Comeback 1992

Chapter 507: full of confidence

  Chapter 507 full of confidence

  Finally, Wang Huicheng agreed to hold a meeting to discuss the matter of granting more land to Xinghai Group; the result was that there was no problem in giving Xinghai Group new land. After all, the Xinghai Group didn't mean that they wouldn't pay, but that they wanted a lot of land, which was a bit big at one time.

   New plots can be given, but Rongcheng also has requirements, that is, Xinghai Group must complete the development and construction of the current 5,000 mu of land before granting new plots.

  The city plans to use the Xinghai Group's 5,000-acre land plot as an opportunity to attract other investors to realize the development of the city together.

  The land in the south will be reserved for future development needs of Xinghai Group.

  Of course, this reserved time is up to five years.

  After five years, if Xinghai Group doesn’t want it, then the land will be sold to others.

  Xinghai Group has invested heavily in the southern suburbs, which has increased the land price in Rongcheng a lot.

  Xiangjiang, Han Songlin came here for the second time.

  Okay, Ying Zhao’s words sounded a bit unpleasant.

   This time it was Han Songlin who came to Xiangjiang on his own initiative, yes, he came on his own initiative.

  Because THC Investment has officially completed the acquisition of Star Corporation, it is now the absolute controlling shareholder of Star Corporation.

  In Star Corporation, the shares of people like Zhang Rujing have not been moved by THC Investment.

  The main reason for coming to Xiangjiang this time is because it is not convenient for Han Songlin to go to Baodao.

  So I made an appointment with Zhang Rujing to have a meeting here in Xiangjiang.

  Zhang Rujing also wants to meet THC people.

   SDA was acquired without making any noise, which surprised Zhang Rujing who had just heard the news.

  How could it be like this!

  His career in SDA has not really started yet, is it coming to an end?

  Thinking of this made Zhang Rujing quite uncomfortable.

   "Hello, Dr. Zhang!"

  Zhang Rujing looked at the pair of young men and women with some doubts. Is this the person I want to meet today?

  Born, but handsome.

  In terms of handsomeness, he was not bad when he was young.

   THC investment is financial capital; although financial capital and industrial capital both have the name of capital, there are many internal contradictions.

   To a certain extent, financial capital and industrial capital are unlikely to meet.

   Those who play finance can make more money than those who play industry.

  I have never heard that industrial capital is going to finance, but I have never heard that financial capital is going to industry.

   "Oh, hello!" What Zhang Rujing thought in his heart didn't seem so important at this moment.

   Now that SDA has been acquired, it is already a fact. If he does not want to give up his hard work during this period, it is absolutely important to reach a good intention with THC investment.

   After introducing each other, after sitting down, the two sides fell into a brief silence.

  Han Songlin raised his cup and drank tea, and looked at Tang Yan; she looked radiant now.

  Seeing this, the corner of Han Songlin's mouth twitched slightly.

  Tang Yan: "Dr. Zhang, we are very optimistic about the future development of semiconductors, and we are especially optimistic about the future of Star Semiconductor after you join us. We only acquired Star because of you!"

  Zhang Rujing was stunned. He is not someone who only knows how to do research.

   Otherwise, it will not be said that it can be responsible for the establishment of Texas Instruments' factories around the world.

  From what they said, Zhang Rujing heard that this should support him.

   Moreover, listening to their accents, they are not from Xiangjiang people.

  Thinking of the domestic invitation to him in the past, Zhang Rujing couldn't help but feel moved.

  After resigning from the United States, Zhang Rujing wanted to establish a semiconductor industry in the mainland; he joined SDA for the purpose of promoting SDA to build factories in the mainland.

  Born in Yingtian, Zhang Rujing followed his parents to Baodao before he could remember, but under the education of his mother, he still has a deep affection for Huaguo.

  Zhang Rujing wanted to ask if they were official people, but he thought about it: "Are you mainlanders?"

  Han Songlin looked at Zhang Rujing's expression, and was slightly taken aback, realizing that he seemed to have misunderstood something.

"Dr. Zhang, let me introduce myself formally. I am the owner of Xinghai Group. Xinghai Group is the largest private enterprise in Huaguo. We firmly believe that technology creates the future. We invest more than 10 billion yuan in research and development throughout the year, and every year are still increasing.”

  The annual investment in research and development exceeded 10 billion, which surprised Zhang Rujing a little.

   Ten billion, converted into US dollars, it is only more than a billion.

  In the United States, investing more than one billion dollars a year in research and development is really nothing.

   But you must know that this is a Chinese company.

   "I just want Dr. Zhang to know that we are serious about developing the semiconductor industry. We will fully support Dr. Zhang's development plan."

  At this moment, Zhang Rujing was greatly relieved.

   It turned out that he was one of us.

  Then there will be no problem with his plan to build a factory in the mainland.

   Next, Han Songlin invited Zhang Rujing to build a factory in Rongcheng; Han Songlin also told Zhang Rujing that there are some advantages of building a factory in Rongcheng. First of all, Rongcheng is the headquarters of Xinghai Group and can get a lot of policy support.

  It can be said that there will be no restrictions on building a factory in Rongcheng.

   Moreover, there are many colleges and universities in Chengdu, which can provide enough talents for the construction of factories.

   Zhang Rujing couldn't help being moved when he heard about it.

  If you can get full local support, then the factory will naturally be built much faster.

  Xinghai Group's strength is now recognized by Zhang Rujing.

   Let’s talk about THC investment. Before coming here, Zhang Rujing asked someone to check it out.

  THC Investment is a newly emerging financial investment company that played a bad role in the Asian financial crisis.

  If Quantum Fund is the banner of hot money, then THC investment seems to be the biggest follower behind this banner.

  After Han Songlin knew that Tang Yan and the others had made such a big commotion, he quickly sent more than a dozen bodyguards from China.

   Protect Chen Xin and Tang Yan well.

  At the same time, Han Songlin was also rejoicing that Xinghai Group's investment in THC was held by an offshore company registered in the Cayman Islands.

   Otherwise, something must be wrong.

   Han Songlin also asked Tang Yan about the big commotion about THC investment, what was the reason?

  Tang Yan’s answer is also very simple. In the financial market, this is a place where people can eat people without seeing their bones. If you want to avoid being eaten, you can only become a giant crocodile in the market, and you have no other choice.

  Even giant crocodiles, as long as their weaknesses are exposed, they will have to face the attacks of a large group of carnivores.

  The market is just that big, killing a giant crocodile is enough for all the carnivores in the market to eat.

  THC wants to hide, but it can't hide anymore.

   Because you are big enough, everyone will notice you.

  Since you can't hide it, then just come out openly.

   "Dr. Zhang, we will be a family in the future. The future of Huaguo Semiconductor will be created by us together."

  Zhang Rujing also had a smile on his face. This trip to Xiangjiang has gained a lot.

  Before, Zhang Rujing had been worried about the funding problem, but now it will no longer be a problem.

   With the support of THC, there is no need to worry about funds.

  (end of this chapter)

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