Goblin Vacuum Cleaner "Oh, the expected rookie is back!" "I don't think there's an apprentice apprentice solo." "It's here."

How did this happen.

Three months have passed since I became an adventurer.

In the first quest, the rabbit was successfully delivered. In addition, we report the suppression of five goblins. The guild's sister said, "Huh? I can't believe it." I was even more amazed that I did nothing more.

I didn't mean to do that. I felt so surprised at the guild staff that I hunted goblins the next day. The found goblin settlement was annihilated in two weeks.

This is the adventurer's guild, and it has been a bit of news. When asked where the Goblin settlement was, he replied that he was near the Demon Forest. There seems to be no problem with a lot of goblins around here.

However, it was warned that the Demon Forest was too dangerous for the stone rank, and since we will make it a bronze rank, don't do too much. He wanted to raise his rank as an adventurer, so he seemed to be out of luck.

But my purpose is "level up" and "life extension". Adventurer rank is not so important. Even if you raise the rank of the adventurer, it will be stupid to other adventurers just by learning wizards ...

As the level goes up, the status goes up. Physical strength, muscular strength, magical power. The higher the status, the harder it is to injure the adventurer. To survive, raising the level is essential.

Goblins are dangerous monsters that attack people, so it's nice to earn "contribution points" when you defeat them. In the case of horned rabbits and large rats, it does not count. The service life is prolonged when "contribution points" are accumulated. My life is still less than 10 years. I have no choice but to earn.

Level up is fun. In RPG games, the moment the level rises, the tension rises the most. Especially in this different world.

Goblin hunting is easy once you get used to it. There is little risk and you can raise your level steadily. Near the Demon Forest, I found a goblin and hunted it. The result is two names, Goblin Vacuum Cleaner

That's cool. Anyway, two people who were cooler were better.

"I'll acknowledge you a little bit of goblin hunting too. "Where do you use it?"

I hear a bad conversation. Let's ignore it.

"General, assorted skewers" "Ayoyo" Sits on a bench in front of a skewered stall in the guild, and places an order with the stall owner.

"What about drinks?" "With apple soda." This shop is a classic that asks for skewers and sake. But I don't like alcohol. It's always a soft drink.

"And then onigiri" and "Aiyo" wait for the skewers to bake, and then bite the salty rice balls. It is a little harder than Japanese rice.

In front of you, the smell of burning sauce will tickle your nostrils. There are many other guild stalls, but this is my favorite. The taste is similar to Japanese yakitori. Anyway, this taste was once spread by foreigners. Is that foreigner from Japan?

"Assorted skewers, wait" set of 5 skewers are placed in front of you. The meat is a horned rabbit from a large forest. The first quest was ordered from this store. It has been a specialty since then. It is covered with a spicy peach meat skewered with sweet and spicy sauce. The gravy spread in the mouth.

"It's always delicious." "Thank you. By the way, how was your hunt today?" The general is familiar with his face and can talk easily.

"I have 22 goblins and 5 horn rabbits. I told them to put meat in this store." "It's always bad, really. Drinks are free."

"But you can't hunt all the goblins without getting tired. How many levels are you at now?" "I guess it was about 14. I'll do my best up to 20." "It's an unusual guy. An adventurer? In my case ... "

The general here was once an adventurer and seems to have over 40 levels. He said he was a warrior, but his leg was injured and he retired. At present, he is a general of a skewers. Sometimes it tells the story of the adventurer days, so it will be helpful.

"Oh, I'm excited. General, Yale and skewers properly." "Ay. Lucas, are you back?" A large warrior-style uncle sits next to you.

Sand Dragon "Exterminate in the country of fire. Drinking is prohibited on the way. The reward is good but it was painful. Oh, it's been a long time since last." "It's been only 5 days. It was good work." "Haha, delicious" Lucas is a veteran adventurer at McAllen and ranks gold. He seems to be familiar with generals in the past. He is also a newcomer instructor. At first I was taught a lot.

