Come to the special trainer

Chapter 195: Dance of Broken Flowers

Near the Friendly Store in the east of the Quartz Alliance, he just briefly watched the battle on the broadcast screen. After Xiao Hutao told her feelings about the battle between master and apprentice, and how the apprentice won, Xiao Yin couldn't help but froze.

Recalling the circumstances of his childhood and the inexplicable situation, for him, the so-called master-disciple relationship did not exist at all, and there was only endless pain.

Just when he turned around and left, intending to continue tracking, the word "Error" popped up on the information interface about Yan Emperor's tracking, and it also made a sound.

"Damn it, why is there a malfunction?" Xiao Yin couldn't help but complain, because the tracking system could still be used before.

At this time, an old man wearing glasses hugged Casey and said, "That's because Emperor Yan has been subdued."

"What?" Xiao Yin turned around and asked angrily: "Who are you? When did you start staying here?"

The old man wearing glasses turned around and said calmly: "Oh, don't be so excited. I'm here to give you a piece of advice."

"If you are tired of fighting and want to go home, then let my Casey use teleportation to send you home, okay?"

Xiaoyin couldn't help but shed a cold sweat on his forehead when he heard this, and then said: "Are you kidding? I still have important things to do."

"I'm not kidding, what I just said has come true~" Casey, with his uncle's eyes, stretched out his hands, forming one telekinesis circle after another, and wrapped them around Xiao Yin's body.

The imprisoned Xiao Yin was able to quickly realize that this was a teleportation skill. He was about to struggle but was stopped by Casey's tail just as he was about to take out the Pokmon Ball.

"I understand, you are also a subordinate of the Masked Man, right? In that case, you are also my enemy!" Xiao Yin, who struggled hard, was furious at this moment.

As long as they are the Masked Man's men, they will be knocked to the ground no matter what.

"Don't say that. How can I be your enemy? I am your companion."

Under Xiao Yin's surprised gaze, the old man wearing glasses began to melt his face and said: "No matter when or where you are, I will always be your only companion."

"Why do you do this? Tell me, Sister Xiao Lan, tell me!" Xiao Yin, who was too shocked to react, missed the opportunity and could only use his mouth to ask struggling questions.

Xiaolan hugged the Variety Monster and said softly: "I'm sorry, Xiaoyin. Take care of yourself. Goodbye."

The last mental trap was trapped on Xiao Yin, and a powerful superpower light rushed into the sky from the friendly store, and Xiao Yin was teleported to other towns.

After turning the Variety Monster into a white glove and putting it on her hand, Xiao Lan showed a firm gaze.

Xiao Yin suffered in the past. She had been working alone and would not hesitate to accept orders in order to improve herself. Now she decided to take over the baton and completely destroy the nightmare of these nine years.

On her communication device, the map showed Tonglin Forest.

Li Jia, who was sitting on the player's seat, looked worried: "Xia Bo, your body..."

The oldest gym trainer in the Kanto region and the longest-serving gym trainer. He is engaged in both natural ecological research and scientific research and development, and has also worked for Team Rocket.

In recent years, my body has been overloaded with work, especially during the Battle of the Four Heavenly Kings last year. I heard Xiao Huang talking about Xia Bo falling to the ground exhausted.

"We must go all out for this game. As long as we win the Kanto region, the game will end early."

"Li Jia, the leader of the Kanto region, versus Liu Bo, the leader of the Johto region, the game begins!" With Xiao Hutao's announcement, the two stepped onto the battlefield.

Uncle Liu sent out the little wild boar with a gentle look on his face, letting it flop around freely on the battlefield.

Lijia held the super ball tightly and released the beautiful flowers and said respectfully: "Please give me more advice."

"Where is it? Please give me some advice." Uncle Liu said with a peaceful look, squinting his eyes.

Li Jia put her right hand on the collar of her clothes and said softly: "Let me introduce myself. In addition to teaching at Yuhong University, I am also responsible for teaching tea ceremony and archery in the dojo, and of course ikebana."

Beautiful flowers swayed on the field and danced gracefully.

"The most important thing about ikebana is to be natural and careless. Movements that are too artificial will harm the flowers."

Liu Bo's eyes suddenly widened because the sky was filled with flying flowers.

Behind the flowers, Lijia said naturally: "The most important thing is that it is natural and casual, just like Pokémon battles."

Under the graceful dance, as the petals of the beautiful flower swayed, the petals gradually came together to form a brand new flower that bloomed on the battlefield.

The little boar's nose suddenly moved a few times, and it rushed towards the place where the fragrance of flowers was strongest. On its path, every flower caused severe damage to it.

Abi on the side couldn't help but exclaimed: "Oh no, Flower Dance can also create a barrier while attacking, and it also makes good use of the little mountain pig's sensitivity to smell."

Hua Petal's attack did not stop at all. Lijia did not give her opponent any chance. Now that she knew the weakness, she had to continue attacking.

The stage is set, and Shuttlecock appears now to inflict a large-scale abnormal status on the opponent.

The replacement shuttlecock flower immediately emitted a large amount of yellow powdery gas from its buds.

Uncle Liu, who was sitting quietly in his wheelchair, tapped the ground a few times with his crutch.

The little boar opened his eyes wide and headed in another direction. After successfully dodging several petal attacks, he spat out a large amount of fine snow in front of him.

The bullets were like hitting targets, shattering every petal with great accuracy, and a few snow particles passed through the flowers and hit the shuttlecock's head.

The shuttlecock flower, which was still full of energy, suddenly fell to the ground, and the petals on its head became wilted.

However, Lijia was already prepared. She decisively let the shuttlecock continue to control the petal dance while also using photosynthesis.

The weather outside is sunny, and the sun's energy is the most abundant at this moment. The beautiful flowers dancing just now were also performing a prayer ceremony to the sun to gather more solar energy.

The flowers that had withered began to bloom again.

This is her plan, an integrated offensive and defensive skill built from Petal Dance. Shuttlecock relies on sufficient solar energy to recover its physical strength.

No matter how many times she attacks, UU Reading she can remain undefeated, and her opponent's Pokémon can easily be dragged into the endless abyss by her.

The rotating flowers were still accelerating. Nazi opened her eyes in the audience and said: "The temperature is not right, Li Jia is going to lose."

Uncle Liu's originally squinted eyes widened. He didn't expect that someone on the other side would also see the problem.

Lijia soon discovered that the petals stopped rotating. In her astonished eyes, the petals fell on the battlefield like ice on the water breaking into pieces.

Shuttlecock Flower's head was covered with a thick layer of ice.

"How is that possible!" The other gym trainers in the audience all showed incredulous expressions.

Nazhi casually took out a shuriken from Ah Xing's pocket, used her super power to spin it, and then tapped the front a few times with a blue pen.

Ah Xing reacted immediately: "Xixue was stuck in front, and Miss Lijia was subconsciously ignored because she was standing in the back."

"Because of the rotation problem, the shuttlecock standing behind is constantly controlling the petal dance. It's okay for a short time, but once it gets longer, it turns into a cooling fan."

Nazi could not help but nodded and said: "So after using photosynthesis, you should stop fighting immediately. With this kind of offensive and defensive skills, it is easy to ignore the front that cannot be seen in your own field of vision."

Uncle Liu on the stage also smiled and said: "You said it was natural and inadvertent, right, and my attack is also very natural, just like the snow in winter, it falls suddenly and in accordance with the season."

"I'm a little complacent, sorry!" Liu Bo laughed and touched his head.

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