"After You Huang's figure disappeared into the night sky, Taibai finally reappeared behind an ancient tree." Is Your Majesty really going to form an alliance with this person? "

When the Celestial Emperor saw this, he replied, "You've been by my side for so many years. How come you can't even see this clearly? I'm giving in to Yinhuang only to gain his trust. Think about it, if I were to fight Leng Fanyun directly, I would fall into a situation where both of us would be heavily injured. But if You Huang makes a move on Leng Fanyun first, then I'll be able to reap the rewards. The armies of the Underworld are also helping us to attack the Feathered Race. "

Hearing this, Taibai immediately understood. He couldn't help but praise, "Your Majesty is wise!"

The Celestial Emperor enjoyed Taibai's praise. He laughed loudly, "How can these useless children be my match?!" All he had to do was use a few tricks and he would be deceived. So what if it was You Huang? She was the master of the underworld, but she wasn't in his control!

The only one, Su Yuewu … The Heavenly Emperor's eyes revealed killing intent, daring to devour his precious daughter's immortal elemental energy, let's see how he will take care of her!

Under the cool moonlight, the floor was tilted to the side.

Su Yuewu put on a single robe and walked out of the room, sitting down next to the beauty. Ever since she woke up that day, she always woke up at night.

Recently, she would think of many things, such as her past and her future. If she was only Su Yuewu, then that would be great, because she didn't need to think too much and she didn't need to worry about those things. But Su Yuewu wasn't just a simple name, she also had memories of this body.

She once loved Leng Fanyun so much that she wished that she could be together with him forever. However, destiny made a fool of people. The two of them ran in opposite directions. In the end, they left gradually. She thought she didn't care how much past he had, just wanted to see their future. However, it was clear that she thought too highly of herself. She couldn't let go of all that was happening between him and Yao Ji, and her heart was filled with a great deal of concern!

It had to be said that Leng Fanyun and Yao Ji loved each other with great vigor. Even though the two of them were in the underworld, this news had already reached the ears of the others. She seriously asked Yitian. Although he hid some of it, it allowed her to guess some of the truth.

The two of them had truly fallen in love that year. If it weren't for Ming Cang's jealousy and framing, the two of them would have been very happy. She couldn't help but think that between her and Leng Fanyun, wasn't it the same as him and Yao Ji? No matter how beautiful the past was, the future was bleak.

Sometimes, she felt as if her heart had been cut in half. Just a light touch was enough to cause her pain. Love turned out to be such a torturous thing, but I don't know why people rushed into the circle of love!

If only he didn't love her. However, even though she said that she didn't love him, she cared about him more than anyone else. She wanted him back, as she used to. But she could not pull that face down. She was afraid that she would hear the rejection, and even more afraid that their future would not be as beautiful as she had imagined.

The modern Su Yuewu was as strong as she was strong, and the Su Yuewu that teleported to this world also wanted to become a strong woman. However, she had forgotten that no matter how strong her disguise was, it could not change the fact that she was a woman in essence. A woman's heart was always soft. No matter how tough a woman was, she would always feel a little bit of softness in the depths of her heart. Soft women always wanted a strong arm. Maybe he wasn't relying on Ye Zichen's help because he just wanted to find a place to shelter from the rain and wind.

She could gain power and money, but what she needed most was a man who knew that she loved her.

"My lord, can't you sleep again?" Rou-Er did not sleep. She put on her clothes the moment she heard the door open.

Su Yuewu didn't look at her and indifferently said, "Maybe because I slept too much during the day, but I wasn't sleepy during the night."

Rou-Er sat down beside her and asked worriedly, "Is there something on Master's mind?"

"So obvious?" Su Yuewu touched her face, feeling helpless.

"His face is full of words! Is Master still worried about Leng Fanyun? "

"You know that too?" Su Yuewu was somewhat surprised.

"I'm an experienced man too. Love was the thing that tormented people the most. People often say, be trapped by love? The lord was in this state, as if he was deeply immersed in a maze of emotions. If there's anything you can't figure out, it's better than not telling me. It's even better than being depressed in your heart.

Rou-Er had always been by Su Yuewu's side, deeply trusted by her. However, it was difficult for Su Yuewu to speak of her feelings. In the past, she was so arrogant, she believed that Leng Fanyun would not leave her side. He didn't expect that he would be so presumptuous as to cause such a ruckus. Now she was like an abandoned wife, and even she felt very pitiful about herself.

"Sigh …" What are you talking about? "Where to start?" The pale moonlight above her head was like her heart at the moment. It was clear, but it could never be seen through. Could it be that she, Su Yuewu, was really going to continue struggling in this relationship and never get out?

This was a gloomy and gloomy room without any light. It was gloomy, cold, and filled with despair.

