Tent-Knights of the Sun, in base.

I participate in the daily regular meeting using communication magic. Recently I was alone, but today Sassan and Lucy are next door.

"Oh, do you want me to say it again?" Beyond the screen, President Uwain holds his temples as if he had a headache.

"Huh! The confidant of the king of beasts has defeated Hayate with ten claws alone!" "... It didn't seem to be a mistake." Looking at the other faces.

(((((…… and this guy)))))

It seems that the voice of my heart is heard. This time it's not me.

-Hayate, a ten-claw leader of Zagan, the king of the beast.

It seems that he was a famous advanced demons who are good at surprise attacks. In fact, it has been slipping through my perception of danger and Julia's future prediction. I think it would be dangerous if Juliae didn't help me a lot.

The country of water The aim of the guy is a brave man. Clearly aimed at my life. For me, where melee combat power is close to zero, getting into the enemy in time means death. He avoided the first shot, but could be fatal in the next attack.

The greatest misfortune for the demons is probably the existence of the “Nationally Recognized Hero of the Land of Fire” who was sleeping in the tent. There was too much noise near the tent, so Sasan got up. Sa-san, who was in a bad mood when waking up, hit her at the counter using the "invincible time" skill while saying, "It's ugly!" The poor demons decided to sink their heads into the ground.

But, as expected, an executive of the Demon King Army. Meteorite dropped At that point, he was still alive, but was completely silenced by Lucy's pursuit of "". The rest of the process was left to the Knights of the Sun. (The strong demons seem to be resurrected even if they think they are dead.)

-Ort explained the story to the people on the other side of the communication magic.

"Hmmm, Aya, a nationally certified hero of Japan. He was well defeated. The demons were good at surprise attacks and assassinations, and they were struggling with countermeasures in this operation as well." I'm sorry. "Sasami is scratching her head so that she can be shy at the words of General Talisker. Olga next to her has a face that looks uninteresting.

Mother-in-law "Lucy, I did it! But don't be too afraid. Don't go into the Demon Army alone like Rosalie?" "Do not do that, Florna-onee-chan" "I'm worried Lucy's character is also similar to Rosalie's mother-in-law. "Combat enthusiasts," That's not over there. "The conversation between Flora, the goddess of the tree, and Lucy is no longer a conversation with a relative's sister. For now, here's a military controversy ...

"Hey! How long have we been waiting! I just loved these guys too much!" Said Gerald, who shrieks. Yeah, I'm waiting all day long and I'm getting stress

"I'm going to be dull if I wait too long," said Olga, a brave goddess of fire. He seems to have been inspired by the story of Mr. Sao's blow-out of the demon boss. The meeting was starting to get a little fuzzy, perhaps because it spread to others. At that time.

"Tomorrow is the decisive battle"

In the words of Esther, the priestess of fate, everyone was silent.

"Tomorrow 'The King of the Beasts' Zagan will invade the west continent. Well, Esther." The shrine maiden nods quietly. Finally, the Demon King himself attacks.

"Now let's tell the strategy. But this strategy is mainly based on the prediction of the shrine maiden Esther. Can you explain, Esther?" "I understand." Goddess of fate Goddess of fate The appearance of the advent of the shrine maiden Ester opens her mouth.

The Demon King, led by Zagan, a commercial nation called "Ming Dynasty's King of Beasts, will land on the coast. The Demon Army will try to destroy the cities of the country. Yes, we need to intercept this, but their real aim is to slay the "Brave of Light". The crystal clear voice of the shrine maiden echoes from the communication magic. They are all quietly listening.

"The Demon King's journey will be slow, because their operations will exhaust us and earn time. It pretends to be a decisive battle and never seriously collides during the day. Stretch out and repeat small attacks until the sun goes down, and with sunset, launch a total attack with the army of the "King of the Demon", Forneus, at which time we are exhausted and will not defeat that momentum. "I'm destined to see." "" "" "" ... "" "" Goddess of fate Of course, there is a way to not be. Everyone is waiting for Miko Ester's next words.

"So, we'll be outspoken. If they want to prolong the battle until sunset, this is a short-term decisive battle." The brave of light "Ryosuke Sakurai." "Yes, yes!" do.

"You lead a few elites and hit the Demon King directly behind the Demon King's army." "Wait! That's Too Dangerous !?" Certainly, it seemed too violent to call it an operation.

"It's okay. The time to challenge the Demon King is noon. Nothing can hurt the" Brave of Light "when the sun rises to the highest, and there is a user of space transfer in the land of the sun. There is no need to worry about exhaustion before, "" I will undertake the escort of the Hero of Light, "said the Great Sage, cool. A calm voice as usual. reliable.

