Time to go back to this morning.

There were still only three people in the office at that time.

Apart from the cute girl, Wang Yue Wakka, who was practicing her swordsmanship at the martial arts dojo.

Wang Xiaomeng was just sitting in the renovated reception room reading the newspaper.

Of course, there was nothing that could be done about it.

This time period's technology, not to mention computers.

Even a smartphone hasn't been invented yet, and you still want to experience life.

Wash up and sleep.

Vitoliga was not bored anyway.

He spent the whole day reading with a book in his arms.

Until it was almost ten o'clock when a woman came in through the front door.

"Excuse me, is this the detective agency?"


Wang Xiaomeng looked at the woman in front of him, the other was wearing a formal dress and had a very tall figure.

Although it was that much shorter than Wang Xiaomeng, it was overall pretty good.


Wang Xiaomeng nodded and looked at the other woman waiting for the woman's next words.

"Since that's the case, I'll make it simple, my name is Zenhi Yagaku, and we'll be holding an event over there tomorrow, but ......"

Accord fished an envelope out of his bag and placed it on the table.

"I have returned and awakened from death, and your ugliness is like a corpse dissected with no privacy, at the beginning of the month ...... wishes you, happy holidays."


"Murder preview?"

Wang Xiaomeng was shocked by the message on it when she saw the letter.

How could it look like the words written by a person who had a middle-aged disease?


Accord nodded with a hesitant face and said, "It's something that happens on our island, every year people die at the beginning of the month, of course, they all die a bit ...... strange."

"And this letter will be sent the day before the event every year."

Wang Xiaomeng picked up the letter and read it for a while and said, "So you want me to help you catch the murderer?"


Accord nodded, "And ...... don't tell anyone about you guys being detectives yet."

Saying that, Accord handed over a check.

Well, the amount on it was also satisfactory to Wang Xiaomeng.

Apart from the money, so many days finally someone entrusted him to do something.


Because the next day they were going to go on a long trip.

Wang Xiaomeng gave the keys to Vibaozi.

Originally, Wang Xiaomeng was planning to take Victoria Plus out with her.

However, Wibaozi said that she shouldn't call out to her for boat rides and such.

Hearing Vibaozi say that, Wang Xiaomeng also seemed to have remembered something terrible.

He seems to be seasick ah fuck!


On a certain speedboat.

"Are you sure you're okay, Wong Sang?"

Accord wanted to pass his handkerchief to Wang Xiaomeng.

But hesitated for a moment or didn't hand it out.

"You can't."

A yawning voice sounded from the side.

Mouri Kogoro was there in his everlasting blue suit over a yellow life jacket, looking at Wang Xiaomeng.

"Dad ......."

Mao Leland and Conan were likewise on the yacht.

To be honest, Wang Xiaomeng had spotted these three when they were about to board the boat.

It was unexpected that they were actually together.

To say the least, it was Accord who commissioned both Wang Xiaomeng and Mouri Kogoro at the same time.

Of course, the money was also given to both.

There wasn't any interest, so Mouri Kogoro wasn't that angry.

The only thing was that after finding the murderer, Yakko would pay the other half of the money.

It didn't really matter to Wang, because by the look in the other man's eyes, he seemed to be able to tell that the woman didn't think they could find the murderer.

And invite them to ......

It also seems to be just a formality to go through the motions ......


Chapter 258 - Festivals (I)

"Almost there."

The middle-aged man driving the yacht said, pointing to a looming island not far away.

"It looks pretty close, it's only been an hour now."

Mouri Kogoro said, looking at the watch he wore on his wrist.

"But since you're living on an island, you should have a lot of inconveniences living there, right? I mean it's too far from the modern city."

Mouri Kogoro asked, looking at Shinjiyakko.

"Well, it's only an hour away, but most of the island's inhabitants don't come out much and are generally self-sufficient, with a lot of fishing up there for a living."

Yakko said with a nod.

"Then that murderer is highly suspected to be someone from the island."

Mouri Kogoro reasoned.

Shinji Yakou was undeterred, gazing out over the island in the distance.


It took about ten minutes for the yacht to dock slowly.


Just after stopping the boat, Wang Xiaomeng sprang like lightning onto the wooden plank on the side of the mooring alley.

However, because of seasickness, he stumbled and almost fell into the water, it was good that he hastily stabilized himself after reacting, otherwise it would be really embarrassing.

"It's good to be alive ...... ......"

Wang Xiaomeng closed his eyes slightly and began to banish the nausea that came from the seasickness.

It didn't get a little better until Mauilan handed him a citrus peel, so he covered his nose with it.


Wang Xiaomeng looked at the citrus peel in his hand after thanking Mauilan and asked, "Why do you still have the citrus peel?"

"Well ...... this, I've heard people say that it's much better to cover your nose with this if you get carsick or seasick, although I don't get seasick much, but considering if Conan gets seasick too, then this will be useful."

Mouilan smiled and stroked the side of Conan's hair.

The other looked happy.

"It seems that Ran still cares about me ......"

Conan thought of it this way.

"Uh ...... then why didn't you just give me ...... on the boat?"

Wang Xiaomeng couldn't help but ask after thinking about it.

"That ...... I forgot ......"

Mauryan's face swished red.


Hearing this answer, Wang Xiaomeng was not surprised.

His first reaction was that it was rightfully so.

It was just like Vibaozi and Carole.

And Mauilan was still a girl, it wasn't too much to forget something, right?

"Ranma-san, what do you think that is?"

Conan, who was on the other side of the room, noticed that something was wrong and hastily distracted Maoran's attention, pointing to a large float a short distance away and shouting.


Likewise, Mouri Kogoro also saw it, and there was slight confusion in his eyes.

Makoto Yakko, who was accompanying her, saw the situation and spoke up, "That's the prop that was prepared for the festival, and besides that, there are many more of those kinds of floats."


Mouri Kogoro just gave a faint response after hearing that and lost interest.

For him, there was nothing worth paying attention to other than beautiful women.

"That, please follow me."

With a glance at the four people behind him Shinjiyakko led the group towards the center of the island.

Although the island wasn't large, it was quite populated.

At least there were close to two hundred people living on this island.

And Wang Xiaomeng and the others followed Zenith Yagaku to the house on the side of her house.

"This is the house where we entertain foreign travelers, you guys will rest here, there will be a festival around noon, someone will come and call out to you, and then ......"

At this point, Shinjiyakko paused without saying anything further, and the meaning was clear.

Mouri Kogoro and Wang Xiaomeng nodded, after all, they weren't really here to travel.

But for now, some of the most crucial things were simply unknown.

This was the conclusion Wang Xiaomeng came to.

It was necessary to know what purpose the person who wrote the advance letter of murder carried.

Whether the nature was revenge or something else was unclear.

Thinking of this, Wang Xiaomeng looked at Conan's friend, who was stroking his chin and pondering over something.

If he couldn't find a clue, then it would be right to follow Conan.

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