"But it's about time to try a dungeon or something. It's close to level 15." "At level 20, I'm going to try a nearby beginner dungeon." "It's about 10-12 ..." "I'm weak. I'll be careful."

I shouldn't say anything weird, but General and Lucas look away. "What's this rookie?" "There's nothing to notice from a veteran."

"Oh, you're drinking. You guys." A beautiful blonde sister breaks in between me and Lucas. "Thank you very much, Marie, are you doing your job?"

Marie is the receptionist of the Adventurer's Guild. There are many chances to meet at quest requests. I like taking care of newcomers. And he likes unrivaled sake and always drinks at the guild at the end of work. Thanks to that, recently getting entangled has become a daily routine. I just eat dinner without drinking.

"I'm one ale. And bake the vegetables properly!" "Ayo." "Well, Kanpai, hey. The cup after work is exceptional." "Oh, Marie. Don't drink, make a man and go to a fancy bar. "" Huh? Lucas! You know the hard work of the adventurer guild receptionist! I don't have time to make a man. Marie, the pace is too fast. "

I'm beautiful if I'm silent. When drinking, Marie is a drinker who is as good as adventurers. "Oh, Makoto-kun! Drink that kind of juice again. I got a reasonable reward today, so I need to drink it." "Hey, what do the guild staff do about that?" "I sometimes drink."

You can drink in this country from the age of 13. So drinking is fine, but I don't like alcohol in the first place. The first ale I drank was only bitter, and when I got to a rock of wine, the moment I drank, I spit it out. The only drink you can drink is an apple soda cocktail. I get drunk too soon, so I've decided to take one. You don't have to forcibly drink it, but Lucas told you that you're an adventurer and you can lick if you can't drink.

"Why sometimes?" "It's a reward for myself who worked hard. After that, drinking moderately to reduce stress is effective." It's really fun to go up the level these days.

"Hey, Marie. Did you hear me?" "No, I'm solid. I'm a substitute." "Ayo. Marie doesn't drink every day, she's a little apprentice. It's not what I say." He's young, but he's so solid. He's not cute. Mary's big breasts hit her back. Aw. Activate "Megumi water stopping skill"! Be cool, be cool.

Marie is popular in the adventurer's guild. I feel jealousy coming from other adventurers. Among them are many adventurers who have just mentioned Noji. You can hear such grudges, "Tatchi", "That bastard", and "In the habit of a small fish wizard". I'm not bad.

"Mary, you're too drunk." "Because I'm not drunk at all. I'm about to do this."

"Today there are 22 goblins. Well done, well done." Marie has a lot of body touch when she gets drunk. This makes it easy for the opponent to misunderstand, and many adventurers fall in love. She's an evil woman.

However! I am a man who has endured the temptation of the goddess. At this level, I will not be upset.


The fluffy thing is pressed on the back. I'm not upset! Oh, soft ...

"Hah! Goblin hunting and brilliant."

I heard such a voice. Turning around, a young warrior-shaped man stands. Just a new adventurer like Jean. He seems to be an adventurer about six months ago. The current rank is Bronze. It seems that promotion is quite fast in six months. However, I don't like the fact that I have become famous for the three months of the adventurer calendar, and I get entangled occasionally.

"Hey Jean. Let's get along with newcomers." "Lukas! Why don't you train me these days!" "I take care during the stone rank, but treat it as a bronze rank or higher. "Tell me," "No, Jan-kun, you're scared because Makoto is quiet," he said. No, no. Behind Jean stands a wizard and a monk. It's like a party of three. To be honest, it's scary for 1 to 3, so let's be quiet.

"I don't think it's good. He's an apprentice wizard, don't you think Jean of" Intermediate Swordsman "cares?" A red-haired wizard girl spoke to Jean. I wear a lot of exposed clothes. It's a flashy beauty.

