"Now, let's begin our discussion of the Third Northern Expedition."

The voice of the Commander of the 5th Division of the Knights of the Sun echoed.

This is the Grand Conference Room at Highland Castle.

It's a huge room for more than a hundred people.

There is a line of leading positions in various countries.

There were a lot of faces I knew or didn't know.

Among them was the face of the Great Sage.

I put my head on the armrest of the biggest chair, and it looked like I was sleeping.

Doesn't anybody pay attention?

There are many magical images in the air.

It seems to be a magic tool called a relay device (satellite system) that is connected to military bases all over the continent.

The number of participants in the meeting for this purpose will be hundreds

I got a seat at the edge of the meeting.

Princess Sophia sits next to her.

"In the first place, it was the failure of the Sunland (Highland) that destroyed the Ancient Dragon King."Then perhaps we should stigmatize them. "

"That's right. That's why we say we should join forces in the Seven Kingdoms."

"We've just founded our country, and we can't afford it."

I heard that a large number of demon tribes are gathering and conducting military training day and night.

"Oh, where did you hear such a rumor?"Are you sending a spy to us, our allies?That's a problem, that's a problem. "

"The Chancellor of the Land of the Moon (Raphiloig).Don't be too hostile to the Highlands..... "

The general of the Land of Fire has passed away.

"That statement would be disrespectful to our general. Withdraw it."

Excuse me, Fire Shrine Maiden (Dahlia).

The atmosphere at the meeting is not very good.

The reason is clear.

Because the people of the Moon country disagree with all the opinions of the Sun country.

“Do you have any comments from the representatives of the Tree Country (Spring Rogue) or the Earth Country (Carillan)?”

It was Esther, the Shrine Maiden of Destiny, who spoke up to change the subject.

"No, we're not."

"I especially..."

But I ended up gesturing empty.

You will not want to speak in this air.

(You're twitching...)

I whispered to my neighbor, Princess Sophia.

(This has been going on lately...)

Princess Sophia's voice is sinking into darkness.

The structure within the meeting is as follows.

The partition is "Highlands of the Sun".

In addition, the "Land of the Moon (Raphylloig)" rebelled.

The Land of the Sun is a class nation of human supremacy.

Among them, the Demon Clan has been oppressed for many years.

The country of the moon is a country where the demons are gathered together.

Naturally, I have a grudge for years.

"The Land of Fire (Great Keith)" and "The Land of Commerce (Cameron)" arbitrate the conflict between the two countries.

The representatives of the "Land of Wood (Spring Rogue)", "Land of Earth" and "Land of Water (Roses)", which have low military power, rarely speak.

Until a year ago, it was one of the strongest countries in the sun.

However, his defeat with the ancient dragon king had greatly weakened his position.

In addition, it is interiorized by the younger Queen Noel and her brother, the First Prince faction.

Queen Noel, who has become king, wants to get rid of the opposition, but she hasn't.

Princess Sophia said, "Princess Noel is kind...", but she was actually slightly underestimated as "sweet" by other countries.

I was a little surprised that the biggest power on the continent would change so much in the meantime.

In comparison, the emerging moon country is united under the new Queen Furiae.

Furia-san, who is also a saintly lady, is believed like a goddess from the people of the Moonland.

Everyone, from young children to old people, seems to follow the queen's words.

“If you're going to object, say so!”

"You just have to wait and see for a while."

What a long time!

The groove between the country of the sun and the country of the moon is deep.

Queen Noel does not utter a word while listening to the conversation.

But I could see the tiredness behind my serious expression.

I suddenly looked towards Mr. Freyae.

Are you not interested in the meeting? I've been stroking the back of the black cat.

Fuah, I stretched it small.

By the way, Daisen-sama (Momo) remained perplexed.

You can sleep in such a loud place.

Neither of them seems to be aware that I'm in a meeting.

The debate does not go on too late.

The meaning of my participation may have been thin.

(Even so, why do the people of the Moon Country seem so great?)

In my spare time, I spoke to Princess Sophia.

Is it really a country that has just been rebuilt?

(I can't help it. The most recent contributors to the demon king, the Sea Demon King (Forneus), were the wizards of the Moonland.)

Princess Sophia answered my questions.

(But it was Sakurai-kun who defeated Forneus, wasn't it?)

That's what I heard.

It's not just about the moon.

