"Lucy and Saru-san are... not... close (...)?"

I don't understand the meaning of Prince Leonard's words.

The two of you who are with you all the time?

No, no, no, no.

Na (...) ya (...), that's it.

"No, that's not true!" Because I have asked Lucy and Aya many times to exterminate the monsters that appeared in the Moonland (Raphylloig)!They were always together, and they were always breathing perfectly! "

Furia screams as if she is in a hurry.

"I agree with you."I've been with Lucy and Saul ever since they came back a thousand years later, but they never seemed unruly. "

I tell you, Prince Leonard shook his head sadly.

"... the two [Guren's Fangs] are the top adventurers in the land of water while being women."There are many adventurers who admire it.Most people don't suspect that you two are best friends. ”

"That's right! To be honest, even when the four of us were adventuring together, including my knight, Lucy and Aya were too close and I felt a little alienated..."

Huh? Really, princess?

I knew it was just something that the three women were having fun doing.

"After all, Lucy and Aya aren't always around."We'll stay together until we go to bed. "

Yeah, that's right.

Such two people are even more disagreeable.

You must be mistaken.

But Prince Leonard's expression remained sad.

Makoto-san, Queen Furiae...... Have you ever heard of Lucy and Aya (...) at the time of Kiri (...)?

In response to Prince Leonard's question, Freyae and I look at each other.

When you're alone?

"You've never seen anything like it."

Freyae and I shook our heads sideways.

I mean, if there was someone else, you wouldn't be alone, would you?

"The Adventurer's Guild in the Land of Water (Roses) has a lot of opportunities to ask the two Guren Fangs for help.Lucy is a rare spatial transporter (teleport) who can travel anywhere in an instant, and Aya is the only Oriharkon adventurer in the Land of Water.The monsters designated by the Disaster were asked to give priority to the two of you.The girls were also happy to receive it..... "

The story was satisfactory.

The other day, the two of them went out on an emergency request from the Water Country.

"Even in the country of the moon (Raphylloig)."I'm glad you asked for both of us.It seems like you two are always working together, so it's not bad at all. "

Furia-san asserts.

Here, Prince Leonard slowly opened his mouth.

"This is a report from the Adventurer's Guild in the Water King's Capital... In the waiting room of the Guild, Lucy and Aya heard a (...) word (...) and a (...) mouth (...)"

"............ Huh?"

Furia-san opens her mouth wide.

It was a long time before a beauty could do it, but she couldn't say anything about people.

I was just as surprised.

"No way... that's not true..."

"Oh, it's a coincidence, isn't it? There's even a day like that."

Me and Furia-san's voice trembled.

“Unfortunately, a royal spy, someone with good 'stealth' skills, investigated.There is no doubt about it. Lucy and Aya have been in the guild's reception room for the past ten (...) times (...), and there has been no conversation. ”

Prince Leonard affirmed.

I mean, what are you investigating with a spy?

But if the story is true, it is credible.

Did Lucy and Saul not talk at all when they were alone?

But really?

When you were with me, you seemed so close.....

No, by the way... I've heard that the veteran [entertainer] who appeared on the TV in the previous world is acting friendly in front of the camera, but there is also a combo that has no conversation in the dressing room.

And... an urgent request from the Water Nation the other day.

Did you say that after you defeated the monster, it became a fight?

In fact, they were worn out.

Eh... so you're saying it's dangerous when you two are together?

Lucy and Saru-san-- [Guren's Fang] is a veteran adventurer.

It will keep the adventurers' attention on us all the time.

Even if it was unreasonable, on the surface, it could be considered to have acted in a friendly manner.

...... but...... that's an imagination I don't want you to hit.

If it's true, it could be the dissolution of the party.

"I don't want to..."

I want something to go wrong.

"No, that's not true... those two... I would never believe it!"

Furia-san seemed to have the same idea as me.

"The Land of Water is very well cared for by the two Guren's fangs.I didn't want to talk like this... but Makoto is going to fight against the most powerful demon king of all time, [The Ancient Dragon King].I thought it would be better not to end this matter with ambiguity..... "

Prince Leonard explained in agony.

It seemed that the prince was also a bitter judge.

"I understand the situation."

