirit." "Change" to the spirit was high risk. Isn't there any problem if it's insurance?

"Mako-kun ... It's not only the spirits that can be manipulated. At that time, Mako-kun is also operated by Noah at will. Is that OK? Honestly, it's not worth it for Mako, who is a human being. "

(Hmm ...) Aile-sama's words had a reverberating sound.

I compared the two goddesses and met Noah. Stare at each other for a few seconds.

"Makoto, do you believe me?" "Noah-sama, isn't it natural?" "So, believe me, I won't do anything wrong."

"Hey, a little!" Aile interrupted me and Noah in a hurry.

"Is there any problem?" "It's full of problems!" Ayl scratched the key and head.

"Mako-kun! Is that OK !?" "Well, Noah-sama is always planning something." There is no complaint anyway because they are helping me anyway. This time, if it was as it was, everyone was blown off by the meteorite.

"Ayle is usually too fine. No matter how much I give 'God,' now I can't do anything because I'm sealed in the undersea temple." "Hmmmm ..." You look at us dissatisfied. Finally, he sighed big.

"It's good now because it's still peaceful, but ... if the Great Demon resurrected, it could be targeted as a disturbing factor." "Is it time for the Great Demon's resurrection?" I don't think we can afford it a little more. "" I think it's a few months away. But this isn't over at all. "" Who's to blame! "The goddesses returned to paperwork. Apparently, the matter of Kamiki was put on hold.

The scenery was blurred when I thought it would be better to go out soon.

I woke up in the hospital room. Outside is dark. I don't know the time because I don't have a clock.

My right hand didn't move when trying to get up. Help yourself with your left hand and raise your body.

A bandage is wrapped around the right arm and does not move with muscle strength. I remembered my dream story. Goddess Apparently, in addition to the mana of the spirit, even the power of the state is hidden in this right arm.

Noah's divine spirit, an old tribe. In the general public, it is called evil god. In other words, the power of the evil god. I have to manipulate it.

(... what if that was the line?)

I got a demon. Look around. No one is in the room. Alright.

"... calm down ... my right arm" "What happened? Takatsuki-kun?" "Sasan !?" He seemed to be watching me nearby. But don't let go!

"No, nothing?" I pretended to be calm using the "Ming mirror stop water" skill. But Sa-san looked at her and narrowed her eyes.

"... calm down ... my right arm ..." I saw everything!

"Forget it now!" I grabbed him. "Kaya!" Saha laughed and shunned.

Then, for a while, she was teased.

This is the end of the adventure in Fireland.

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