(The Sea Demon King (Forneus) usually lurks on the deep sea floor.It was the Moonland Wizards who trapped Forneus on the ground trying to escape.Furthermore, it was the wizards of the Moonland who cleared the "Dark Clouds" used by the demons.)

(I see)

Sakurai's [Light Hero] ability is invincible, but without the light of the sun, it will be weakened at once.

[Clouds of Darkness] is a powerful magic used by the Demon King's army.

It seems that only the Wizards of the Moon Country can break it.

I certainly understood the importance of the country of the moon.

There is still intense debate at the meeting.

"If you're the King of the Ancient Dragons, you can buy time by challenging all the other brave men except the Champion of the Light."We will defeat the Lord of Light and the Great Demon King in the Land of the Moon. "

What are you doing?

"However, only the wizard of the moonland can clear the clouds of darkness."Besides, our Saintess Friae can see into the future.With Sakurai-sama, the hero of light, and Furiae-sama, the Great Demon King is not afraid. "

"I also have the title of Saintess with me."I hope you won't forget it.... "

It has been rumored among the people that the true Saintess is Friae-sama.

"It's a bullshit rumor."

How about that? If Furiae's vision of the future saves the world, the saintly lady who bears a name in history will become Furiae. ”

"Foolish, such a future will not come!"

"Can you say the same thing when the Great Demon King is defeated?"The Hero of Light will make a thousand-year history of glory together with the Saintess Furiae!)

This is bullshit!

The story is derailed.

(What are you talking about...?)

Where did the Northern Expedition go?

I poked Princess Sophia in the shoulder based on the commentary.

(Since the defeat of the Sea Demon King, the people of the Moonland have been raising their voices in the hope that the Warrior of Light and the Queen will be united.Of course, since the Hero of Light is Noel's fiancée, it's impossible......)

The combination of the Saviour's birth and the Holy Maiden is easy to come up with.

But isn't it too rude to say anything in front of Queen Noel?

When I glanced at Queen Noel's face, it was tense.

I think I can say something back, but is there a reason why I can't?

At that time, Sakurai-kun, who was the subject of the conversation, stopped near Queen Noel and whispered something in her ear.

Apparently, they followed me.

It's Nice, Sakurai-kun.

Now, the other party, Furiae, turns to you and asks if she is still stroking the back of the black cat.

... wow.

Damn, I was staring at you.

Looks like you just realized I'm in a meeting.

After my eyes were wide open, I was stunned.

(Why are you here!!)

I couldn't hear my voice, but I could read it from the movement of my lips.


I moved my mouth.

(...... Really?)

Furia-san looks at me suspiciously.

You seem to think I'm going to say something weird.

But I have no say in this meeting. [M]

I'm a former hero.

I'm just asking.

If I have an opinion, I am cautioned to speak through the head of the Sun Knights or higher.

"Oh, my God!! Careful what you say!The demonic clan below! "

You've revealed your true nature, you've got a sense of privilege!

It's finally heating up.

It's no longer just a quarrel.

(This is... no more...)

It's not very much a conversation between allies.

Without a common enemy, the Great Demon King, war would start in the Land of the Sun and the Land of the Moon.

"Why are you doing this...?"

What was the Destiny Goddess (Ira) doing?

Hello, do you hear me, Ira-sama?

The relationship between the countries of the western continent has become very difficult.

I asked the Goddess of Destiny (Ira) who was in the Heavenly Realm, but she didn't reply.

They haven't spoken to me in days.

Is he busy?

That goddess seems to be busy all the time.

(Hey, why are you talking to Illa instead of me?Have you forgotten whose messenger Makoto is?)

Instead, Master Noah replied.

It sounded a little stubborn.

(Of course, I'm Lord Noah's apostle.But if you're talking about history, why don't you ask Ira-sama sooner?)

(I'll let you know if I don't have to ask you that much.You know, God forbid direct interference in history.Makoto is allowed to be a people on earth, but the goddess of destiny is not allowed to bend history in a convenient direction.That's why even if you know this, you can't prevent it.)

(... I see. But what about the Moon Goddess (Nia)?Can't you help me?)

I've never met the seventh goddess of the Goddess Church.

Now that the country of the moon has been rebuilt, will you help us?

(Nia... I wonder what's going on.)

I felt that I could not rely on Lord Noah's words.

As a matter of fact, perhaps the only way to resolve human disputes is for humans to resolve them.

