Although the alarm in the base was not touched, Jason was acutely aware that someone was sneaking in. He immediately felt his gun against the wall and wanted to walk to the door.

Just when he was out of the corridor, he saw a fierce team approaching him from a distance. These people were very fast, but they didn't make any noise. It felt like a hell soldier was passing by. Even if Jason never believed in ghosts, he felt numb when he saw this scene!

"Who are you! What are you doing? " Frightened, Jason couldn't help crying. He even forgot that he had a gun in his hand.

Just as his voice fell, a "bang" shot came, and then the alarm of the whole base was loud. It was obvious that someone had found these intruders, and then there was a slight sound, which was the sound of a small rush with a muffler. I was afraid that no one would survive in front of them in this round of greeting.!

"Foreign invasion! Attention, everyone There was a cry in the distance, followed by all kinds of explosions and dense gunfire. The sound should be from the guards in the base.

Jason is also a little relieved at the moment. After all, this is their general base, and the garrison force inside should not be underestimated. If these people sneak in, they may be able to do something, but once they are exposed, they will die!

However, the movement outside only lasted for more than two minutes, and then the whole base fell into a dead silence. Jason's heart also raised his voice. Originally, he was crawling in the ventilation duct and wanted to leave the base, but now he could only lie quietly, for fear that he would make a little noise and be noticed.

"What's going on now? What's going on in the base? Why is there no movement at all?" Jason's heart was full of fear. Even if there were some gunshots and voices at this time, he would not be so frightened as he is now.

There are thousands of resident personnel in the base. Even if a thousand pigs stand still and are killed by others, it will be a good time. What's more, they are all the elite mercenaries of hundred battles. Each of them has a gun in hand, so they will not be killed by the regiment in such a short time!

However, the silence around seemed to confirm this. He even suspected that he was the last survivor in the base!

Where did this mysterious army come from? What did they come here for? Looking around the world, there is another special force with such strength. In just a few minutes, it wiped out the army of thousands of them!

Suddenly for a moment, Jason's body suddenly froze, and his face became very ugly. Obviously, he thought of a possibility!

They are also top mercenaries all over the world. Even they have dealt with the special forces of the big powers in the world. Over the years, everyone has been injured. Their actual combat ability is still above them!

Now there is only one explanation. This sudden army comes from the core army of warwolves. Looking at the whole world, only they have such crushing strength!

"It's over! It must be the one who has been exposed. At the moment, the war wolf is trying to wipe out the rebellion and get rid of it all! " Jason swallowed a mouthful of foam hard. If it's other troops, he can risk his life to break out. But if it's the core army of wolves, let alone risk his life to break out, as long as he dares to show up, he will die!

Now he is shrinking in the ventilation duct, and he doesn't know when he will be found. It's impossible to say that the other party will give up the search and leave. As for how long he can survive, it depends on his character!

It turns out that Jason's character is not up to standard. After confirming that there is no living room around, the wolf immediately takes out the heat sensor and sweeps around. The high-precision instrument clearly detects a human heat source in a ventilation duct.

"What's the boy thinking? He thinks it's safe to hide in the ventilation duct. How can he be so naive? You guys, find him out for me!" Ordered the wolf.

The same scene also happens in the bases of other peripheral legions. One is that the core legion of the wolf is really elite. The other is that the peripheral Legion is stationed outside all the year round. The number of standing soldiers in the base is limited. Without absolute advantage in the number of soldiers, it can't stop the attack of the core legion of the wolf.

The news of Yuan Kun's Fu Zhu didn't leak out. Some of the conspirators are now holding a small group meeting in Laoshen to discuss how Raymond should act after he comes back from the mercenary conference. If they can get some forces hostile to the war wolves as allies, it will undoubtedly help them to succeed in the future!

However, just when they were sketching the future together, suddenly a fully armed younger brother rushed in. Rao Shi, all of you here are cruel people who are used to big storms. When you rashly saw a man rushing in with a gun, you were scared!

"You are going to die! What a flustered system One of them immediately knew that this guy was his bodyguard, and a beating heart finally eased down.

