◇ Brave Abel's Perspective ◇

"I'm heading to Castle Demon King to help Momo."

The man made a clear statement.

I'm going for a little walk that far, but it was as easy as that.

"Stupid! It's suicide, like going on your own!

"Yes! We're on our way together!

"When you die, my trust fails."

"" Huh!? "

To his words, which are uttered cold, the brave man of the earth (Wolf) and the brave man of the tree (Julietta) silenced.


He - the man entrusted by the goddess of the sun, who names him Makoto, stares straight at me (...).

Why are you looking at me...

Such a useless brave man...

- Operation Demon King Bifronce a few days ago.

The strongest unit (team) to lead the Fire Brave.

Now I was confident that I could crusade the Demon King.


Before we arrived at Demon King Castle, we were crushed by the assault of Demon King Cain and the Demon Eye Seteker.

Half of the Allied Forces of the Brave were killed by Cain the Demon King and the rest were petrified and captured by Seteker the Demon Eye.

At that time, the captain of the troops and my master, the brave man of fire, died.

I couldn't do anything.

Seen as a brave man of expectation, the confidence that has slaughtered many demons and demons was shattered.

What is the Demon King... was he so horrible and irrational...

I can't...

Even the brave men of fire who led us had no teeth at all on Cain the Demon King.

You can't win...

And my heart broke, and even when help came, my feelings remained sinking like mud.

Soil brave (Wolf) and tree brave (Julietta) don't seem to have given up, but I've already lost my temper to challenge the Demon King.

So I thought "I don't care" if the chaser demon attacked me.

But as a result... that girl got caught.

It's my fault...

At that time, he gave priority to helping me over the girl.

For some reason, I don't know...

"Then I'll go back. The three of you must wait in the Great Labyrinth."

That's what he says, he's trying to turn back the way he originally came.

Just by myself.

Are you sure?

Let him go alone, are you sure?

"Wait! Me, too, I'm coming!

The words were uttered unconsciously.

"Um... are you mad? Mr. Makoto."

I spoke to him, Mr. Makoto. [M]

At present, we are walking backwards towards the Castle of the Demon King.

When I went with him, the faint look on Mr. Makoto's face distorted for the first time.

Clearly, I looked (...) naughty (...).

Oh, you don't have to look like that...

"I'm happy with the offer, but I'm on my own..."

Mr. Makoto has said no without getting lost.

"Wait, wait, Makoto! Me and Wolf are avant-garde, so without weapons and protective equipment, we're short on combat, but Abel is good at restorative and supportive magic. I'm sure it'll help!

Giulietta followed me.

Mr. Wolfe insisted that the four of us should return.

I could rub it for a while, but in one word Mr. Macoto said, "I want to go after Momo quickly," Mr. Wolfe and Mr. Giulietta, backed off.

I decided to accompany Mr. Makoto as a supporter because he didn't fight the demons much earlier and was less fatigued, and because he could use healing magic.

Through the woods, the tip of a giant Demon King's Castle has been seen in the distance.

The night is dawning and the view is getting better.

"Um, Mr. Makoto..."

"... something?


From earlier on, Mr. Makoto is much more silent.

I knew he was angry...... I wonder.

At that time, a great shadow crossed the sky.



Me and Mr. Makoto dive into the shadow of a near-field tree.

The identity of the shadow above was a herd of dragons.

A flock of more than a dozen flying dragons and a red dragon with graceful wings.

That is......

"The Dragon Rider of Demon King Bifronce..."

"Is the Demon King back?"

Mr. Makoto's pale voice overwrote my trembling voice.

Does this man have no feelings of fear?

The herd of dragons went toward the castle of the demon king, and grew smaller.

"Well, let's go"

Mr. Makoto slowly walked forward.

"Ma, wait! The Demon King is back. I can't. I can't help her anymore..."

"Mr. Abel."

Mr. Makoto turned around.

His eyes were clear.

Tension, anger, fear, even a just heart, were emotionless eyes that could not feel anything.

"I knew you'd have to go back to Mr. Wolfe and Mr. Giulietta."


Did they think I was scared?

But anyone would be terrified of the Demon King!

Mr. Makoto is silently on his way to Demon King's Castle.

I have to go, too.

He didn't even look back.

(Whether I'm here or not, don't you care...?

"If you're coming with me, don't go too far away"

"Huh!?.................. Ha!

You're not supposed to be looking at this one.

A strange man.

I found that you cared about this one, even though you have no emotions and a cold voice.

Unlike the Master and the Earthly Brave (Wolf), never a big back.

Yet I felt relieved to look at its back.

I followed Mr. Makoto's back.

"Shall I take turns to sleep until night?"


A bush of shrubs with enough space for one or two people to lie down near Demon King Castle.

After all, I thought you were going to board the Demon King's Castle soon, and Mr. Makoto said he would wait here for the night.

"Go to sleep first"

"Yes, no. Mr. Makoto will be tired, too. I'll keep watch."

"............... Really? Let me know after an hour."

That's what I said, I lay down, and a few seconds later I heard my sleep.

