Johnny Walker.

He is Lucy's grandfather and grandfather of the Red Lotus witch Mr. Rosalee.

That sounds familiar to me, but in The Legend of Abel the Brave, his portrayal is scarce.

"When did you become one of us? 'But it's not written.

In the picture book, it appears in the middle, fluttering.

So I didn't expect to meet you so soon.

(Well, is this convenient...)

Defeating the Great Demon King are four men: The Brave One of Light (Abel), The Virgin (Anna), The Great Wise One, and The Demon Archer (Johnny).

It's a history I learned scattered in the temple of water.

Johnny Walker is definitely one of the most important people.

I was able to confirm its safety.

Already the brave Abel and the great sage are among us.

Only 'Virgin' Anna will remain.

(This is quite the problem...)

In one theory, it seems that the brave Abel and Virgin Anna were born in the same village as young (...) tame (...) stained (...).

I mean, at the moment, it would be weird if we weren't acting together.

So far, however, the name Anna, Virgin, has not come out of anyone's mouth, Mr. Valiant of the earth (Wolf), Mr. Valiant of the tree (Julietta), Valiant Abel.

(No way, he's dead like a brave man of fire...?

No, no, the idea is a quick one.

The story of the brave Abel being imprisoned by the Demon King's Castle doesn't appear in the picture books, and you'd better think that history has already been altered.

I want to believe that Saint Anna must be feeling well somewhere too......

You can explore around the subtle wooden brave (Julietta)...

If you use too much knowledge of the future, you'll be suspicious of who we are.

I hope it's enough to be suspicious, but if I say, 'I'm from the future in a thousand years' or something, they'll think I'm the crazy one.

So there's a hold on 'Virgin' Anna.

Before that, it's Johnny Walker.

Legendary 'Demon Archer'.

But you look like a swordsman with a sword on his back.

Doesn't look like he has a bow and arrow.

He is surrounded by large crowds and eating.

A leading man in this city and 'true companion' to the Great Demon King Crusade.

You should get to know him.

I guess I'll say hello.

"Hey, you're going"

"Huh? Master Makoto?

"Lord Makoto, where are you going?

When I got up, Momo and Mr. Dirt Brave (Wolf) asked me.

"Say hello to Mr. Johnny."

"Yeah, you like Makoto, too. I don't like him. Especially the guy."

"Yes... what is it?

But I'm talking about a hero who likes women, and I might be convinced.

I just don't know, because it doesn't start unless you talk to me.

I slowly approached the big table where Johnny was eating.

There are many women around him.

Beautiful elves, cat ears, and rabbit ear adorable beast girls surround and take their chances.

Everyone is bickering out loud, drinking, cheering up.

Something,... reminded me of Sakurai-kun's group back in middle school.

Is that it?

Didn't I, uh, come alive avoiding that kind of yang ca?

Finally, Johnny, a noisy group but at the center, drinks like a terrible bore.

Bad love, because I can snort.

Speaking to that group, you have the courage... no, but.

Troubled for a while, he slapped me on the shoulder from behind.

"Hey, hey. You saved the Valiant of the Earth (Wolf) and the Valiant of the Tree (Julietta)?

Looking back, an old man with a good physique and a thick mustache stood.

Probably a dwarf because of its physical characteristics.

His face is thick, but his fighting spirit (aura) is also intense.

From what I've seen, he's a warrior of war.

"It's Makoto. Nice to meet you."

"I'm the" Iron Brave "Deckel. Say hello."


Iron Brave!

Rumor has it, another faction leader?

He looks very strong, he has a lot of magic (mana) to cover his body, and he doesn't look like a very brave man to give up his Demon King crusade...

"Nice to meet you"

I shook the hand I was offered.

"You, the Brave Man of the Earth (Wolf), praised you greatly, but you don't look so strong! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha!


They laughed.

Well, I hope I'm used to being seen weak.

"Hey, stop the Dirt Brave (Wolf) and the Tree Brave (Julietta). They're talking about challenging the Demon King one more time. Honestly, even the fiery brave (Olga) who was so strong couldn't stand his teeth. Defeating the Demon King is a dream story."


"Besides, I have a daughter who turns seven. I have to live until he grows up! We should stop fighting recklessly! Don't you think?

"Your daughter..."

I see.

I don't challenge the Demon King because I gave up defeating the Demon King because I didn't have the courage...

Is there a case because you have a family and you have a protector?

