Su Yuewu meditated on the stone bed as her entire body emitted a layer of golden light. This was already the last book. After practicing this book, she would be able to go and save Tian Tian and Fan Yun.

Thinking up to this point, her mind trembled slightly. The power in her heart meridian fiercely shook because of her master's distraction. Su Yuewu's heart ached, but she quickly retracted her mind and didn't dare to be distracted again.

After an unknown period of time, it was as if all the spiritual energy in the world had been gathered in the hands of the woman on the stone bed. Her hands had formed a cross lotus pattern, and a golden light was seeping out from the lotus pattern. It looked messy and messy, but it was actually the most powerful and tyrannical Heaven Divinity Eight Trigram Formation in the Heaven Realm.

That spiritual energy seemed to have a life of its own as it revolved around Su Yuewu and slowly flowed into the array. Slowly it became faster and faster, the entire array seemed to come to life as it rapidly rotated. The spiritual energy became smaller and smaller, until it became the size of a normal pill in the middle of the array, and slowly sank into Su Yuewu's palm. The formation slowly disappeared.

Su Yuewu looked at the ball in her hand that contained the essence of the ghost. Her inner force had already reached the Sky Profound Realm, and after taking this pill, her inner force would be endless. Even those people from Heaven Realm wouldn't be her match easily.

She slowly sank the pill into her heart meridian and felt the warm power. She sat up slowly, gathering herself. He didn't know how long he had cultivated here, but even his face had changed. Although his original appearance was impeccable, it was still that of a budding rose, and the current Su Yuewu already had another cold and elegant temperament in her eyes. Her willow shaped eyes were bright, and her lips were bright.

She walked slowly out of the hole and the small sky followed her silently. She stretched herself and looked around her. It was still a familiar and desolate appearance. The nebula that filled the sky flowed like a huge canopy that covered this land that had no one around it. The apprehension and fear she felt when she first arrived had become very familiar. Su Yuewu sometimes thought that compared to the Feng Yue Continent's self-deception, this place was really peaceful and comfortable.

But she didn't belong here. She had more important things to do. There were no tools to measure time here. She didn't know how much time had passed, but she hoped that it was still too early. She still had the chance to save Tian Tian and Fan Yun.

It's time to go back, Su Yuewu thought.

He naturally had to say goodbye to You Huang if he wanted to go back. He was in a wooden cabin in the depths of the loquat forest, learning how Su Yuewu had taught him to make tea. There was no tea here, so he could only take the water and boil it. Even if he soaked it in the dry leaves of the loquat tree, it would still have a refreshing taste.

Su Yuewu took the tea from him and put it aside, saying, "You Huang, I'm leaving now." "Sorry, I still have something important to attend to, so I can't stay here with you any longer."

His hand paused for a moment as he poured another cup of tea. Then, he slowly drank it down. He was thirsty and finished the glass. He put down the cup, feeling helpless in his heart, and asked, "Are you going to return?"

Su Yuewu also asked herself in her heart, would she return it? The answer is no.

In that world, she had her own precious son, her own lover, and many close friends who cared about her. People were all social animals, so she couldn't do without them. Although she was a bit apologetic and reluctant, she still shook her head and said, "I'm sorry, I won't be able to come back."

His eyes slowly became wet. He pulled her sleeve and asked, "Yue Er, what should I do if you leave?"

Seeing the undisguised attachment and reluctance in his eyes, Su Yuewu also sighed and said, "You Huang, I have a very cute son on the continent above, and a husband who loves me very much. They were taken away, and I came here to improve my ability to save them. If... If I can't, then I will live well, because I will not give in to the people who care for me. "

You Huang's eyes were a bit puzzled. "Son, husband, and others, are they very important to Yue'er?"

Su Yuewu looked at him and smiled, "You Huang, your son and husband are like your father to your mother. Also, friends make you feel that you have the power to walk down the road no matter what. You Huang, you're always by yourself here, so you naturally don't know. " Seeing the injured look on the boy's face, Su Yuewu added, "You Huang, if you have the chance, you must go up and take a look."

The boy's eyes were filled with yearning, but after a moment, the fire in them died down again. He shook his head. "No, Daddy said it was dangerous up there." Su Yuewu didn't know what had happened in her generation, but since her father had left a message, she couldn't say much.

