Comeback 1992

Chapter 619: star cup

  Chapter 619 Star Cup

   Let's talk about it! Li Guangnan couldn't help being dumbfounded, the boss didn't treat these people as human beings.

   In this regard, Li Guangnan also understood that Han Songlin's last battle, as long as he thought it was the enemy's, it was normal for him to treat it improperly.

  As for how Li Guangnan knew that Han Songlin had been on the battlefield, and that he was also a very powerful soldier, the legendary king of soldiers.

   This is thanks to the young people in the laboratory.

  The news about Han Songlin spread all over the sky.

   It's normal, everyone wants to know what kind of person the boss is.

   The person who doesn't want to play for himself is a good person anyway.

   Moreover, the entire Xinghai Group is too special. Some people who have been to other research institutes feel very surprised after entering the Star Academy.

   Star Academy has many requirements, but all the requirements are to create a good scientific research environment for everyone.

   And in terms of remuneration, Star Academy is too high.

  Students who have just entered the Xingchen Academy, deducting social security, medical insurance, and food expenses a month, can get more than 3,000 yuan.

  As for the overhead, normally, there is no overhead.

  The electricity bill in the dormitory, as well as the heating fee, and the property fee.

   Living in the dormitory is free, such as TV sets, there must be some, and they are all configured.

   For scientific researchers, singles are treated as one room per person, and those with families are at least two rooms and one living room.

  The houses of Sunshine Real Estate also have a discount for scientific researchers, who can get a 10% discount.

  The house is a bit expensive, but the house in Sunshine Real Estate is really good. It is also a good thing to have a house in the city.

   And you can also take bank mortgage loans.

  The main bank is the People's Bank.

  For the bank, the scientific researchers of the Star Institute are very high-quality customers.

   High income, most importantly, stable job.

  A good customer like this, the bank just sits and makes money.

  Speaking of which, Fumanduo Supermarket has transferred a lot of accounts to the People's Bank, which has greatly increased the capital adequacy of the People's Bank.

   After eating, everyone went back to the house to rest. In the afternoon, it was time for everyone to socialize.

  Communicate academic issues in private.

   On the second day, the star meeting officially started, and this year's star meeting still has cameras.

  The entire Star Conference was broadcast live by Jiangzhong TV Station.

  As for why there was no live broadcast on Shuchuan TV?

   Well, it’s not yet this time, there are recordings and broadcasts.

  Compared to last year, this year has a very important change. The waitress is no longer a hotel person, but a star.

   For those present, they didn't notice such a change at all.

   I was surprised that the person serving the plate was pretty, but I didn't feel anything.

   Didn't know it at all.

   On the contrary, this year's new star award selection, everyone is looking forward to it.

  With prizes, one thing is naturally indispensable, and that is trophies.

  The star trophy has also been specially designed. The handle of the trophy is divided into two sections. The upper section is carved with three ancient statues of three emperors: Youchao, Suiren, and Zhisheng.

  The lower part is carved with statues of five emperors on five sides: Taihao (Fuxi), Yandi (Shennong), Huangdi, Shaohao, Zhuanxu.

  Why Yao and Shun were not chosen, this has to be explained, because some of the records in "Bamboo Book Chronicles" are unacceptable, but they are in line with human nature.

  The top of the trophy is a ball, which looks like the earth.

  A golden dragon coils around the ball.

  I didn’t say the meaning, but Han Songlin knew that Huaguo is a dragon!

  The planet is the earth, which also means the stars, because the sky is full of stars, and they are all round (ellipse).

   On the base of the trophy, there are cloud patterns.

  The entire trophy is made of gold, and the most outstanding gold craftsmen in China are found to make it.

  Who designed the trophy?

  Naturally, it is Han Songlin. The whole big idea was created by Han Songlin. As for the specific design perfection, it is done by a special designer.

   "Everyone, please stand up, and now Li Guangnan, the chief scientist of the Star Science and Technology Research Institute, is invited to take the stage!"

   "Meet the chief!"

  All bowed and saluted, this salute is only for the chief scientist!

  Li Guangnan stood in the center of the stage and saluted everyone.

  Wen Yue also saluted to Li Guangnan, and after noticing that Li Guangnan had finished saluting: "After the salute, everyone, please sit down again!"

   "Now the chief announces to everyone the list of academicians promoted this year."

  Wen Yue signaled the audience to come up.

  Fan Bingbao was a little nervous. Now she is considered a star, but everyone knows what a star is.

  Regardless of male and female celebrities, they are just playthings in front of the rich.

  Fan Bingbao is very clear about this, she has seen too many scenes like this.

   Just like now, she is a star outside, but she is just a person who handles the show.

  In the wooden tray in Fan Bingbao's hands, there are more than a dozen exquisitely shaped envelopes, with a line of golden words on the cover: Xingchen Science and Technology Research Institute.

   And each envelope represents a promoted name.

  Li Guangnan picked up the envelope from the tray and stood in front of the microphone with a smile on his lips: "I wrote down a lot of names last night. I don't know how many people can be promoted today."

   There is no quota limit for the promotion of academicians of Star Academy.

   As long as you are recognized by many academicians, you can be promoted.

  Li Guangnan's words made all the academicians in the audience laugh.

  But it made those who had the chance to be promoted a little nervous.

  Jia Yuanliang exhaled lightly. Even though he had been promoted to be an academician of Xingchen last year, he still felt nervous when faced with this list.

  Compared to when the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Chinese Academy of Engineering were promoted, they could still gain relationships. For the promotion of the Star Academy, they didn’t know how to do so.

  It’s okay not to seek relationships, but once you take the initiative to seek relationships, people will feel that you don’t have confidence.

  Why do you lack self-confidence?

   Only weak people will use this method to increase their chances of promotion.

   "Let's take a look, the person who got the first promotion today is, congratulations Zhang Jialin!" Li Guangnan smiled and applauded, and the people who came to this meeting also applauded.

"Zhang Jialin, male, born in 1968, majored in materials science... He realized the preparation of graphene for the first time, proving that graphene exists naturally in nature..." Wen Yue's clear voice spread among the applause, and at the scene It might be hard to hear, but for the people in front of the TV, Wen Yue's voice is very clear.

   Also, Secretary Wen’s voice is very nice!

   By the way, what exactly is graphene?

   "Teacher, what is graphene?"

  Today, all the schools in Jiangzhong organized to watch the star meeting.

   Teachers of all subjects are required to watch it with the students in the classroom. As for writing impressions after watching it, it is strictly prohibited.

  What is graphene?

  The subject teachers all looked at the physics teacher. This thing should be your physics thing.

  The physics teacher said that he was ashamed, but he didn't know!

   "This, the teacher doesn't know either. Graphene is the most cutting-edge research in the Star Institute. Let me check the information and tell everyone later!"

  (end of this chapter)

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