(But is the vampire sage going out during the day ...?) I'm a little worried. The great sage laughed suddenly, feeling my gaze and saying, "Don't worry." Was that extra care? A hero who saved the world a thousand years ago.

"The Knights of the Sun will also have some leadership class and state-recognized heroes, but can the location of the demon king be identified in the midst of the turmoil in the war?" Asked Uwain. The enemy is a large army of over 200,000. It won't be easy to find. However, the shrine maiden Esther showed a confident face.

"No problem. They seem to be changing the army, fearing that the general, Demon King will be attacked, but I'll always tell you where the Demon King is. I know where the Demon King is "Okay, Esther-sama. However, the timing of the battle with the Demon King is determined on site. Depending on the war situation, there is a risk that the Hero of Light will be left behind by the enemy team. I'm aiming. "President Ewayin gave a cautious opinion to Mister Esther's words with confidence.

"Yes, that's okay. It doesn't mean things will go well on the first day. I'll leave the timing to Judge Uwein's decision." "Okay, so I believe Esther's predictions about the location of the Demon King. I guess. " Finally, the decisive battle with the Demon King tomorrow. I'm a little reminded that I can't be there ...

The land of water, "It seems boring, brave," "!?"

"No, no, I'm listening." "It's natural," said Ester, sighing.

The king of the waters and the Knights of the Sun, the 1st Division. The Demon King Army will not appear there tomorrow. "Eh?"

"It's not surprising. You defeated 10,000 under the command of the King of the Seas, Forneus, destroyed 5000 of the Beast Kings Zagan's air combat units, Subjugation, so there is no damage on the part of the tribe, and you may have realized that it is not worthwhile to reach out to you. "" Huh ..., softly? " friendly? I wonder if the water goddess told me.

“But,” Miko Esther looks seriously at the participants in the military.

"Tomorrow's decisive battle will intensify the Demon King's attacks in various parts of the continent and other than the lunar country." "" "!" "

"That's to prevent us from joining our army?" "Yes, the Demon King does not want to gather as much power as possible near the Brave of Light. Their aim can destroy the Great Demon King Ivries "It's about taking the life of the Brave of Light." "..." I glanced at Sakurai-kun and saw a nervous face. I don't want my friends to be scared too much ... But is it important to warn them if their aim is Sakurai-kun? Good luck, Sakurai-kun.

"Well, the Demon King's army will be attacking here too?" "Hmm, finally," "Let the people touch one finger," "...", lightning hero Gerald Ballantyne, scorching You can see the spirits of the brave Olga Saul Talisker and the Fukiki hero Maximilian Lagavulin. It also shows the vague face of Alex, a Highland nationally recognized hero who doesn't know what he's thinking. Isn't he with Sakurai-kun? I'm worried about the nervous face of the snow and snow prince Prince Leonard, but I'm sure Maximilian is on and I'm sure he'll be fine.

After that, some precautionary items were spoken and the pre-decision meeting ended.

I glanced at the face of my childhood friend, The Brave of Light. The profile is nervous and talks to Uwain in some way. Sakurai did not notice my gaze.

(Be careful, don't get injured.) I sent an ale in my heart and kept looking at the screen until the communication magic was broken.

He returned to his sleeping tent and shared his meeting with Mr. Juliae, who was away from home. Juliae quietly listened, "Yes ..." Sakurai-kun will fight the Demon King Army tomorrow, but I was wondering what the feelings were.

On the way, "My knight is uneasy?" Did I have such anxious look? He answered vaguely, "Oh well."

"I'm going to train because I'm not calm," I said.

"I'll be targeted by the demons again. Takatsuki-kun." "Yes, Makoto. Please be quiet." Stopped by Lucy and Sasan.

"It's okay. Ester-san told me that the Demon King's army isn't coming anymore." Surely they won't come anymore.

And train to near dawn. The next day was a peaceful day, as Miko Esther said.

I spend the day restless.

And it was night.

The meeting was busy before the day began. The meeting has not yet begun. The connection screen of the communication magic is launched. However, some of the participants today seemed to know "something" or restless.

(……Did something happen?)

If anything, it would be about the battle between the Six Allies and the Demon King. I used the Listening skill to listen to people's conversations.

...... Is the story true? ...... How much is it too early? ... I can't believe it will work so well.

Such a conversation. Then, someone heard the words that they slammed.

-It seems that the brave of light has beaten the Demon King Zagan.

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