◇ Friae Nia Lafiloig's Perspective ◇

A few days have passed since my knight - was gone.

My knight used the Spirit to cause a storm and left somewhere with the brave men of the sun.

I almost got taken away, I was gone. The wind storm didn't stop for a while, and at one point, it cleared up perfectly.

My knight, we waited for the return. But he didn't come back.

Princess Sophia continued her desperate search.

He said he must be alive.

But every time I followed the day, I got a dark look, and it went away.

My knight was nowhere.

The goddess of water. And one day I told him I had an announcement, and he came.

High -.

That's what the goddess of water said.

Princess Sophia was indulging in something with an icy faceless look…

My shoulders were trembling.

I told him I would prepare for the national funeral... and he left with a bump.

I... couldn't say anything.

Mr. Brave, he's been crying.

She was murdered by the brave men of the Sun, but revived with a special ability: 'Residual Machine' skills. He woke up away from the battlefield because it was his ability to revive in a safe place after activation.

And when I rushed in, it was all over.

The beginning was rough.

I have to go and help the Takatsuki Makoto, knowing that he disappeared somewhere with the brave men of the sun! and rampage.

We all desperately stopped that, and the next thing you know, "Kill the Pope! I stopped saying."

And when I come back to the inn, I cry through it.

"Gusu... why... Takayuki... Ugh..."

I've barely spoken of water or food in the last few days.

People around me are worried about breaking her body, but she looks fine if Queen Lamia's body is sturdy.

But mentally, it's lame.

"... no more, no more... Takayuki is here... me..."

Brave man, you're so strong, but I can't believe my knight is so brittle when he's gone... She's still not going to be able to get back on her feet.

The wizard continues his training.

"Makoto is absolutely alive!

Even though Princess Sophia, the goddess of water, told us that "Makoto the high moon is dead," she did not believe it.

No, I guess the word has arrived.

For a moment, I almost cried.

But I got up right away.

Now he even continues his magic training so as to stare at someone.

Spatial Transfer "I'll definitely find it. Master, I'll be right there looking for you! Aya! Hooli!" "... Yeah, Ru. Me too... I'm coming..."

Brave man. Maybe it's an act to encourage you to cry all the time. ".................. Yep"

I finally got back to you.

My knight practically trains without sleep, as if he possessed it. It had a success rate of one in ten until before the spatial transfer, but it has become successful every three times. Besides, without chanting.

In the near future, space transfer will be one of the leading users on the continent.

Strong, I thought.

The wizard was such a strong man...

And I couldn't do anything.

Without even looking for my knight.

Without crying.

Trying to be strong, I couldn't even punch into something.

I just couldn't accept reality.

I spent my days carelessly.

Brave men. Princess Sophia and Mr. Sans, never. Why would you do that?

My fault... Yet!

Because I'm the witch of the moon!

Because I'm a cursed being!

My knight, so, is dead!

... he is no longer alive.

This party without my knight is more of a needle to me. Even now, I want to get out of here.

Even a wizard, that's blasphemy to Mr. Hard Work and everyone else.

So I can't move.

I just spent my days killing my heart, even killing my breath.

The sixth day since the high moon Makoto was gone.

We were gathered in the Cathedral of Anna the Virgin.

There 'The Sun Witch' Noel was waiting.

That's when my emotions exploded all at once, accumulating like mud.

"Noel! Why are the brave men of your country attacking us!

I grabbed up the sun witch's chest and yelled, but Noel didn't say anything.

All I did was lay my eyes down spicy.

Victim face!

Stop "Me... Friae" The brave man of light stopped me, was.


I looked him in the face and I was stunned.

The same or more sinister look as Princess Sophia and the brave.

I let go of my grabbed hand.

He was also badly hurt.

That you couldn't protect my knight. Yes... of these, Ryosuke has been with him the longest.

You can't be unharmed...

... How did this happen?

Was it bad that I made him a guardian knight?

When you get involved with me, they all get unhappy...?

I don't know.

I don't know how I got it right......

The cutlet, the cutlet, and the footsteps sounded.

The witch of the goddess of destiny came in, was. But things aren't the same as when I saw them before.

Magic eyes glow golden, like they burst out of your whole body...... no, is that insane? It was not like before, it was wrapped in harsh air.

I also wanted to complain that I was close to the Witch of Fate, the brave man of the Sun. But for some reason, I couldn't say anything.

I can't open my mouth.

I can't get my legs forward.

It was the same for everyone around us and the wizards, brave men and lyusques kept silent.

The air is heavy......

"I need to talk to you."

There was no mention of presence or absence in the heavily pressurized language.

"Before that"

Witch of the Goddess of Destiny.

At the next moment, a window called the cathedral window tightened and a huge magic formation emerged in front of the door.

In addition, I fell into the odd illusion that the space was grossly distorted.

It interferes with space.

Is this... 'junction'?

Junction magic like beyond holy class.

Was the witch of the Goddess of Destiny such a magical user...?

Silence dominated the scene before it was overwhelming. Even the sun witch is silent and breathtaking.

"What happened the other day… I have something to tell you about the outburst of the brave men of the Sun… First, let's allay your concerns"

When the witch of the Goddess of Destiny said so, she whined somewhat.

... What begins?

One after the other, a magical formation floats up in rainbow color.

Is that magical formation, which looks like a clock, a magical ritual of destiny......

Neglected aside from moon magic, it turns out to me that the meaning of the surgical ceremony was unreadable but rather overwhelming magic.

- Miracles of Destiny Magic and Resurrection

Small, I heard those words.

In front of the witch of the Goddess of Destiny, there is a magical formation that shines once and for all. And a white figure emerged within that magic formation.

At first, the shadows that were white gradually became clearer.

That is......

It was my knight - Makoto the High Moon - who was falling in the glowing magic formation.

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