"It must be some kind of mistake."

"... now, let's see how you two are doing."

In response to Prince Leonard's words, Freyae and I quietly nodded.

I, Freyae-san, Prince Leonard, sneaked back to the Highland Castle guest room.

Several times along the way, the Knight Sentinel stopped the queen of the moonland and the prince of the waterland.

"Um... Her Majesty Queen Friae, Prince Leonard."I'm not planning on visiting..... "

"Just let me through."

When Furiae-san lightly [charmed (wink)], "... yes, Furiae-sama," the guard knight lightly passed through.

Today, Furiae's fascination magic was still pervasive.

...... Is this security (security) okay?

The charm of the princess is very convenient after all.

I think it's great that it can be resolved peacefully.

"The charm of Queen Furiae... it's incredible."

Prince Leonard was also impressed.

Furia-san put her finger on our words on her cheek and made her think a little bit.

And then, something flashed, and he came up to me.

"... hey, my knight." What do you think of me? "

Furiae, whose eyes glowed gold, gently stroked my cheek.

It tickles.

"It's ticklish."

I told her as it was.

Ah, yes.

Furia-san's face turned white.

"It's boring. The charm magic is stronger than before, but it doesn't make any sense to my knights."

You don't have to be fascinated by anything else, do you?

"... hmm"

Furia exhaled in small breaths.

While chatting like that... we arrived in front of the room.

There's Lucy and Sai in the room.

I've never done it before, but this time I used my "secret" skill to open the door of the room slightly.

I thought I could hear Lucy and Sai-san talking...

I couldn't hear anything from the room.

I gulped down my swallows.

I heard the neighbor, Furia-san, sipping her swallow.

I gently peered into the room.

I thought maybe Lucy and Sai were asleep, but they were both awake.

Sai-san is packing my bags for tomorrow's trip.

Thank you.

I'll have to thank you later.

Lucy was polishing the staff she was using in battle.

The top adventurer was always ready for tools, but Lucy was sure to be too.

I also wanted to polish Noah's dagger, but even if I didn't do anything about the magical effects of the dagger, it was always shiny.


Me, Freyae and Prince Leonard keep quietly watching what's going on in the room.

Lucy and Saul don't talk.

Sai-san is packing up as she moves around the room busily.

Lucy polished her wand and occasionally used small fire magic to adjust it.

Usually, it's a good time to have a conversation.

But neither of them speaks anything unusually.

It was as if there was no vision.

What do you say, Makoto? Queen Furiae.

"... the prince was right."

I have to say that Prince Leonard was right when he showed me this.

”...... uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu

Freyae, who had been watching the situation, murmured something.


I can't stand it anymore!

Byrne, when he opened the door with a loud noise, Mr. Friae went into the room without grabbing it.

Prince Leonard and I followed suit.

"Oh? Welcome home, Makoto... and Prince Leonard with Furi?"

It's an unusual combination.

Lucy and Sao greeted me with a smile.

But it looks like something unusual.

Why didn't you guys say a word before?

"Lucy-san, Aya-san! When did it (...) become (...)!?"

Furia shouted out loud.

"Huh? What are you talking about, Huli?"

What's the matter, Fu-chan?

Lucy and Sai-san scratch their necks.

"You don't have to act anymore!"I know you two are actually terrible! "

Furiae goes on to say that.

But Lucy and Sai-san only looked at each other strangely.

Me and Aya?

What do you mean, "Kenaku"?

"Don't shiraz me! Why are you acting in front of me? You must be one of them!"

Furia-san pursues it, but it seems to be a blur.

Prince Leonard.

"Yes, Mr. Makoto, I'll explain."

Furia-san is not cool, so she decides to leave this place to the prince.

From there, Leonard explained how it happened, and Lucy and Sai-san's face gradually became serious.

"That's why." Lucy, Saiu-san.How about the truth? "

"Why! I was longing for a relationship like the two of us!"

Apparently, Furia-san liked the relationship between Lucy and Sai-san.

They know it's a lie, and they seem to lack calm.

"Wait, wait, wait! It's a misunderstanding, Huli!"

"That's right, I've always been close with Ru-chan!"

Lucy and Saul rushed to deny it.

"But what was it like just now..."

