In the face of such a blatant hooligan, Bai Jie's face is also a burst of shame and anger, but due to each other's identity, there is no attack.

"Mr. Fang, we're here to talk to you about the sum of money that we paid years ago. Is it convenient for you now, Mr. Fang?" Bai Jie said as gently as possible.

Fang Zong's smile on his face became more prosperous when he heard this: "it's convenient! It would be more convenient if Miss Bai could have a long talk with me in a place where there is no one! "

Bai Jie couldn't help biting her lips when she heard this. Originally, she heard that Fang Zong was a rascal. Last time she met at the reception, they didn't have much contact with each other. At present, he is a complete rascal and rascal!

Seeing Bai Jie's face getting colder, president Fang said with a sneer, "Oh, how can I see that Miss Bai is not very happy? If you are not happy, there is nothing to talk about between us. Please go back."

All of a sudden under the guest order, even if Baijie again good temper, at this time also can't help but burst out.

"Mr. Fang, how can you say that you are also the boss of a listed company? You have not said anything after we have spent so long in our money. This should not be done by a gentleman!"

Fang Zong's face changed when he heard this and said, "Miss Bai, I'm not happy to hear what you say. Although it's natural for us to repay our debts, you have to understand our actual situation. I owe you money, but I'm really short of money. What can I do?"

"But you just bought a piece of land for hundreds of millions of dollars a few days ago!" Bai Jie argued.

Fang always heard this and said with a long smile: "I spent hundreds of millions, so I'm nervous now! When you come here, you should also see that these employees of our company play cards all day and have nothing to do.

It's really difficult for our company at the present stage. If you let me take out so much money, it's going to kill me. I'm really cornered. Maybe I'll jump out of here one day. "

In the face of such a rogue tone, Bai Jie can't help holding her fist. Finally, she realizes that she has lost her manners and softens her attitude now.

"Mr. Fang, we can understand your saying that you are in trouble, but you have to consider our new problems. If you really feel that you are in trouble, how about giving half first and changing the rest slowly." Bai Jie said.

Mr. Fang also sighed and said, "I'm not afraid of your jokes. I only have one million dollars in my company's account now, and I'm worried about how to pay the workers' wages next month. You really make me a little embarrassed."

When Bai Jie heard this, she couldn't find any words. She couldn't directly ask to check the other party's accounts. Besides, the other party really put all the accounts in front of her, and she couldn't see them for a while.

At this time, Mr. Fang took out a good attitude and said: "of course, Miss Bai can come to me personally. I can see that you are also a good employee who is conscientious and conscientious. I always appreciate people who work hard. I can't bear to see Miss Bai come back in vain.

How about this? I'll give you an idea. You owe me money in our business. I owe him a lot of money. I invited some business friends to dinner tonight, and they all owe me a lot of money.

It's just that I'm stupid and can't speak. I'll ask them directly. I'm not sure I'll be dragged away by them. I'm not as beautiful and eloquent as Miss Bai. Otherwise, you can help me persuade them tonight. I can swear to you that as soon as they return my money, I'll give you all I have left. What do you think? "

Bai Jie is really moved when she hears this. She has heard a lot of things about business from Li Yao, but just when she hesitates, ye Mo on the side of her directly interjects: "Mr. Fang, this is playing with us as rookies just out of school!

The money in business is not easy to recover. If you ask her to accompany you to attend the wine party, you will only drink a million to the bar. You will have to take it to the hotel after you get drunk?

The next day, I put on my pants. I'm afraid Mr. Fang has forgotten what he said today. Anyway, it's not a contract written in black and white. Besides, even if it's a contract written in black and white, you can always rely on it until now. Don't you think it's a fool to say it now? "

Bai Jie thinks that ye Mo's words are meant to be heard by herself. After the front always puts forward this, her heart has been shaken.

Thanks to her, she thought that this Fang Zong moved the heart of compassion, but did not expect that he moved the heart of lust!

Mr. Fang's face also changed suddenly when he heard this. If the male employees or the women with crooked appearance came to collect debts, he would let his subordinates fight directly. No matter what, all those who have a little beauty were taken down by him in the end.

