Comeback 1992

Chapter 525: Daoguang

  Chapter 525 Qidao Daguang

  As a person engaged in scientific research, this research funding is a very tangled matter in everyone's mind. In order to obtain research funds every year, it is more tiring than doing research.

  Since entering the Star Academy, they have never had to worry about research funding or anything.

  Directly hand in the funding application report, as fast as one day, as slow as three days, and will definitely give a clear answer.

   Whether you have applied for funding or not, and what is the reason for not being approved, these will be explained by a dedicated person.

  If you fail to apply for a grant and feel that the research you applied for is very important, you can write an explanatory report and submit it.

  This report will be resubmitted to the master, and will be truly seen by the master. Because the previous application may be handled by the academic secretary in charge of the school.

   Feedback after a week, no matter the result.

  If you are not satisfied with the result, you can apply to the chief.

   Even applied directly to Han Songlin.

  Of course, generally everyone will not apply for a report to Han Songlin.

  Although Han Songlin is the boss, everyone thinks that Han Songlin makes a lot of money and knows nothing about scientific research.

   Reporting to Han Songlin to get research funding, I lost face.

  So now I am asking Han Songlin directly for research funding alone.

  Although no one said anything, they felt that this person was not very good.

  In the evening, Han Songlin held a banquet in the banquet hall of the Fuller Hotel to entertain the people who came from afar.

  When Fuller Hotel was designed, it was not only designed as an accommodation hotel, but also as a banquet hotel.

  The entire Le Chi Fule Hotel occupies a very large area, and the banquet and accommodation are separated from each other. Of course, as for the gate, one still enters through the gate.

   One to the left and one to the right.

   There are walls in the middle, and there are door openings between the walls.

   Realize the connection between banquet and accommodation.

  In addition, there are corridor bridges between the buildings, so that even in rainy days, walking around the hotel will not get wet.

  The banquet hall of the Fuller Hotel does not refer to one building, but a place composed of several buildings, in the form of a hall, a middle hall, and a small hall.

  The small hall belongs to the type of family gathering, with only three or five tables.

  The middle hall belongs to the company dinner party, and it can accommodate ten tables.

  As for the lobby, it can be done according to the situation, from twenty to thirty tables to a hundred tables.

  Fuller Hotel opened in the orchestra pool, and quickly became the first choice for family gatherings, inviting guests and friends, wedding and birthday parties, etc.

  Before the official opening of the meal, it is natural to have a speech.

   "You know what I'm thinking right now?"

  After Han Songlin came to power, the first sentence was a little confusing?

  Who knows what you're thinking?

  Lin Wei kowtowed melon seeds, and when she heard Han Songlin's words, she knew that he was going to run the train again.

   "Looking at everyone here, I have an idea now, our team is already so strong!"

  After a brief silence, laughter could not help but everyone looked at each other and laughed.

   Yes, the team is already so strong.

  Many people came to Xinghai Group and entered Xingchen Academy, many of them came because of the goals of Xinghai Group and the entire corporate culture.

  Of course, the treatment of Xinghai Group is also a very important factor; this factor is definitely not the main factor, everyone is ashamed to talk about money.

  At this time in Huaguo, it is very rare to find a place where you can do pure research with peace of mind.

  In Star Academy, you can do research with peace of mind, don't worry about anything, just do research in the laboratory.

   When it comes to meetings, many people subconsciously refuse.

  Because meeting is a very annoying thing, especially the smelly and long meeting, it is a kind of mental torture for the couple.

  As for this Star Conference, everyone is delighted to hear about it.

   "I heard that there is a saying in the current scientific community that we have three academies in Huaguo, the Chinese Academy of Sciences, the Huagong Academy, and our Star Academy."

  Whether this statement exists in the scientific community, Han Songlin is not sure, anyway, there are such statements on the Internet.

  Han Songlin is also actively promoting this kind of saying.

   Whether the theory of the Three Courts is true or not is not important; the important point is that if more people say it, it will become a fact.

   Let’s talk about World War II. Now you think that battle was the turning point of World War II?

   Could it be that the D-Day landings came to mind in an instant? Then I felt that World War II seemed to be the biggest contribution of the United States.

   But more than ten years ago, in people's minds, there was a consensus on the turning point of World War II, and it was the Battle of Stalingrad.

  It has only been more than ten years, and people's perception of history has changed so much?

   I have to say that Hollywood is indeed quite strong in terms of publicity.

  The current strength of the Star Academy is definitely not comparable to that of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Huagong Academy.

   But as long as the theory of Huaguo Sanyuan continues, when people mention Huake Academy, they will think of Huagong Academy and Star Academy.

  Be famous early.

  After gaining fame and raising a great banner, heroes from all over the world will naturally rush to vote.

  At this time, the Xingchen Academy is quite attractive compared to the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Chinese Academy of Engineering.

   After all, Star Academy is very good in terms of remuneration and sufficient research funds. As for management, it is also quite flexible.

  A unit with flexible management, everyone likes to be there.

   "Speaking of which, our Star Academy is the weakest one!"

   Weak chicken?

  You don't think so.

  In the Xingchen Academy, there can be academicians from the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Chinese Academy of Engineering.

   But even they can only be academicians in the Star Academy, and it is not easy to become the head of the Academy.

  What is the director, the director is a leader in the field of scientific research.

  According to the constitution of the Star Institute, the chief is elected every four years and nominated by all academicians.

  Each academician can nominate multiple candidates, among which the top three nominees officially become chief scientist candidates.

  The three candidates will give a short canvassing speech. After the speech, the voting will begin.

   Get half of the votes to be elected chief scientist.

  If none of the three candidates get more than half of the votes, the one with the lowest number of votes is eliminated; a re-vote is conducted with two candidates.

   As for the head of the academy, one is elected every two years, and the rules are the same as the selection of the chief.

  Under normal circumstances, if you want to become the chief, you must first become the head of the academy.

  Not even being in charge of the academy, how to become the chief, how to convince the public.

  Really, in the Star Academy, if you want to be elected, you must rely entirely on your strength to fight for it.

  "At the moment, we are still weak compared to the international academies of science; we need more like-minded friends to join us. At this time, although we are weak, we are like the rising sun, with great light;"

  The Academy of Stars has just been established, but even so, the Academy of Stars is already contributing to the development of the country.

  So, everyone naturally applauded.

  Han Songlin did not ramble too much, he knows that everyone is very concerned about this year's research and development funding.

   "This year, after deducting dividends, Xinghai Group still has a net profit of 7.2 billion. 2 billion is left as the group's future business development funds, and the remaining 5.2 billion funds are all used as this year's research and development budget."

  5.2 billion R&D budget!

  (end of this chapter)

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