It was already a warm March day in the mortal world, and the vegetation was beginning to be plentiful. There were even some cute flowers that had long since started to search the roadside for sunlight's line of sight.

However, in this dark room, the temperature was as cold as November. The coldness was bone-chilling and chilling to the extreme.

The dimly lit room was quiet. Only the faint sound of her breathing could be heard. Occasionally, it was like the sound of the wind, and every time it whistled, it would make her tighten her body and tremble as she looked towards the fence.

This was a strange place, very dark. The darkness was endless, but there was a faint light flashing.

It was already the seventh day.

He had been locked up in this dark place for seven days. She could not feel the flow of time here, there was no rising sun or setting moon. In order to count the time, from the first day, her heart had been silently calculating. When he estimated that a day had passed, he used a stone to carve a shallow mark on the wall by his side. Currently, there were seven marks of varying length on the wall.

She did not know how long she would stay here. It was as if only through the passage of time would she be able to sense her tiny existence in this misty place.

She powerlessly curled up in a dark corner and buried her head between her arms. Her teeth bit her lower lip, and there was a dark red colour between her teeth. Even so, it was only to prevent her tears from falling.

She wanted to cry, but she didn't want to cry.

Big brother Fan Yun …

That was the only obsession in her heart. Only this could allow her to find a way to survive in this darkness.

"Da da ~" In the dead silent darkness, the sound of light footsteps could be heard.

Her footsteps were so light that if it weren't for the fact that she had been listening attentively, she wouldn't have noticed it at all.

Her eyes were fixed on the door, waiting for someone to appear. Even though that person had brought about a cruel ending.

A touch of white.

It was a flawless whiteness. It was as if the snow on the peak of a high mountain had not been touched by the people of the world.

It was the only color she could see in the darkness.

"You are very strong." The man spoke.

His voice was pleasant to hear and clean, but it was very cold. It was like ice scraps hitting your face and making you feel very uncomfortable.

Yaeger flinched to give herself a sense of security. Ever since Ming Cang had imprisoned her here, she had never seen anyone, not even an animal. She didn't know where she was nor did she know if she had a chance to leave. She urgently wanted to know a piece of news, wanted to know about Leng Fanyun.

If he wanted to live, he could only live!

If he was not here, how would she continue to persevere?

She hadn't spoken for many days, and at the moment, she didn't want to open her mouth. So she did not answer the man.

"Crack!" The door to the cell was opened by someone from the outside.

Yao Ji was stunned for a moment before her eyes exploded with a dazzling brilliance.

The white clothed man leisurely walked in front of her, only then did Yaoji realize that this was an extremely young man. Her eyes were barely visible in the dark, almost blind. But she knew that this man was very handsome. But what did all this have to do with her?

"Why aren't you talking?" the man asked again.

Yao Ji's heart was somewhat restless. This time, she finally opened her mouth, "I don't want to say it." She was not a mortal. She would not die if she did not eat or drink. However, she had not drunk any water for several days, causing her voice to sound somewhat hoarse. In this quiet place, her voice seemed somewhat peculiar.

The man suddenly crouched down in front of her, and she felt a warm finger gently lift her chin, forcing her to meet his eyes.

His eyes were dark, and that was Yao Ji's first feeling. His eyes were like two deep pools, extremely deep and serene. As long as they met his gaze, it was as if they were going to be sucked into that deep pool.

Yao Ji felt a little afraid and couldn't help but close her eyes.

"Afraid of me?" It was unknown whether the person was talking to himself or asking her how she felt.

Yao Ji felt his fingers gradually leaving her body and felt relieved.

"You don't have to be afraid of me." He said, "I have an agreement with Ming Cang to guard you well. I won't let you die, I won't let you escape, but I won't hurt you either. As long as you stay here obediently, nothing will happen to you. "

"Then when will I go out?" she asked.

The man seemed to pause, then he said, "I don't know. You may never get out, but with me here, you won't be bored. "

But I don't want to see you! Yao Ji screamed in her heart, but she didn't say it out loud. Instead, she quietly leaned against the ice-cold wall, opening her eyes and staring at the ground beneath her feet.

Seeing that she didn't say anything, the man didn't continue speaking. Instead, he found a place to sit down in front of her.

The moonlight was charming, and that was what she saw when she opened her eyes. She rubbed her stuffy forehead, not knowing how she could dream about this. She had actually dreamed of the first time she had met Ming Chen. At that time, although he hadn't done anything, he had already made her feel boundless pressure. She was just a weak girl. It was impossible for her to escape from that place, so she could only compromise. In the days that followed, as he had said, he did not hurt her. He also kept his promise and did not let her escape except for this accident.

She sometimes thought it was a good thing he had warned her not to run. This was because the spatial rift was an extremely strange place. If she wasn't careful for even a moment, she would be lost in any place, unable to return to that place.

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