Equivalent, I guess I was tired.

The time is past noon.

Sure, the timing is too bad to sneak in.

Something passed right in front of me as I blurted out over Demon King's Castle.


That was a blue butterfly.

Hilarious and clear feathers, dancing around Mr. Makoto.

"Is this... a creature made of water magic?

I felt slight magic.

No, but... who?

Mr. Makoto should be asleep.

And I noticed.

Mr. Makoto uses magic when sleeping (...) but (...) et al.


Weren't you supposed to rest?

No, this is unconscious.

He always trains as he sleeps.

"You... who the hell are you?

We try to rescue those of us who were imprisoned at Demon King's Castle and return alone, without cowering to help the girl who was imprisoned by the Demon King.

He said he was the trustee of The Goddess of the Sun (Altena).

But the goddess of the sun (Altena) hasn't said anything to me.

My "Thunder Brave" skills are those given to me by the Sun Goddess (Altena)...

On the way, I asked Mr. Makoto, "What brave skills do you have?" I heard.

Then he said, "I don't have brave skills. All I have is three elementary magic skills," the unexplained answer returned.

Such an idiot.


I possess' appraisal and sacred 'skills.

I snuck up on Mr. Makoto's skills......, it was true.

"Spiritual Use" for elementary skills in "Water Magic," "Sun Magic," and "Destiny Magic."

That was all my combat skills were.

And then there's "clear mirror water stop" and... what the hell is "RPG player"?

The terribly low physical ability was also a shock.

And more importantly......

(Not a follower of the goddess of the sun (artena)!?)

I'm not a believer, but I was commissioned...!?

I can't chase my head off.

What the hell is this guy?

A side that sleeps with Suyasuya, even though he says it's right near Demon King's Castle.

What kind of nerves are you...

I gave up understanding him.

◇ Takayuki Makoto's Perspective ◇

"Well, let's go"

"Not yet, it's evening...... are you okay?

The brave Abel asked worryingly.

Surely, it would be more certain to wait late at night, as it did yesterday when I snuck in.


"I'm worried about Momo"

"... right"

There was no objection to my words.

"Mr. Abel, you can wait here."

"Come here, you won't have it!? I'll go too"


As far as I'm concerned, I'm in trouble when Abel the Brave dies, so you can leave me a message...

Even so, I haven't slept well in a long time since I came here a thousand years ago.

At the beginning of his arrival, he was uncomfortable until he could confirm the life and death of the brave Abel, and he was insomniac for more than 24 hours after heading to the rescue.

... You can't lack sleep.

It's like being grabbed by a mob, and I'm gonna do a hema.

(Mr. Spirit? Are you there?)


(Yes, I (...) am (...) king (...))

The usual spirits of water and the great spirits of water (Undine) responded to my call.

All right, we're ready.

- Water magic/fog

Today yesterday, so I am alerted to boulders.

The number of monsters on the lookout is high.

Look for places with less lookout with your enemy skills.

Plus with 'hidden' skills, erase the signs.

One pattern, but most definitely.

Brave Abel had acquired similar skills.

It's a must in this day and age.

We slowly packed the distance from the back of Demon King's Castle.

Naturally, there are guards at the back gate.

Is there somewhere I can dive in...?

The Castle of the Demon King is huge and the demons are giant.

If you're a human, there seems to be a gap you can get into...

(Even so, there are many demons and demons...)

Reacting to the 'Sovereign' skill is not what it was yesterday.

I expected him to be paying to find the brave men who escaped... but guess what.

But right.

I'm taking Momo hostage.

Naturally, we're on guard here too...


It was then.

"Dear Makoto...?

When I was wandering around and exploring the vicinity of Demon King Castle, I was called by name.


There are currently only four people in this world who know my name.

So the Lord of this voice.

I looked desperately for someone to speak to.

There he is.



Seeing that, I lost my word in the shock.

A different outfit than the last time I saw it.

He was dressed like a servant, or a maid of honor, but it was definitely a momo.

But I don't care about the outfit.

"Mr. Makoto! No, you can't. I didn't make it. The child is no longer..."

The words of the brave Abel were deafening.

I approached Momo fluttering.

"... Dear Makoto. No, you can't come..."


That's right.

I have to apologize.

That even though it was for the divine sake, it failed to protect the promised momomo and gave priority to the brave Abel.

But I can't think about it right now.

"Mr. Makoto, get away from me! The child... is being made a vampire!

Brave Abel screamed.

Momo's face distorted sadly.


"I am now the family of Lord Bifronce, the Demon King. I have become your enemy…"

Momo leaned down and said in a squeezing voice.

Momo's hair was white.

Tight black eyes were stained with deep red.

From my little lips, my dog's teeth were popping out.

But that's not where I was surprised.

On Momo's face, he looked familiar.

Someone I know well.

A benefactor who took care of me many times.

I wonder why you didn't notice?

Because you had a different tone?

Because you didn't have the same eye?

That guy always had a confident attitude.

(You said you didn't see me...)

You're a liar.

No matter where you look from, Momo was - "The Great Sage" that person.

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