"How long are we going to have this senseless argument?"

"In the Land of the Sun, defeat the Ancient Dragon King."It was originally planned to be that way. "

"I can't do that, so I don't know why I'm setting up this place!"

"It's the same for us. Don't force others to do what you can't do in your own country."

"It's not a coercion! It's a request!"

Well, then let's say no.

If the Great Demon King regains his power, the world will end!

“It's different than it was a thousand years ago.There was only one Demon King left. They won't come after me. "

The meeting is a parallel line.

The Kingdom of the Sun wants to defeat the Ancient Dragon King and the Great Demon King as soon as possible.

I would like to regain my position on a further weakened western continent.

That's why I'm in a hurry to settle it.

The land of the moon hates the land of the sun.

That's why I don't want the Sun Country to be the leader of the continent.

But we are not strong enough to be the champions of the western continent.

That's why I want to buy time and boost my power.

In addition, only the wizards of the Moonland could counter the "Dark Clouds" used by the Demon King's army.

In other words, the country of the moon has a strong say.

We want to maintain the status quo.

So, this conversation has no place to drop.

I don't know... but words often caught in the center of the conversation.

― ― King of Ancient Dragons (Ashtarot)

The most important factor was this demon king.

As long as the Ancient Dragon King was on the northern continent, the Great Demon King could not be reached.

It evokes memories of the battle of a thousand years ago.

Even the demon king could not be defeated in the semi-godly world of magic and hell (Cocutus).

The last demon king to become the strongest ancient dragon who drew the blood of the dragon god.

And Mr. White Dragon's father.

I was accompanied by Mel to the Castle of the Ancient Dragon King.

It made me nervous.

"At that time, what was said..."

- Play against me. I'll give you the title of Dragon King if you win.

That's exactly what I said.

What did I say?

- Okay, I promise. We'll fight one day.

That's right.

When the RPG Player skill activates, do you promise to fight the Ancient Dragon King?'.

I chose "Yes".

Does the Ancient Dragon King remember his promise?

A thousand years ago.

It is highly likely that you have forgotten.

A thousand years ago, we could not meet again with the king of the ancient dragon.

We never had a chance to fight again against the King of the Ancient Dragons, who has always been on the northern continent, and us on the southern and eastern continents.

Because neither I nor the Light Hero (Anna) pursued the demonic continent of the North.

And I fell asleep for a thousand years.

I haven't kept my promise.

But you don't have to.

Maybe I can ignore it.


(Challenging the most powerful Demon King, the title of "Dragon King"......)

... you want to go?

If I were a National Champion, I wouldn't be free to fight.

Heroic power is the essence of the Northern Expedition.

It will always be incorporated into the plan.

But I'm a former brave man now.

You don't have to be afraid of anyone in particular.

As an adventurer, I could easily go to the northern continent.

(Oh, Makoto, do you sell quarrels to the Ancient Dragon King (Ashtarot)?)

Noah's unexpected voice echoed in his head.

No, Master Noah.

I asked the goddess.

Do you disagree?

I'm sure I'd disagree with you.

"It's not stupid, let's all cooperate!""I'm sure they'll say that.


(Nhhh, another (...) (...) (...) (...) (...) (...) (...) (...) (...) (...) (...) (...) (...) (...) (...) (...) (...) (...) (...) (...) (...) (...) (...) (...) (...) (...) (...) (...) (...) (...) (...) (...) (...) (...) (...) (...) (...) (...) (...) (...) (...)

Noah didn't object.

This goddess lets me go free anyway.

The goddess's consent was now obtained.

Of course, Lucy, Saiu-san and Princess Sophia would have to explain.

I think it would be better to tell someone in the Land of the Sun as well.

The closest person to the people in the Land of the Sun is Momo.

But unfortunately, I'm sleepy.

Next is Sakurai-kun, but he is now next to Queen Noel.

In other words, it is almost the center of the conference room.

I rejected it because it was too prominent.

And it seems easy to talk about... I wonder if that's him.

“Where are you going?”

Princess Sophia stopped me trying to leave my seat.

"I'm going to talk to Captain Ort for a minute."

He was the commander of the First Division, who was together on an expedition to the Moon Country.

Someone who understands the story.

Besides, I was in the cathedral a thousand years ago, so I know the situation to some extent.

"... I'll ask you more later."

Princess Sophia didn't ask for the details of what she had figured out.