"Even you have a young sister with you, don't you?



I don't have any brothers.

He's my only child.

"Master Makoto?

"You have such a pretty sister."

Momo came because he was making a scene.

Oh, did they think Momo was my sister?

Not at all, though.

And I won't let my sister call me like that.

"Hey, Iron Brave (Deckel). Don't blow anything weird on you, Makoto. Because we take the liberty of challenging the Demon King!

I even came to Mr. Giulietta, the wooden brave man.

I said, "Well, you were in danger this time, weren't you? We should stop now."

"No! If the brave give up, that's the end of the world!

"Hey, Iron Brave (Deckel), Tree Brave (Julietta). Calm down."

Mr. Wolfe can take care of the two people he talks to.

Brave Abel stares at us without taking part in the conversation.

"Hey, you're giving up on defeating the Demon King, aren't you?

"Makoto-kun, you're going to fight the Demon King!

Mr. Iron Brave (Deckel) and Mr. Tree Brave (Julietta) are stuffed here.

Letters floated in front of me with flutters.

'Which side do you take?

Iron Brave

Tree Brave

It's a choice.

but I twisted my neck.

Defeat the Demon King? Won't you knock him down?

No, no, no, Mr. 'RPG Player', you're not, are you?

My answer is...

"Defeat the Demon King, then defeat the Great Demon King."

This should be the right one.

Oh, my God, there's a Savior Abel over here.

but when I said it, they looked pompous.

The conversation around me also stopped.

Everyone in the dining room was looking at me.

"No, no, no, no. Whatever it is..."

"Oh, yeah. The Great Demon King, is he the demon god? Whatever..."

Is that it?

No one wants to defeat the Great Demon King?

Apparently, I gave the wrong answer.

"Whoa, brave man of the people. It's on its own to be cheerful, but this is our subhuman city. Anyone who causes trouble is gonna have to leave, okay?

You overheard our conversation, a couple of beast men came over here.

He was at Mr. Johnny's table.

"Don't think about being an idiot to fight the Demon King. People are weak."

"By and large, I haven't been able to defeat one of its executives before the Great Demon King or the Demon King."

"First, let the people on the human ranch go, and then you can talk nonsense."

I was around Mr. Johnny, and the other beasts came this way.

Because of the struggle (aura) surrounding my body, I felt that everyone was quite a player.

Mr. Iron Brave (Deckel), Mr. Tree Brave (Julietta), looks awkward.

Something tells me the brave man's position is low...

That's when someone came forward.

"Mr. Makoto defeated one of those demon king's bellies, the Ballum of the Hauser Demon!

"Yes, Master Makoto is very strong!

It was the brave Abel and Momo.

"" "Huh?

The faces of the brave, including Mr. Wolfe, look astonished.

That's what I didn't want you to say!

I don't want to sell names in this day and age.

... Let's stop talking about it next time.

"You defeated the 'Ballum of the Hauser Demon'...?

"Yeah, well. Once..."

Asked by one of the beasts, he replied probably.


"Is this good guy really that strong?

"The Ballum of the Hauser Demon is under the command of the Demon King, and he's the oldest stock executive."

"All right, then I'll give you an arm test. They call me Jonny's right-hand man!

Something's starting to make me feel like I'm in trouble.

"Hey, hey. No, Makoto-kun's tired from a long journey."

"You're the fierce one who defeated the demon king's belly, aren't you? It's light exercise."

The brave wooden man (Julietta) stops me, but the beast man is motivated.

Bloody beast man.

Somehow, I remembered Mr. Thunder Brave (Gerald) a thousand years later.

This beast man's fighting spirit (aura) seems very strong.

It was when I was wondering if I would manage to avoid the fight.

"Enemy attack - - - -!"

A man on guard came running with a bright blue face.

"So, enemy attack! Enemy attack! Everybody, hurry up!!

To his voice, the face of the city of the labyrinth fell upon him.

The look on the face of the earth brave man and the tree brave man changed.

The same goes for the beasts and for the brave men of iron.

Everyone has their hands on the weapon.

"Well, don't rush. And now there's a sheik."

"What brings you here? Dragons? Demons?

"You don't look so pathetic, because Master Joni is here..."

The faces of the Elves and the Beasts are somewhat calm as to whether their trust in Mr. Joni's strength is thick.

but the next word changed everyone's complexion.

"The Demon King! The Demon King Cain is here!!!!

A screaming scream echoed through the city of the labyrinth.

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