The younger brother saw that everyone's faces were half nervous and half trying to keep calm. He also knew that he almost got into trouble by accident.

But the situation was critical, and the little brother had no time to think about other things. He cried directly: "the boss is not good. Some foreign enemies are attacking here and are killing us. Seeing the brothers outside, they will not be able to withstand it!"

As soon as this remark came out of the scene, it exploded. Those guys are really flustered at the moment. This is the territory of the war wolf. If you look at any army in the world who has the courage and strength to break through, the only explanation is that it is the core army of the war wolf who has taken the initiative to wave a butcher's knife at them!

Originally, they were both war wolves, and there was no reason for fratricidal. Now, there is no need to assassinate them. They directly brought the army to kill them blatantly. Obviously, their conspiracy has been revealed!

At the critical moment of life and death, human nature could not stand the test at all. One of them yelled directly at the leader: "Tian Zhiguang, did you sell us! You traitor

The leader of the field was angry when he heard this, and then he scolded: "don't be a bloody mouthpiece, please use your brain, we are grasshoppers on a rope now, how can I sell you!"

"It's hard to say. Maybe you're trying to break into our group deliberately. This time we're invited to have a meeting on your site to sell us to the wolves and give us our heads as a gift. You're really bold!" Cried another.

With these two leaders, the atmosphere of the conference room also changed dramatically. Although they didn't carry weapons before entering the room, they were not bad at Kung Fu alone. They were absolutely confident that they would kill him before he went out. Even if there was a little brother with a gun on the side, they couldn't save him!

Seeing these people fall into a crazy state and look at themselves with red eyes one by one, Tian Zhiguang suddenly gets nervous and shouts before these people rush up: "you all calm down. If I really want to sell you, why do I need to be informed? Can I take you down with the help of the power of the warwolf army in my territory?"

It seems that they are really exposed, but how did the warwolves get the news? Or did they have doubts since Wang Jianhui was attacked and wait for Raymond to go out!

There is no doubt about the strength of the core legion of warwolves. These people in the base can't stop them for long. At present, the only thing they can rely on is themselves. As long as they can escape from here, they are boundless.

However, they also know that once they leave with their own mercenary regiment, they will not even have a legal seat in the mercenary world. Once they are found, they will only be exterminated and divided up. However, they are better than waiting to die!

Originally, all of them were inseparable allies. Now we all know that from this moment on, their allies no longer exist. In the future, when they meet in the underground world, they may even be competitors. They clearly know that Tian Guangzhi didn't sell them, but they still don't show mercy.

"God knows if it's your bitter plan. In case we miss the net, you'll have to be careful for the rest of your life. At present, it's just for fear of revenge in the future." One of them said coldly.

All the people in the room were active in their thoughts. When they heard this, they responded and echoed: "it's really a good calculation. If none of us gets away, I'm afraid you'll change your face immediately. Tian Guangzhi, no matter how you hide it, you can't deceive me. Let's write down today's calculation for the time being, and we'll make a good calculation in the future!"

Then the guy grabbed a chair, smashed the glass and jumped down. Other people, like others, quickly retreated from here. Later, they met. They were all black families in the mercenary world. If they wanted to survive, they had to compete with each other for the few living spaces. Before they left, they put down these words to define things, in order to have a reason for future trouble.

Of course, the premise of all this is that they can or leave here. If they want to escape the capture of the core legion of wolves, they don't have the confidence.

Fortunately, they also have their own security forces in the headquarters, and sacrifice these people to gain the necessary time for them. This is their only chance of survival!

Seeing a group of people leave, Tian Guangzhi is also extremely anxious. Originally, he wanted to jump down with them, but his own team is here. It's hard to say whether a person can escape from the territory of the wolf. More importantly, if he really abandons the team's team here, his Corps will be completely abandoned!

"You can't abandon your brothers. You have to take them out with you." Tian Zhiguang also saw the situation clearly, and then asked the younger brother, "did you see who led the team this time?"

The younger brother quickly said: "boss, it seems that Nie Yi is flying wolf. He is also carrying the legitimate troops of war wolves. I see the flying Wolf Totem printed on their uniforms."

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