Codex Pirates

Chapter 368: The Scapegoat (Second)

Chapter 366 The Scapegoat

After Morgan William's incident became serious, the Navy Headquarters dug out basically all the information related to William that could be found.

Including the collusion of Roy, Arcadio, and William back then, especially Colonel Roy's charges of embezzlement and bribery, collusion with the local government, and self-respect of the bandits, were even more clearly picked up.

Originally, because of A Jin's incident, the navy from the East China Sea had been implicated to a certain extent, and Yossarian Heller was not only from the East China Sea, but also an officer recommended by Colonel Roy.

The current Colonel Roy has been regarded as a sinner and a parasite by the high-level navy, and they believe that he is the chief culprit that caused William's rise. so.

The officers he recommended were naturally even more unpopular.

When the navy later found out that Yossarian Heller had privately contacted a newspaper reporter and was the clue provider for the news that caused the navy to encircle and suppress William, he was thrown into limbo and assigned to the frontier.

Whether it's Yossarian Heller's private contact with newspaper reporters, or his inaccurate and inaccurate news reports, which lead to deviations in the Navy's intelligence, they have violated the taboo of the Navy's top brass.

They don't care about Yossarian Heller's experience of reporting repeatedly in the Navy but no one paid attention to it. Maybe they will pursue it afterwards, but now, they will only pursue Yossarian Heller's disclosure of the internal affairs of the Navy. outsider problem.

If it weren't for the fact that the navy was still at war with William and the others at this time, and punishing those who exposed William's deeds would have a bad internal influence and easily cause criticism, Yossarian Heller's situation might be a little worse.

Yossarian Heller is now assigned to guard supplies on a deserted island outpost not far from the windless zone. There are few people here, except for Yossarian Heller himself, no one else lives, even the surrounding sea area, It may not be possible to see a ship passing by for half a day.

Because of the change of the navy's usual route into the calm zone, this outpost is almost abandoned. The task of Yossarian Heller is to prepare enough fresh water for the warships that are about to pass by after receiving orders from their superiors, as well as provide them with a place to rest. If you see a pirate ship appearing in the surrounding waters, you should also use the phone bug to notify your superiors as soon as possible.

But in fact, since Yossarian Heller arrived here, he has never used the phone bug. This phone bug, which is dependent on him, seems to be infected on weekdays, listless, and lacking energy. As if sick.

During this period of time, Yossarian Heller often had nightmares and felt drowsy every day. In fact, he already had a bad premonition in his heart, but because he had no clue, he still couldn't connect it all together. Only when he dreamed every day , will be awakened by the faint guess in my heart.

"It's early morning..." Yossarian Heller put his face in front of the watch under the moonlight, managed to make out the time, and muttered to himself absentmindedly.

Then he didn’t turn on the lights, just like that, staring out the window blankly, thinking about his own future, the current form of the outside world, his original ideal, Colonel Roy’s warning, and all the messy things, his mind was in a mess.

Yossarian Heller was thinking wildly, and suddenly rubbed his eyes. On the distant shore, a small warship quietly approached the shore.

Yossarian Heller immediately looked back at the phone bug, only to find that the phone bug was still lying on the table, sound asleep, and even had a small snot bubble, showing no intention of ringing at all.

Suspicion suddenly arose in Yossarian Heller's heart.

Given the remoteness of this place, even pirates who scurry around the sea like headless chickens all day long will not patronize, let alone such a warship that is undamaged and alone? If you come here on orders, you should have some notice from your superiors.

Yossarian Heller shook his head vigorously, driving away the drowsiness and confusion, and took out his revolver from the side drawer.

This kind of weapon, which is already very common in the East China Sea, has not yet been listed as equipment by the navy. This revolver was purchased by Yossarian Heller himself.

Yossarian Heller has also been on the Great Route for a long time, and he knows the atmosphere here. There are many bold pirates, and it is not impossible for them to pretend to be a navy.

While he was checking the ammunition, by moonlight he saw four figures in uniform disembarking from the boat and sneaking towards the post.

The actions of these people made Yossarian Heller feel even more vigilant. He tightened the revolver in his hand, thanking himself for waking up in time at night, and usually because of boredom and nervousness, he was familiar with the environment of the outpost.

Yossarian Heller quickly arranged a simple layout in the room, pretending to be a sign of fleeing outside, and then pawed on the floor beside the bed for a while, creating a moss-grown moss that was not used for a long time, and it almost blended with the surrounding floor. One piece, thus becoming a concealed cellar entrance.

Because the outpost is close to being abandoned, there are no longer as many supplies as before, and this cellar has long been sealed up. Not long ago, there was a rat attack in the outpost, and Yossarian Heller discovered that there was such a hidden place next to the bed, because With a faint sense of insecurity in his heart, he has moved next to this bed since then.

Yossarian Heller took his weapon and hid under the cellar. He deliberately left a gap on the edge of the cellar door, and then listened attentively to the movement in the house.

Even if the gate of the outpost was opened for a long time and was in disrepair, there would still be a slight sound, which may be fooled by the ears of the sleeping person, but it is very harsh to the ear of the attentive person.

Four strangers came to the dormitory on tiptoe, and saw the empty beds facing the gate at a glance.

The expressions of the three of them changed at the same time, and they strode into the room. After looking around, they found that there was no one in the room.

The last person to enter the room was a dark-faced, mature-looking naval officer. He seemed to be the commander among the four. After glancing at the arrangement left by Yossarian Heller in the room, he asked in a serious tone: " He received the message!?"

After sending the other two navy soldiers to investigate in other rooms, the black-faced officer directly picked up the phone bug kept by Yossarian Heller on the table and dialed it.

The other side of the phone was quickly connected, and the black-faced officer said succinctly: "The person is gone!"

"How could this be?" A voice from the other end of the phone bug asked back.

"He may have received some news," the outpost was small, and the other two searched naval soldiers had returned at this time. The black-faced officer held a phone bug and looked at them. Both of them shook their heads, and the officer said to the phone , "We searched all over the outpost, but we didn't find any trace of him. He should have escaped early."

"There is a private harbor in the south of the outpost. There is the only small boat on the island. He must have run there. Hurry up and chase him! Be sure to catch him and don't let him run away!" The person on the other end of the phone was anxious ordered.

"Understood." The black-faced officer hung up the phone expressionlessly, his eyes glanced under the bed as if unintentionally.

At the other end of the cellar, Yossarian Heller tightly covered his mouth so that he could not let out a sad cry. The phone bug perfectly imitated the voice of the user on the other end of the phone, and Yossarian Heller could already hear it. , that was the voice of the lieutenant colonel who brought him here on his first day on the island.

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