In front of her, this woman is pretty pretty, and her figure is also very strong. It would be better if she could sleep for nothing, otherwise he would not spend time to receive two people to collect debts.

But ye Mo destroys his good deeds. At this time, Fang Zong even has the heart to kill. He saw clearly before. Bai Jie has been shaken. As long as he adds more strength, this woman will be taken by him tonight!

Seeing that the duck has been sent to her mouth, and Bai Jie has been alert, it's no use trying to get her into bed.

Mr. Fang put away his hypocritical face and said in a cold voice: "since you are so suspicious of someone in our party, we have nothing to say. Please go back!"

Ye Mo was happy to hear this: "I've seen shameless people, but it's the first time I've seen such shameless people. According to the rules of the road, if you don't pay your debts, you have to cut off your hands and feet. You can cut off one hand and foot for 200000 yuan. Fang Zong owes us tens of millions. I'm afraid you can't even cut you into meat paste!"

Fang always originally held back a belly of anger, and then heard this threat, he also angrily patted the table and said: "you dare to threaten me! You don't see what this is! Do you know how someone in our company started!

I really think you kids' tricks can scare me! You are still too young and naive! I'm not afraid to tell you that I have money, but I just don't pay it back. I see what you can do to me! "

With these words, Mr. Fang turned his eyes to Bai Jie and made a seven gesture: "as for Miss Bai, even if you help the company recover the money, how much commission can you get in the end? I have a better proposal here. Why don't you just change jobs and follow me.

I guarantee that you can earn this amount a year, and it's easy to work. Just accompany me out every three to five. I don't know what Miss Bai thinks. If you agree, I can write you a check for 100000 yuan now! "

Bai Jie's body trembled when she heard this, but she didn't expect that Fang Zong was shameless to such a degree. It was a blatant mouth to support her!

What's more, from the character he just showed, these promises are just empty promises. From the beginning, he didn't seriously consider paying the debt, but had lust!

Even if you stay with such a person for a second, Bai Jie will feel sick!

"Brother ye, it seems that we have come here for nothing today. We should not come here today with the attitude of friendly consultation, knowing that Fang is so shameless." Bai Jie said angrily.

On hearing this, Fang always laughed and said, "you're not the first or the last to say that I'm shameless. You're still a little girl with little experience.

When you live to my age, you will know that you have just missed a good opportunity to earn one million a year. How many people have never had such an opportunity in their lifetime.

In this age of laughing at the poor but not the prostitutes, it's really no shame to exchange your youth and body for money. Now you promise that I can still give you a million yuan. If you are old and drooping in another two years, even if you give it to me for nothing, I don't want it!

Of course, if you're embarrassed in front of outsiders, I can understand. If you think about it clearly, call me later. "

With these words, Mr. Fang lay back in his chair again and cocked his legs up. He took a big puff of his cigar and puffed out a lot of smoke. Don't be too arrogant.

Just then, there was a noise at the door of the office. Then the door opened, and the bastard who had brought them up before grabbed a swing stick in his hand. As for the black crowd behind him, it seemed that there were at least sixty or seventy people. All of them were open-ended guys, and the threat was obvious.

Bai Jie was also frightened to see this scene. Although she knew that Fang was always a social jerk, she didn't expect that he was so rampant.

Originally, she planned to see ye Mo how to repair the rogue who didn't pay his debts. Now she was afraid that ye Mo was impulsive and finally suffered a loss. Then she pulled Ye Mo's clothes and said, "brother ye, let's go. There are so many of them that we can't afford them."

Finally, Bai Jie lowered her voice, but she couldn't escape the general manager Fang's ears. General manager Fang then said with a smile, "if you know that you can't cause trouble, it means that you still have a little self-knowledge. If you can walk upright now, go away quickly. Otherwise, if you make such a fuss again, maybe two people will fall from the upstairs by mistake today!"

Mr. Fang's words are a very obvious signal. Those bastards outside show their hands one by one. It seems that they may rush in at any time and smash them. At least from this posture, no one will recognize that it's just a threat.

Bai Jie immediately said to Ye Mo, "brother ye, we'd better go. In case we really do it, it's only us who will suffer."

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