The two of them sat in silence for a long time before Su Yuewu finally stood up and said, "I'll go back and have a good night's sleep, then I'll leave." This is the last time I'll see you before I come out. " She thought for a moment, then said, "If you're here alone, you need to be fine. When you want to talk with someone, use the words that I taught you and write them down.

You Huang looked at her and nodded obediently, then lowered her head, no longer willing to look at Su Yuewu.

Su Yuewu's heart also felt somewhat sad. She sighed and walked out of the forest.

It was as if she had finally taken off a huge rock, allowing herself to sleep peacefully on the stone bed. Every day she was here, she would raise her cultivation as soon as possible, and quickly finish cultivating that Heart Sutra. She would go out one day earlier, and she and Leng Fanyun would also be out of danger one day earlier. As a result, he always felt better and immediately got up to cultivate. He had very little time to rest, so he really slept boldly and confidently.

She was sleeping well, and her face was flushed. Xiaotian laid beside her, looking at the people standing by the stone bed. He knew that there was no danger, so he moved his ears and went back to sleep.

You Huang foolishly looked at the girl sleeping on the bed. Her curved eyebrows and long eyelashes were like a fan that covered her eyes. Her nose was tall and delicate, and her rosy full lips were beneath her. A tempting smell exuded from her body.

You Huang was both thirsty and hungry. She felt his cool, sharp fingers slowly move towards her neck. When he was very young, his father brought him a roasted chicken. It was so fragrant, but when he finally ate all of the meat on the chicken into his stomach, he touched his bloated belly, feeling at ease. Now he had that feeling again, as if a large part of his heart was missing.

After Yue'er left, this pitch black place was once again filled with people. It was so lonely. He didn't want to be alone. He wanted someone to be with her, just like his mother. Even if he stayed under the earth, he would still be with his father.

His hand touched her delicate skin, that warm and delicate touch was too good to be true. You Huang was a bit intoxicated, so he couldn't help but put a bit more effort into it. His fingertip dug into the girl's neck. He could feel her blood flowing beneath the thin layer of blood vessels beneath his fingertip. With just a little more effort, the warm blood would flow out, and he would no longer be cold or thirsty. He would have this woman in front of him forever.

Su Yuewu seemed to have had a nightmare as her body suddenly twitched and her brows wrinkled. The resolve that You Huang had made all of a sudden collapsed. No matter what, he could not do it. She was so lively and beautiful. If she could speak, then she must be even more beautiful.

He retracted his hand, and, not daring to look at the sleeping woman again, staggered back to his cabin.

When Su Yuewu woke up, she felt that her mind was clear and her entire body was extremely relaxed. Only her neck was in pain. When she touched it, there was some blood. It was probably because she had been dishonest during her sleep and scratched her neck with such a claw. She patted the sky, and the two packed their things and began to walk out.

Walking up to where the two of them landed, he saw the firefly like Undead. Right now, Su Yuewu was already in the Sky Profound Realm, and her entire body was enveloped in a layer of light golden light. The Undead did not dare to approach her, and could only circle around her and dance around.

Su Yuewu sat on the back of the little sky and closed her eyes. Her hands formed a seal as she began to chant. She and Little Tian were like a ray of light that was rising rapidly as they flew up.

They only felt the sound of the wind whistling past them, but this time, there was no fierce spirit pestering them. Not long after, Su Yuewu once again stood on the Wind Moon Continent's land.

This was real. It didn't seem like a ghost, as if he didn't have enough strength. The evil spirits below the cliff were still roaring, but Su Yuewu was no longer afraid. Her eyes had not seen light for a long time, and she closed them uncomfortably.

After a long time, when the light drizzle slowly fell on the man and beast, Su Yuewu finally truly felt like she existed.

She laughed silently, a smile of confidence and enchantment. She slowly walked forward, not caring about the raindrops falling on her body. Just like that, she knew that the invincible Su Yuewu had returned. What she lost, she had to take back.

With the Sky Xuan inner force, it would only take a bowl of tea to kill the Moon Slaughter. When she slowly walked into her own territory, Bing'er and Rou-Er were playing with a toddler. Bing-Er turned her head around and saw a corner of red cloth. As she moved up the cloth, she finally saw the miss she had been thinking about day and night. Her tears finally dropped and she stood up.

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