Isn't it strange that you don't talk at all?

I told Prince Leonard.

But Lucy didn't look impatient and scratched her cheek.

"I didn't think you'd make such a fuss."It's because of this [magic tool] that Aya and I don't talk when we're alone. "

Lucy showed me the bracelet (bracelet) she was about to wear.

What's this?

It's a magic tool that Fujiwara-kun sold me.

"If you wear this bracelet, you don't have to speak out."

Why are you wearing such magic tools?

Is it true?

I know why, but I don't know why.

"Aya and I were on an adventure, right?"When fighting a strong monster, it's inconvenient to communicate using your voice. "

Ka-karu-chan's magic is too flashy and I can't hear her voice

When I talked to the Fujiwara Shokai, they introduced me to magic tools like this.

"At first, I only used it in battle, but gradually it got more and more troublesome, and I left it on..."

So when you're alone, it seems that you're talking just in case.

"By the way, what was the conversation?"

I couldn't confirm it, so I asked.

There was also a possibility that it was just a combination of the mouths.


Lucy and Sai look at each other.

Is there something wrong with that?

"I can't say."

"It's a secret."

"... suspicious"

The two looked away.

Why can't you tell me?

"After all, the two of you are so close that you're hiding it...... and the worst party is disbanded......"

Did you hear my twinkle? Lucy and Sai-san's complexion changed.

"You can't dissolve me! I'll tell you!"

"Ugh... I was just thinking about you two..."

I waited for your words.

"We were discussing how to attack Makoto."

Takatsuki and I were just talking about creating a fait accompli

"...... Ah, is that so?"

I can't tell you that.

Weakened all at once.

What were you talking about?

And what am I supposed to look like?

Prince Leonard looked awkward.

"... then, are you sure you two aren't so bad?"

Mr. Freyae asks.

It's not normal, Aya is my best friend.

I love Ru-chan so much

"Hey, Aya."

"Hey, Ru-chan"

Lucy and Saiu smile as they pat each other on the shoulders.

The tension is high and constantly increasing.

Prince Leonard and I looked at each other.

For the time being, the story is clear.

It was a little overreaction that bothered me.

Isn't it an act?

It must have been passed on.

Hmm, are you still suspected?

Well, then let's show you where I'm properly and friendly with you.

"Aya? How did that happen..."

"Ru-chan! Noooo!"

Saiu-san pushed Lucy into bed and (...) fell (...) (...).

"I'm cumming! Hey, aya... nnh!?"

Chuu ♡

While Saiu-san pushed down Lucy, she (...) (...) (...) (...).

”Already... Aya is so imposing.”

Lucy grinned bitterly and hugged Sae-san.

And then I kissed you back.

As it is, the two of them have kissed each other many times.


Me, Freyae and Prince Leonard shut up.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa

What are you doing, you two?

I suddenly noticed a bottle of wine rolling near them.

Apparently, the two of them were still drinking after the banquet opened.

The tension was high because I was drunk.

You're so naughty, Ru-chan

"Aya is... a cute face"

Two people flirting in bed.

Are they lovers?

Yeah, I don't doubt it anymore.

I'm super close.

"Princess ~, you two seem to be getting along." Are you relieved? "

”... is this friendship?”

Furia has a very complicated expression, unlike before.

”Wow... that's so sweet... a girl to each other...”

Prince Leonard had a bright red face.

It seems that the stimulus was too strong for the child.

(... is Makoto too calm?)

Noah's Tsukumi came in.

It was like a lily for a long time, but it seemed like the relationship had been upgraded after the two of them ventured out.

"Hey, Makoto. What are you looking at?"

Takatsuki-kun, come here

It's because of Makoto that this happened with Aya.

Takatsuki-kun is making us wait too long

It was my fault!?

No... no, I don't think so.

We left them behind a thousand years ago.

I'm sorry for what I did.

Lucy and Sai-san's eyes were melting.

He had a feverish eye.

(Look, it's called.Show me the Han, Makoto)

Lord Noah stirred it up.

No, you can't.

At this rate, it would not be good for Prince Leonard's sentiment education.

For now, I'll put you to sleep ― Sleepy Curse.

Furiae forced me to sleep.