"Oh yeah, I'll do the quest to get rid of it quickly and aim for the iron rank," says a monk girl. This is a cute little baby girl. There are many women. A harem party? Got it! The man will be solo solo.

"Oh, the defeat quest! What's your opponent?" Lucas changed the point of the story.

"It's an ogre defeat! It seems that a traveler has seen them recently." "Who! An auger at a bronze class party. It's a passing ceremony. Good luck!" "Yes! I'll do it! Hey, Makoto! I'm in the rank! " The monk girl bowed down apologeticly. Monks are good kids. The wizard girl doesn't seem interested in this.

"I don't care," Marie comforts. No, don't you care? "I'm going at my own pace." Tomorrow, I'll just defeat the daily goblin.

"I'm just saying, killing 22 Goblins alone in one day isn't at your own pace," said Lucas. Even so, I established a safe hunting flow. I'm a type of RPG that raises the level as much as possible before defeating the boss. For a while, let's go with the current way.

The next day, on the way home to hunt goblins. Today's harvest is 20. After that, I was thinking about hunting the horned rabbit on the way home and delivering it to the general's shop. Kankankankan! Suddenly, at a loud volume, a danger detection skill siren resounded in my head.

Is there a pretty dangerous monster? Stealth skill is active. All right, I haven't found it. Observe the surroundings quietly.

I have something. About 50 meters away, a huge human-like object is reflected in the fog. Maybe a stray auger? A stubby humanoid with a horny head.

Just ―――― Is it too big?

A typical auger is at most 2-3 meters tall. This is over 5 meters. Every time I walked, I heard a heavy noise and my feet tremble. Usually, there should have been other monsters around here, but now I can't find them at all. Everyone ran away. In this case, the rabbit is impossible. Let's return to the guild. When I tried to leave the place quietly.

"Kyua !!" I heard a woman scream. "Dance! This guy!"

(Hey, people are being attacked.)

If you look closely, there are a few adventure-like guys. A party of swordsmen, wizards and monks. Everyone is young. He is unlikely to be a seasoned adventurer.

"Hey, that's it." Yesterday, it was Jean's party. He said he was going to subdue the ogre. It seems to be in a pinch. I'd like to say Zamamiro, but I'm terrible if I get involved. Observe as "secret".

(Do you run away?)

The adventurer's iron rule is "Take care of life." If an enemy stronger than yourself appears, run away anyway! At the time of the stone rank, Lucas got a lot of attention. They should be the same.

(The witch and the monk are not good.) For fear, or for impatience, they haven't escaped well. He seems to be overtaken by the ogre.

"Emily!" Jean ran out of the monk girl's hand and ran, "Hey! I!" A wizard girl screams. Apparently, Jean seems to be a monk's child.

(It's hard to know.) Oh, the witch fell. Ogre approaches. This is Akan.

→ help abandon

"RPG Player Skills" will display the options. Hey hey Whatever you think, isn't the "Bronze Rank" adventurer of "The Apprentice Wizard" heavy?

It's a simple instruction that I heard a voice in my head (discard it). But what else can I say? Goddess.

→ help abandon

The choices are flickering. Annoying! Let's bother a little! If you die, you're done!

"Hi, don't come," the witch girl is pulling her back. The ogre is right there. Jean shouts to the witch, "Fast, run away!" The monk girl is holding her mouth and making a sad face. It is useless. I didn't have time to worry.

"No, no! Help me!" The giant auger stretches out, shouting at the witch screaming. Oh, already!

"Water magic, ice blade!"

An ice blade pierced both eyes of the auger. Ah, oh, ah, screaming at the ogre, holding his eyes and suffering.

"Hey, get away fast" "Eh, eh, ah, eh?"

The wizard child seems confused. Interrupted between the ogre and the wizard girl, I held the goddess dagger.

(Hey, I won't forgive you if you die)

I heard the goddess's shout.

I'm sorry. I want to be cool.

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