Code Zero Nine

Chapter 194: The world's top word comprehension ability

"How do you know?"

Han Zhu exclaimed.

The uncle of Cao County is really surnamed Lu.

Han Feng: →_→


how to say?


You Lu family really like to play with birds! ! !


Seeing Han Zhu's curious eyes, he just smiled, "I used to know a man named Lu, and I also like to show off his big bird in the public."


"I also like to burn pigeons."


Han Zhu exclaimed, "Beasts! Pigeons are so cute!"

"Isn't it."

Han Feng sighed.

In short.

This grandfather Lu from Cao County is now dying of life. It is said that time is running out. If Han Feng and the others go at this time, they might still be able to catch up.

"Go and go!"


Han Feng suddenly felt shocked.

good chance!

"Where is Caoxian?"


"See you."

Han Feng left in a hurry.

It's rare to meet a dying uncle, and the super power element happens to be something they don't have. This matter is bestowed on them by heaven!


Han Feng hurried to Caoxian County.


it is a pity.

Even if Han Feng rushed over as soon as he heard the story, and after throwing it out, Lu's house, at the door, has already hung a white cloth strip...


He also heard discussions around him.

"Old Lu is gone..."

"It's a pity, I just came back."

"Yes, his bird is really big..."

"Isn't it."

The few people regretted, and the conversation turned, "I don't know what the taste of his table is..."

"Maybe more soup."

"No, no, I prefer fried."

Several people discussed in a low voice.

Han Feng:? ? ?

Lao Lu can't handle the relationship between neighbors!


After these few days, he decided to go and see in person, where the old Lu family had covered him with a white cloth and was lying on a small bed.


A woman cried silently, "Why did you die just as soon as you came back...Woo, why bother you say you are not good in Hongye City? Have to come back!"

"You have to sell the house in Hongye City, now there is only a coffin in Caoxian..."


Who is this……

Han Feng looked at the information.


Old Lu's daughter.


Han Feng walked over, "I am a law enforcement officer, Han Feng."

Before he came, he had asked Han Zhu to turn over these tasks. Generally, if there was a death in the city, the law enforcement would need to investigate more or less.


The woman raised her head, "Your Enforcer."

"When was the last time you saw your father?"

Han Feng asked.


Women thought for a long, long time, "When I was just born?"


Han Feng paused.


Girl, you hit a bit far with this one.

"I do not know either."

The women were very distressed, "I was just born at the time, and my mother said that my father yelled about some daughters avoiding my father, so my father ran away from home that day..."

Han Feng:? ? ?


Do you have any misunderstandings about these words? !

and also……

Is Caoxian too advanced in the field of fashion culture? !

He only knew the criterion of word recognition before, and he never thought that Caoxian’s interpretation of words is already at the forefront of the world...


In this case……

"Girl, what do you think of Guan Bao's friend?"

Han Feng was curious.


The woman stepped back, a little angry, "My lord, please don't be a hooligan."

Han Feng:? ? ?


Worthy of being the forefront of the world!


Han Feng took a deep breath and got back on track, "When did your father die?"

"An hour ago..."

Women are sad.


Han Feng's mind moved slightly.

One hour……

Not without chance!


He directly suggested, "Although your father was burned to death...cough and committed suicide, as usual, I need to check his wounds. Would you like to watch?"

"Need not."

The woman shook her head, a little sad, "The female eldest woman avoids her father, so I won't watch it. The people who make the banquet will also come later, and I have to communicate with them how much money is appropriate for the table."

Han Feng:...

Niu batch!


When the women went out, they also hung the door.

Han Feng took a deep breath and looked at Lao Lu who was lying on the bed. He suddenly became excited, no one was gone, and he could finally check Lao Lu's body!


Shennian Sandbox starts.


Fortunately, the spirit has not completely dissipated.


The life force is activated!



A strong vitality emerged, Lao Lu's body jumped suddenly, his heart quivered, and he opened his eyes. Han Feng looked at the recovery of vitality and disconnected again.

"What's wrong with me?"

Old Lu was puzzled.

"you are dead."

Han Feng thought for a while, "The soul has already drifted away. I'm afraid your soul has scattered too much and become a useless person, so I will help you condense the soul and resurrect it."

"thanks, thanks."

Old Lu was grateful.

This kind of character who can be resurrected must be a legendary boss.


Han Feng patted him on the shoulder, "After all, you will die again soon."


He went down with a dementia, and Old Lu was cold again.

Old Lu:? ? ?


Light and shadow flicker.

Old Lu, who is in the world of life sand table, is in a daze, wait, what happened just now, this person suddenly saved himself and killed himself...

"I didn't kill you."

Han Feng said lightly, "Although I saved you, in your case, it can only last for a few minutes, which is considered a glimpse."


"You have to bring it directly while you are in good health."


"In this world, you can live without worries."

Han Feng said.


Old Lu looked around blankly, Shen He and others expertly introduced it in the past, only then did Old Lu adapt, and once again expressed his gratitude to Han Feng.

"It's okay."

Han Feng said lightly, "Everyone takes what they need."


at this time.

Old Lu suddenly said, "I... was actually killed."


Han Feng stopped was killed? !


Old Lu smiled bitterly and told the truth.

for a long time.

He returned to reality.

And this time.

Old Lu's daughter came back, "How did you check?"

"The inspection is over."

Han Feng nodded slightly, "It was indeed burned to death, but he did not burn to death by himself, but was burned to death by others..."


Women are at a loss.

for a long time.

The law enforcement officers in the county town appeared, and under the guidance of Han Feng, they solved the case step by step and solved a **** ex-wife murder case, marveling at everyone.

Old Lu went home to show the big bird...

The ex-wife bought insurance on the same day...

The last memory of Old Lu is that after he was injured, his ex-wife came to take care of him and helped him up. After the sound of Lu Dalang taking the medicine, he lost consciousness...


With the assistance of Han Feng, the case was resolved quickly.

So far.

The detective Han Feng is famous in Shanhai City.

"I have long heard that Tianfeng City Han Feng has high-value, strong, kind-hearted, brave, affectionate and righteous, but I never thought that you are also a good hand in solving crimes!"

The law enforcers in the county seat were amazed.

"you are welcome."

Han Feng is embarrassed.

Old Lu is inside him, how could he not know the truth!

"If there is a case in the county in the future, I will ask Master Han Feng to take care of it."

The law enforcement officer said respectfully.

"Easy to talk, easy to talk."

Han Feng said politely.

"That's great."

The law enforcement officer immediately scratched his head in embarrassment, "We happen to have a big case that has not been resolved until now. Can you take a look at it?"

Han Feng:? ? ?

He looked at his watch...Does your county have any misunderstanding of the word ‘future’?

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