"...... I didn't have a policy today either."

"It's time, let's close for today."

It looks like the military assembly is coming to an end.

I approached the Captain Ortho. [M]

And sneakily whispering.

"... Commander Ort, I need to talk to you for a second."

"Lord Makoto...? I see." It's almost time for the military assembly to be over, so take some time after that. "

“No, I'll just tell you the requirements.I'm actually thinking of going to the North. ”

"...... muuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu

Commander Ort frowns at my words.

"Lord Makoto, the hero's fighting power is acting on its own...... no"

Captain Ort seemed to have noticed in the middle of his words.

"I'm not a brave person at the moment."So, I thought I'd go as an adventurer. "

"That's right." But then the Knights of the Sun (we) won't be able to help. "

It's okay, don't worry.

"No, don't worry about it..."

The Sun Knights are about to say something.

At that time, Daisen-sama (Momo), who was supposed to be sleeping in a big chair, came close to me with a smile.

Were you listening to the conversation?

You're saying something funny, Spirit-kun!

The Great Sage shouted out loud.

Everyone in the meeting turned their gaze towards me at once.

Hey, stop it.

"Hey, Momo..."

"You don't come to see me at all, so I'll pay you back."

I got my tongue out so cutely.

"Oh, isn't that the former hero of the Land of Water?"

"I heard you were retired due to your injuries."

“The country of water is still understaffed.I didn't expect you to pull me to a retired hero. "

"Isn't that out of place!"I'm here to speak. "

Somehow I was hated by both the sun and the moon.

Apparently with the anti-Queen Noel of the Land of the Sun.

Later, I learned from people who believed in Furiae like a goddess that I seemed to hate her.

Shall we stop rambling on Lord Takatsuki?

"I can't allow you to say that to my country's benefactors!"

General Talisker of the Land of Fire (Talisker) and Flora, the Wooden Shrine Maiden, were on our side.

Thankfully, the air in the meeting tingled even more.

What are you doing, this air?

But the Great Sage didn't care.

The figure got thicker.

"Come on, tell everyone to hear you."


I probably told you. [M]

I'm going to see the Ancient Dragon King.

Is that the water kingdom overtook the ancient dragon king?

Someone asked me a question.

"No, I'm (...) one (...) person (...), but..."

"" "" "" "" "" "" "Hah!?" "" "

The words are rampant in the meeting.


"Is he stupid!?"

"The hero of the Land of Water is still out of his mind."

He's not a brave man in the first place!

I heard such a voice.

That's why I was thinking of sneaking in.

Takatsuki-sama! Are you sure?

"Makoto-kun! Hurry up and go to the hospital!"

General Talisker and Ms. Frona, who sheltered me, were suspicious of my sanity.

It was the culprit Daisen-sama (Momo) who kept the air that was unlikely to settle down.

"Spirit-kun has fought the Ancient Dragon King in a top secret operation."At that time, it was definitely... (...) (...) (...) (...) (...) (...) (...) (...) (...) (...) (...) (...) (...) (...) (...) (...) (...) (...) (...) (...) (...) (...) (...) (...) (...) (...) (...) (...) (...) (...) (...) (...) (...

In response to the words of the Great Sage, the scene was silent.

"I-I 've never heard of that before..."

I heard someone crushing.

It was a thousand years ago.

Only the Great Sage was there.

"It's true. I've heard from Yira-sama."By the name of the Goddess of Destiny, you can't go wrong. ”

The fateful shrine maiden had just made her follow, so there was no one to argue with.

It was because of Ira-sama's demeanor.

Is it okay to think of it as a draw?

Even so, it was completely important.

"I won't allow you to sneak up on me."

Momo whispers in my ear.

It's okay, isn't it?

No! Makoto-sama will hide and act immediately!

I've been thoroughly reading my behavior patterns.


"Oh, are you serious...?"

Until now, Sakurai-kun and Queen Noel were standing up unexpectedly.

I nodded with a smile.

Furia-san glanced at me, her face trembling with anger.

(What the hell is this?)

and his lips were talking.

It may not be the same as a tour.

When I returned it with a smile, I was stunned by a sharper gaze.

"Takatsuki-sama, I'll officially send out a request from the sun country..."

The General Secretary of the Sun Knights, Top You Wayne, said gracefully.

I was going as an adventurer, but that's the format I need.

Anyway--I decided to go to the northern continent a thousand years later.

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