It's a really useful magic.



Lucy and Sai-san are sleeping in a friendly hug.


The awkward air flowed between me and Furia-san, Prince Leonard.

"I'm sorry, I made a mistake..."

Prince Leonard apologized, but everyone made a mistake.

No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no,

"I know why, and I'm refreshed..."

"Yes, then. I'm sorry to bother you."

The prince returned with a red face.

Me and Mr. Freyae are the only ones left.

"Hah... I'm in a rush for nothing."Then I'll go back to my hotel."My knight..., the demon continent, be careful"

"Yes, thank you, princess. Shall I send it?"

"I'm waiting for the Knight Guard, so I'll be fine."...... erm...... "

Furia-san tried to stop her by saying something.

What's the matter?

"No, I don't think it has anything to do with my knight..."

"Fine, say it."

"Recently, the goddess of the moon often appears in dreams."


Lady Moon Goddess (Nia).

In this world, the goddess of darkness and curse.

"What is Lord Nia saying?"About the Great Demon King? "

"No, there's nothing useful about it."I'm just laughing at what's so funny.Say, "You guys are doing something interesting."You really are a useless goddess! "

Furiae complains about her goddess of faith.

I have been abandoned for many years, so I may have no choice.

"Why did you tell me that story?"

Except that my knights can talk to goddesses, right?

"I see...... Lord Noah?" What do you think? "

I called to the air.

(Unusual. I can't believe Nia is interested in this world.I wonder if it's the first time in a thousand years.)

Is there a reason for this?

(I can't imagine being in a submarine shrine.Ask Eil next time.)

Is Lord Eil close to Lord Nia?

(Nia doesn't get along with any goddess.I don't control the faith on earth.

"I see..."

"Princess, I had no idea."

"Yeah, I wasn't expecting that either." I'll see you later. "

"Oh, thank you."

Furiae left, shaking her long hair.

The goddess of the moon, who had never interfered with the earth before.

I was a little concerned that the goddess had suddenly appeared in Furia-san's dream.

Good morning.

"... my head hurts"

"... what were you doing yesterday?"

Not only Lucy, but also Saiu-san had a hard morning.

I think I drank too much.

Before they woke up, I had been briefed by a member of the Knights of the Sun on the "Third Northern Expedition Plan (Revised)".

In the meantime, I told them to say hello to the people at the outpost when they arrived.

Isn't it too easy?

Is that all I do?

If you think about it,

When the Spirit Magic of Takatsuki Makoto rampages

When Makoto Takatsuki summons the Great Spirit of Water

When Makoto Takatsuki uses the right hand of a spirit


Pattern 5...

< Pattern 6 >...

There were about 20 types of movements envisaged for each case, such as.

... a large number of precautions concerning the spirit user (me) were added.

It seems that they made this all night long.

And perhaps the Great Sage was involved in the preparation of the plan.

It probably contains information that only my family knows.

(Let's try not to bother you as much as possible)

I swore secretly.

Well then, let's go!

Lucy stood on her staff.

Nice to meet you, Lucy.

"Ru-chan, please"

Me and Sai-san were caught in each of Lucy's arms.

My vision turned pure white.

The scenery makes me rash many times.

Green countryside.

Deep green forest.

Wilderness landscape.

A series of mountain ranges.

As I heard later, it seems that it is very difficult to continuously carry out spatial transition (teleport) without a break.

If I were a regular wizard, I would have depleted my magic powers.

Lucy uses spatial transition (teleport) with a fine face.

"Yes, we have arrived."

The next thing I knew, there was a giant fort standing in front of me.

"This is..."

"Front-line base with the demon king army.It's the Black Barrel Fort, Takatsuki-kun. "

Sae-san told me.

Looks like Lucy and Sai have been here a few times.

Perhaps I had to citadel my natural mountains with magic.

There were several boneless steel pillars popping up on the rough rocky skin.

And a thick stone wall that would have been made by magic.

At first glance, I can't see the figure, but I feel a sharp gaze from the peephole that is small and open from the stone wall.

They must be watching us.

An atmosphere that was not felt in the peaceful capital of the Highland kingdom.

It was the air of the battlefield.

This is how we came to the forefront of war.

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