Some of the accompanying Department staff can't see it any more, and they can't say whether they are ashamed or ashamed.

But they also know that this is pushed down by the municipal leaders, the implementation is very strong, how many departments cooperate with each other, the demolition of shanty towns is the general trend, not the power of the individual can stop.

Seeing that bulldozer's speed is not decreasing, it's about to crash. At this time, old man Xue pulls off his old shirt.

There is almost no good skin on the bony body. There are gunshot wounds and knife wounds. There is a huge scar on the chest that runs from the left shoulder to the right abdomen. I don't know how many years old it is. In the era of lack of antibiotics and extreme lack of health conditions, it is a miracle to survive!

Of course, the most dazzling is the orderly rows of medals on the inside of the shirt, which is full of "stop! Stop it! Don't go any further! "

Those department personnel were crazy and rushed to the other side. As for brother Bao, Zhang Bin's brow was also suddenly wrinkled: "what old revolution can there be in the shanty town? If those who survived in those years would have lived in the sanatorium of the military region sooner or later, someone would have been waiting on them."

"Mr. Zhang, it's right to say that, but now people are pestling me in front of my car. I really dare not run over it!" Leopard elder brother opens a way.

Zhang Bin, brother Bao's fierce plagiarist, knows it. It seems that the situation at the scene is much more serious than he imagined.

"Well, let a few people take the old man away, and the demolition will go on as usual. I'll feel the old man's background later. That's it." Zhang Bin finished and hung up the phone.

It doesn't matter if the old man doesn't, if he can live in shantytowns for decades, he certainly has other secrets and no energy.

When the time comes, give him a two-story building alone, and then give him a million and eight hundred thousand plus nursing workers. Invite friends from the media to make a positive publicity. Together with them, Shengtian real estate can also brush a wave of reputation and wash away the negative image of the past.

People from different walks of life have different views on problems. Some of them only see troubles, but some of them can find a flash of interest from the seemingly crisis.

After getting Zhang Bin's instructions, brother Bao is also confident. At the moment, he asks several younger brothers to take old man Xue away by force. If he is young, let alone these bastards, even if he is twice as many, he can't get close to him.

But after all, he is old, old age, Qi and blood loss, where is the opponent of these young people, abruptly dragged away by a group of strong young people, can only issue a voice unwilling to roar, the hero is late, most of it is such pain!

People from the relevant departments on the side also acquiesced in this way, and even some people have thought of the follow-up.

Old immortality, fake medals and well-designed scams can be determined by finding some big V public numbers with rhythm.

If a lie is told a thousand times, it becomes a truth. Even if people still pay attention to it at the beginning, they will forget to be attracted by the next hot spot in three or five days.

Brother Bao was also satisfied with the scene, seeing that the old man had been blocked up and was about to take away. Then he waved his hand and said, "tear it down for me!"

Behind him came the roar of bulldozers, but just at this time, a Mercedes Benz "stabbed" and stopped at the scene, followed by a media broadcast car. A group of reporters quickly got out of the car with the master carrying the camera, capturing all kinds of first-hand pictures.

The demolished houses, the old people who were forcibly taken away and the residents who were crying silently, the demolition teams who threatened to delete the video images and the suspected personnel of a certain department, were conniving at the crime and accomplice, and even many reporters reported on the scene at the same time.

"Who told them to come! drive away! Get rid of them all! Smash their mobile cameras! Where's the riot team! Let the riot team come quickly Someone at the scene was giving orders, but he was so cold that he stumbled and broke his ankle.

In the noisy crowd, no one noticed that ye Mo took back his fingers with a smile. This is a complete break. If you don't want to rely on crutches for the rest of your life, you should be prepared to sit in a wheelchair every day!

The hyenas brought by brother leopard wanted to disperse the reporters, but there were five times as many powerful young men at the intersection. They didn't do anything and didn't take the guys with them. They rushed away the subordinates of brother leopard like a torrent.

Brother Bao knows that this is the other side's learning skill. He doesn't have weapons and doesn't have hands. It's useless for the riot team to come. Besides, before the riot team arrives at the scene, I'm afraid these people will die in an accidental stampede!

"You are cruel! Let's go! Let's go! I'll see how long you can be proud of it. Those who have seed will stay here sooner or later. No one will want to leave, or I will find a chance! " The situation is stronger than others, and brother Bao has to avoid the edge. It seems that if he wants to demolish the house smoothly, general manager Zhang has to move the upper class again.


After the crowd withdrew, there was no cheering but tears on the scene. This forced demolition has made them fully understand the reality.

Ye Mo was not interested in these people. Instead, he went to old man Xue and joked: "old man, you say you are too. It's difficult to find an organization. Even if your boss is no longer there, how many of those hairy boys in those years should still be alive? Just say hello, where are these things?"

Old man Xue's lips were wriggling. He didn't say a word after all. It seemed that there was something hard to say. Ye Mo didn't force him. He was really a pain in the neck!

Ye Mo took a picture of old man Xue's shoulder and left. It's not entirely empty handed. Dozens of videos taken from different angles by mobile phones on the scene were gathered together by Ye Mo, and then sent to major mainstream media one by one.

Jiangbei Municipal Bureau of technical personnel one by one said that the pressure is great, these videos simply can not be deleted, we Jiangbei when the emergence of such a master!

If the soft power doesn't work, let the hard power go out. But after checking, the IP of the video publisher is still in Nigeria. Where can they catch people!

"How long will it take to lock the other party's position?"

"This... The other party's IP is multi encrypted, so it will take more than a week to crack it?" The technicians said uncertainly.

For more than a week, the cauliflower is getting cold, but in a short period of time, the broadcast volume of these videos has reached a terrible number, and even Yanjing has been shocked.

But in only three or two hours, the deletion of posts, all kinds of crazy deletion of posts, all kinds of crazy harmony, and even the first hot search entry disappeared.

Originally, it may not cause too much sensation, but it is this large-scale deletion that leads to the extreme concern of public opinion on this event.

First hot search first, then a large number of delete posts, this is not the usual practice! As for the next step, it should be the official refutation of rumors.

"Good! Well done! You little comrades are very quick to respond Looking at all kinds of deleted posts and online questions, some people finally smile.

But the technicians were so confused that the posts were not deleted by us!

It was just at this time that the official website of Jiangbei municipal government issued a rumor that the old man named Xue Weiguo was not a veteran revolutionary at all, but an ordinary retired Porter of Chaosi factory, and even the proof materials of relevant departments were below.

Then Jiangbei municipal also followed the explosion, this is special! Who sent this post! We have never come forward to refute the rumor!

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